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Presentation on theme: "QUIZ IS ON THURSDAY, MAY 7th"— Presentation transcript:

Ecology Quiz on Lesson 1, “Living Things and the Environment” and Lesson 2, “Studying Populations” Use the review power point and the study guide to prepare for the quiz.

2 Lesson 1: Living Things and the Environment
Know the following vocabulary words: Abiotic Factors Biotic Factors Ecology Habitat Species Population Community Ecosystem

3 What are the biotic factors in the pictures below?
Biotic: The living parts of a habitat clown fish sea anemone panda bamboo plants

4 What are the abiotic factors in the pictures below?
Abiotic: The non-living parts of a habitat water temperature of water oxygen (dissolved in the water) oxygen (air) sunlight soil or dirt temperature

5 Tell whether the organism is abiotic or biotic.
rabbit sunlight pebble sunflower water biotic abiotic

6 What is a species? A group of organisms that are physically similar and that can mate and produce fertile offspring.

7 What is a population? All the members of one species in a particular area.

8 What is a community? All the different populations that live together in an area.

9 What is an ecosystem? A community of organisms that live in an area along with their non living surroundings.

10 What is ecology? The study of how living things interact with each other and their environment.

11 Ecological Organization
Biome Larger Ecosystem Community Population Smaller Single organism

12 Tell whether the following are a single organism, population, or community
All the ladybugs in Robbinsville, NJ Zebras All the flamingoes in Miami, Fl All the prairie dogs, hawks, grasses, badgers, and snakes found on the prairie Honey bees population single organism community

13 Lesson 2: Studying Populations
Know the following vocabulary words: Birth Rate Emigration Limiting Factors Immigration Death Rate Carrying Capacity Population Density

14 Determining Population Size
What are the four basic methods that ecologists use to determine population size? Direct observation Indirect observation Sampling Mark and recapture studies

15 Determining Population Size
Determining the size of ant population by knowing the number of ants that inhabit one ant hill, and then observing how many ant hills are in one particular area. What method of study is this? Indirect observation

16 Determining Population Size
Ecologists estimate the size of the rainbow trout population in a lake by catching a small sample, tagging them and then releasing them. They come back three weeks later and catch another sample noting how many trout have tags, and how many do not. What method of study is this? Mark and recapture studies

17 Determining Population Size
Determining the number of frogs in a pond by counting all of them individually. Direct Observation

18 Determining Population Size
Estimating the number of daisies in a 100 square meter meadow by counting the daisies in a 10 meter by 10 meter plot, and then multiplying by 100. Sampling

19 Identify the study: direct observation, indirect observation, mark-and-recapture, or sampling
Counting all the sunflowers in the field Calculating the population of messenger pigeons by capturing and marking them, releasing them to the wild, and returning at a later date to capture more. Using the average number of bees usually found in a hive and multiplying by the number of hives in an area. Counting the number of June bugs in a one square meter of a meadow and multiplying by the total area of the meadow to estimate the total number of June bugs. Direct observation Mark-and-recapture Indirect observation Sampling

20 Changes in Population Size
What is birth rate? Number of births in a population over time. What is death rate? Number of deaths in a population over time. What is immigration? New members move into a population. What is emigration? Members leave the population.

21 Changes in Population Size
Using the following key terms: birth rate, death rate, emigration, and immigration, answer the following questions. Which two allow a population to increase? Birth Rate Immigration Which two allow a population to decrease? Death Rate Emigration

22 What is the formula for population density?
# of individuals Population density = unit area Population density is the number of individuals in a specific area.

23 Population Density An ecologist sets out to find out how many oak trees are in a forest that is 1000 square meters (m2). He marks off a 20 square meter plot and counts 5 oak trees in his plot. Calculate the population density per square meter (m2) in the 20 square meter plot. 5 oaks = 0.25 oaks per square meter (m2) 20 square meters (m2)

24 Population Density What would be a good estimate of the number of oak trees in the entire 1000 square meter forest? 5 oaks per 20 square meter (0.25) x 100 = 25 oaks in the forest

25 What are limiting factors?
An environmental factor that causes a population to decrease. What are examples of limiting factors? Food and Water Space Weather

26 What is carrying capacity?
The largest population that an area can support. Determined by the limiting factors that are present.

27 Use the diagram to answer each question.
Questions: How was the falcon population changing from 1997 to 2000? Which letter marks the peak of the falcon population? What was the falcon population in 1994? C Decreasing B A Letter C About 400 falcons

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