Sexuality By: Courtney Schultz.

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Presentation on theme: "Sexuality By: Courtney Schultz."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sexuality By: Courtney Schultz

2 Menu Definitions Normal Aspect Sexual Culture Sexual Identity
Identity Styles Sexual Firsts Heterosexual Sexual Script Homosexual Disclosure Self-Stimulation Contraceptives Web Links

3 Definitions The condition of being characterized and distinguished by sex. Concern with or interest in sexual activity. Sexual character or potency.

4 Normal Aspect Much about adolescent sexuality are:
Problems Adolescent pregnancy Sexually transmitted diseases Sexuality is a normal part of adolescence

5 Sexual Culture 50 years ago – sex strictly for married
Today – enormous increase in pregnancy among unmarried Most Americans are undecided about sex, but it’s everywhere Tension between parents and kids Most prevalent in the United States

6 Sexual Identity Many aspects to developing: Managing sexual feelings
Developing new forms of intimacy Learning skills to regulate sexual behavior Involves: Sexual orientation Homosexual Heterosexual Bisexual Activities, interests, and styles of behavior

7 5 Sexual Identity Styles
Sexually naïve – low self-esteem, high sex anxiety, virgins Sexually unassured – low self-esteem, feel unattractive Sexually competent – confident, comfortable with sexual behavior Sexually adventurous – explore sexual options Sexually driven – lots of experience

8 Sexual Behavior – Age of Firsts
Male 1st kiss – 13.9 1st French – 14.6 Touch breast – 14.9 Touch penis – 15.7 Touch vagina – 15.4 Intercourse – 16.3 Oral sex – 16.9 Female 1st kiss – 15.0 1st French – 15.5 Touch breast – 16.2 Touch penis – 16.6 Touch vagina – 16.4 Intercourse – 17.0 Oral sex – 17.8

9 Heterosexual Progression
In one study Progression consistent Kissing precedes petting Petting precedes sexual intercourse Intercourse precedes oral sex

10 Heterosexual Trends Percent who say they have had sexual intercourse increased dramatically Proportion of female college student who report they had intercourse increased more rapidly than males Initial base for males was greater

11 Heterosexual Incidence
National survey by Guttmacher Inst. 8 in 10 girls and 7 in 10 boys are virgins at age 15 Probability of adolescent sex increases with age Initial sexual intercourse usually occurs about 8 years before marriage

12 Sexual Script Stereotyped pattern of role prescriptions for how individuals should behave sexually Differences in male and female sexual scripts often cause problems as adolescent is working out sexual identities

13 “Reasons for having Sex”
National survey of 12 to 18 year olds A boy is pressuring them They think they are ready They want to be loved They don’t want people to tease them for being a virgin

14 Risk Factors Under age of 16, most adolescents are ineffective users of contraceptives Teen pregnancy and STDs Early sexual activity linked to: Excessive drinking, drug use, delinquency, and school-relate problems

15 Girls Risks In a longitudinal study:
Sexual involvement in girls leads to Depression Lower self-esteem More sexual activity Lower grades Sexual involvement in boys leads to: Substance abuse Extensive sexual activity

16 Homosexual Stats Alfred Kinsey pioneered much research:
1 percent report being bisexual Sexual attractions to both sexes Between 2 & 5 report being homosexual Active homosexuals even lower

17 Causes of Homosexuality
No firm answers available Recent research suggests biological basis Hormone, brain, and twin studies A very early critical period might influence sexual orientation No one factor as cause

18 Homosexual Progression
Not all, but most follow this pathway: Quietly struggle with same-sex attractions in childhood Recognition of homosexual in mid to late adolescence Majority experience some degree of other-sex attractions

19 Defenses against Labeling
“I guess I was drunk” “It was just a phase I was going through” “I was lonely” “I was just curious” “I just love her and not all girls”

20 Disclosure Parents are seldom 1st to hear
Mother usually told before fathers Mothers more likely to know 50 to 60 percent have disclosed to at least one sibling 1st person is usually a friend

21 Discriminations Homophobia – having irrational feelings against homosexuals Passing – process of hiding one’s sexual identity

22 Possible Link Big concern with link between suicide risk and sexual orientation 15 percent of homosexuals have attempted suicide Compared to 7% heterosexual

23 Self-Stimulation No matter the sexual orientation
Adolescents confront increasing arousal Youths who are not dating or engaging in intercourse deal with Self-stimulation or masturbation

24 Masturbation Most frequent sexual outlet Today teens not as guilty
As few as 15 percent are ashamed Twice as many males as females said they had masturbated No association between sexual adjustment and masturbation

25 Contraceptives Adolescents have increased use
Most common form is condom Adolescent girls most common form is the pill 1/3 of girls who rely on the pill, also rely on condoms

26 Web Links Main source – Adolescence by Santrock

27 Menu Definitions Normal Aspect Sexual Culture Sexual Identity
Identity Styles Sexual Firsts Heterosexual Sexual Script Homosexual Disclosure Self-Stimulation Contraceptives Web Links

28 THE END I hope you enjoyed my multimedia Have a great day 

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