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CFA Week 2 Working alone, answer each of the questions using a capital letter.

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1 CFA Week 2 Working alone, answer each of the questions using a capital letter.

2 1.Which of these is considered an effect of the Agricultural or Neolithic Revolution? A. the end of the Ice Age created a climate better for farming B. the competition for wild game and plants became fiercer C. people could now settle in towns and cities D. agriculture became useless

3 2. What do civilizations use to keep track of taxes and laws? A.cuneiformC. scribes B. hieroglyphicsD. writing

4 3. Which ancient river valley civilization was not protected by natural barriers? A.EgyptC. Indus River Valley B.MesopotamiaD. China

5 4. How was the flooding of the Nile River different than the flooding of most of the other river valleys of the Ancient world? A. The Nile flooded at random times throughout the year and caused damage to many farming villages. B. The Nile didn’t flood, which prohibited the people in Egypt from being able to farm. C. The Nile flooded several times per year which allowed people to have more time to plant and harvest their crops. D. The Nile flooded at the same time every year, which allowed the Egyptians to create a calendar based on the flood patterns.

6 5. Why is our knowledge of the Ancient Indus River Valley civilization limited? A. They left no written records B. We still can’t decipher their written language C. Most people migrated from the Indus region to China before written records could be left behind. D. Being that these people believed in Hinduism, it was against their religious beliefs to write anything down.

7 6. What makes Chinese writing so difficult to learn? A. It has over a million characters B. It has around ten thousand characters C. It’s a mixture of Cuneiform script and hieroglyphics. D. Only a select few people can read and write in China so only a few people are taught the written language.

8 7. How was the Caste System in India different than many of the other social structures in the ancient world? A. People were born into their caste and they couldn’t move upwards in that lifetime. B. A person’s caste decided how they would dress, who they would marry, etc. C. The Caste system was designed around ancient Hindu beliefs recorded in the Upanishads and the Vedas. D. All of the above are correct

9 8. The major teachings of Buddhism are the ______________ and also believe that people can reach Nirvana by following the_________________. A. Vedas / Caste System B. Upanishads / Four Noble Truths C. Four Noble Truths / Caste System D. Four Noble Truths / Eight-Fold Path

10 9. How were the Persians able to create and rule over such a large territory? A. Persians were tolerant of other people’s beliefs and culture B. Persians divided up the empire into provinces to help manage it more efficiently C. Persians built a network of roads in order to collect taxes and make communication easier. D. All of the above

11 10. How was Buddhism able to spread in India? A. Asoka converted to Buddhism and his policies of non-violence and tolerance appealed to people. B. Through conquest, Asoka forced the religion on everyone he conquered. C. Many people converted from Christianity to Buddhism because of the greatness of Asoka D. Both A and B are correct

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