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Living Things and the Environment

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Presentation on theme: "Living Things and the Environment"— Presentation transcript:

1 Living Things and the Environment
Chapter 8 Lesson 1 Living Things and the Environment

2 Chapter 8 Big Question:

3 Chapter 8 Big Question: How do living things affect one another?

4 Vocabulary Organism Habitat Biotic factor Abiotic factor Species
Population Community Ecosystem Ecology

5 What does an organism get from it’s environment?

6 What does an organism get from it’s environment?

7 What does an organism get from it’s environment?
Food Water

8 What does an organism get from it’s environment?
Food Water Shelter

9 What does an organism get from it’s environment?
Food Water Shelter Other things it needs to live, grow, and reproduce

10 What does an organism get from it’s environment?
Food Water Shelter Other things it needs to live, grow, and reproduce An environment that provides these needs to an organism is called it’s ___________________

11 What does an organism get from it’s environment?
Food Water Shelter Other things it needs to live, grow, and reproduce An environment that provides these needs to an organism is called it’s HABITAT

12 What are the two parts of an organism’s habitat?

13 What are the two parts of an organism’s habitat?

14 What are the two parts of an organism’s habitat?
BIOTIC FACTORS Parts of the habitat that are living, or were once living

15 What are the two parts of an organism’s habitat?
BIOTIC FACTORS Parts of the habitat that are living, or were once living Interact with an organism in it’s habitat

16 What are the two parts of an organism’s habitat?
BIOTIC FACTORS Parts of the habitat that are living, or were once living Interact with an organism in it’s habitat Examples: bears, grass, birds, fish, insects, plants, etc.

17 What are the two parts of an organism’s habitat?
BIOTIC FACTORS Parts of the habitat that are living, or were once living Interact with an organism in it’s habitat Examples:

18 What are the two parts of an organism’s habitat?
BIOTIC FACTORS Parts of the habitat that are living, or were once living Interact with an organism in it’s habitat Examples: bears, grass, birds, fish, insects, plants, etc. ABIOTIC FACTORS

19 What are the two parts of an organism’s habitat?
BIOTIC FACTORS Parts of the habitat that are living, or were once living Interact with an organism in it’s habitat Examples: bears, grass, birds, fish, insects, plants, etc. ABIOTIC FACTORS Parts of the habitat that are non-living

20 What are the two parts of an organism’s habitat?
BIOTIC FACTORS Parts of the habitat that are living, or were once living Interact with an organism in it’s habitat Examples: bears, grass, birds, fish, insects, plants, etc. ABIOTIC FACTORS Parts of the habitat that are non-living

21 What are the two parts of an organism’s habitat?
BIOTIC FACTORS Parts of the habitat that are living, or were once living Interact with an organism in it’s habitat Examples: bears, grass, birds, fish, insects, plants, etc. ABIOTIC FACTORS Parts of the habitat that are non-living Examples:

22 What are the two parts of an organism’s habitat?
BIOTIC FACTORS Parts of the habitat that are living, or were once living Interact with an organism in it’s habitat Examples: bears, grass, birds, fish, insects, plants, etc. ABIOTIC FACTORS Parts of the habitat that are non-living Examples: oxygen, water, temperature, soil, etc.

23 How is an ecosystem organized?

24 How is an ecosystem organized?
Organisms do not live all alone in their habitats

25 How is an ecosystem organized?
Organisms do not live all alone in their habitats Ecological organization: Ecosystem Community Population Organism

26 How is an ecosystem organized?
A _____________ is the smallest level of an ecosystem. Ecological organization: Ecosystem Community Population Organism

27 How is an ecosystem organized?
An single ORGANISM is the smallest level of an ecosystem. Ecological organization: Ecosystem Community Population Organism

28 How is an ecosystem organized?
A single ORGANISM is the smallest level of an ecosystem. A ___________ is a group of organisms that can mate and reproduce with each other. Ecological organization: Ecosystem Community Population Organism

29 How is an ecosystem organized?
An ORGANISM is the smallest level of an ecosystem. A SPECIES is a group of organisms that can mate and reproduce with each other. Ecological organization: Ecosystem Community Population Organism

30 How is an ecosystem organized?
All member of one species that live together in one area is called a __________________ Ecological organization: Ecosystem Community Population Organism

31 How is an ecosystem organized?
All member of one species that live together in one area is called a POPULATION Ecological organization: Ecosystem Community Population Organism

32 How is an ecosystem organized?
All member of one species that live together in one area is called a POPULATION A ________________ is all the different populations that live together in an area. Ecological organization: Ecosystem Community Population Organism

33 How is an ecosystem organized?
All member of one species that live together in one area is called a POPULATION A COMMUNITY is all the different populations that live together in an area. Ecological organization: Ecosystem Community Population Organism

34 How is an ecosystem organized?
The community of organisms and abiotic factors come together to make up an __________________. Ecological organization: Ecosystem Community Population Organism

35 How is an ecosystem organized?
The community of organisms and abiotic factors come together to make up an ECOSYSTEM. Ecological organization: Ecosystem Community Population Organism

36 How is an ecosystem organized?
The study of how organisms interact with each other and with their environment is called ______________.

37 How is an ecosystem organized?
The study of how organisms interact with each other and with their environment is called ECOLOGY.

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