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Early ManAncient CivsGeographyWild Card 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 10 20 30 40 50.

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3 Early ManAncient CivsGeographyWild Card 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Final Jeopardy

4 10 What is the scientific name for man? Answer

5 Homo sapiens

6 20 Answer On what continent do scientists believe that mankind began?

7 Africa

8 30 Answer What does Paleolithic mean?

9 Old Stone Age

10 40 Answer What term means New Stone Age?

11 Neolithic

12 50 Answer Paleolithic man mastered the use of this to help control his environment.

13 FIRE!!!!!!!

14 60 Answer The discovery of this is what shifted Paleolithic man into the Neolithic Age.

15 Agriculture

16 70 Answer The ____________ of animals in the Neolithic period helped early man to stop being nomadic.

17 Domestication

18 80 Answer Archaeologists use this test to determine the date/age of organic artifacts.

19 Radiocarbon Dating

20 90 Answer Stonehenge, pictured here, was built during what period of human history?

21 Neolithic

22 100 Answer What group of Homo Sapiens took over the Neanderthals?

23 Cro-Magnon

24 10 Answer In what river valley did ancient Egyptian civilization emerge?

25 Nile

26 20 Answer Arc of farmable land stretching from the Mediterranean Sea to the Persian Gulf.

27 Fertile Crescent

28 30 Answer This group from the ancient middle east is responsible for spreading the alphabet around the Mediterranean region.

29 Phoenicians

30 40 Answer Kings of ancient Egypt were known as ____________________.

31 Pharaohs

32 50 Answer First written law code, collected by one of the kings of ancient Babylon.

33 Hammurabi’s Code

34 60 Answer What is the name of this, the first written language?

35 Cuneiform

36 70 Answer With the exception of the Hebrews, most peoples of the ancient Middle east were ________________.

37 Polytheistic

38 80 Answer This group conquered the greatest empire of the Ancient Middle East. Their ruler Cyrus the Great released the Hebrews from the Babylonian Captivity.

39 Persians

40 90 Answer This group invaded India through the Khyber pass, suppressing the Dravidian culture.

41 Aryans

42 100 Answer India experienced its Golden Age under the leadership of this group.

43 Guptas

44 10 Answer According to the map, which letter is the Indus River?

45 C

46 20 Answer According to the map, what letter is Sumer?

47 E

48 30 Answer Which of the following geographic conditions was most important to the development of early Egyptian civilization? A. Moderate climate B. Protection by the Libyan Desert C. Location in the Nile River Valley D. Access to the Mediterranean Sea

49 C. Location in the Nile River Valley

50 40 Answer The major line of longitude that runs through Greenwich, England.

51 Prime Meridian

52 50 Answer The latitude line that is exactly half-way between the North and South Poles is called the-

53 Equator

54 60 Answer A topography map which shows how the land looks ( land features) is also referred to as a _______________. A. Political Map B. Language Map C. Population Map D. Physical Map


56 70 Answer Physically the largest continent is Asia and the smallest continent is _________________.

57 Australia

58 80 Answer Geographers would identify China as being part of which region? A. South Asia B. Eastern Europe C. East Asia D. Middle East

59 C. East Asia

60 90 Answer The term geographers use for a narrow channel of water joining two larger bodies of water is _________. A.Bay B.Tributary C.Gulf D.Strait


62 100 Answer India is a large sub-continent located in______________. A.East Asia B.South Asia C.Southern Europe D.Eastern Europe

63 B. South Asia

64 10 Answer Which of these tools from the Old Stone Age probably developed first? A.C. B.D.

65 A.

66 20 Answer Which religion believes in Karma, Dharma, Reincarnation, and the Caste System? A. Buddhism B. Islam C. Christianity D. Hinduism


68 30 Answer This religion was founded by Siddhartha Gautama.

69 Buddhism

70 40 Answer The core teachings of Buddhism are the Four Noble Truths and the _________________________.

71 Eightfold Path

72 50 Answer This route facilitated trade between China and the West.

73 Silk Road

74 60 Answer This Chinese emperor unified China, built the Great Wall, and constructed the Terra Cotta Army.

75 Qin Shihuangdi

76 70 Answer This Chinese philosophy stressed filial piety, education, and following the five relationships essential for a functional society.

77 Confucianism

78 80 Answer Which Chinese philosophy uses this symbol to represent balance and harmony in the universe?

79 Daoism

80 90 Answer This Indian ruler is responsible for spreading Buddhism from India throughout Asia.

81 Asoka

82 100 Answer In which war did Sparta and Athens work together to defeat an enemy Empire?

83 Persian War

84 Final Jeopardy Answer Which letter on the map represents the Aegean Sea?

85 E.

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