Chapter 12. Nero – Emperor of Rome Used Christians as scapegoats for Roman problems Romans distrusted Christians b/c they were different Christains refused.

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1 Chapter 12

2 Nero – Emperor of Rome Used Christians as scapegoats for Roman problems Romans distrusted Christians b/c they were different Christains refused to pay homage to Roman gods Christians refused service in military Nero blamed Christians for fire that destroyed Rome Christians secretly worshipped Peter and Paul martyred Persecuted the Christians in 64 AD

3 Diocletian's name is associated with the last and most terrible of all the ten persecutions of the early Church. Planned to remove every trace of Christianity from the world.

4 Bishop Ignatius of Antioch wrote letter to strengthen Christians St. Ignatius, Bishop of Antioch, was the Disciple of St. John the Evangelist. When Domitian persecuted the Church, St. Ignatius obtained peace for his flock by fasting and prayer. But mostly, he desired to suffer for Christ, and to prove himself a “perfect Disciple.” In a letter begged not be saved from death

5 Bishop Cyprian killed in front of his people for worshipping Jesus Bishop of Carthage who led the Christians of North Africa during a period of persecution from Rome. Upon his execution he became the first bishop-martyr of Africa.

6 Unbelievers were inspired to become Christians Martyrs teach us to never be ashamed of being a witness in our words and deeds on behalf of Jesus.

7 Sister Dorothy Kazel Kazel worked in the Church of the Immaculate Conception in La Libertad, training catechists, carrying out sacramental preparation programs, and overseeing the distribution of Catholic Relief Services aid and food supplies. She was also engaged in working with refugees of the Salvadoran Civil War, obtaining food, shelter, and medical supplies, and transporting the sick and injured to medical facilities.La LibertadcatechistsCatholic Relief ServicesrefugeesSalvadoran Civil War

8 Modern day martyr The five members of the National Guard, out of uniform, stopped the vehicle they were driving after they left the airport in San Salvador.San Salvador Kazel and the three other women were taken to a relatively isolated spot where they were beaten, raped, and murdered by the soldiers. [2] [2]

9 From persecution to peace Early Christianity was illegal in the Roman Empire: Roman Law of tolerance Recognized any religion that predated Rome First Christians were considered Jewish so were protected Split between Jews and Christians barred Christian from synagagues Thus Christianity became a new religion banned Christians must then submit to Roman gods and worship Christians refused to worship several gods Worship emperor as god They were persecuted

10 Emperor Constantine Constantine is best remembered in modern times for the Edict of Milan in 313, which fully legalized Christianity in the empire for the first time these actions completely changed the conditions under which Christians lived. Constantine brought to an end some 300 years of persecution, during which Christians had to worship in secret and faced arrest and martyrdom in the coliseums. He inaugurated a new era, in which Christians enjoyed the power and patronage of the Roman state.

11 A Different kind of witness 4 th century Christians realized: They wanted to make a powerful statement on how to live a good Christian life against sin. Embraced self-denial and moved into the desert alone

12 St. Anthony of Egypt Hermit: a person who lives alone to seek God through prayer, silence and penance. At the age of thirty-five he moved alone to the desert, living in an abandoned fort and began his own life of prayer and penance alone with God. Pay attention to the “interior” life so our relationship with Jesus deepens.

13 Monk – man who lives a life of prayer and takes vows such as poverty, chastity, and obedience; usually he lives in a community with other men. Practices monasticism The basic idea of monasticism in all its varieties is seclusion or withdrawal from the world or society. Self sacrifice for Jesus Lives alone Helps those who are poor

14 Religious Communities Men and women banded together following a common way of life They prayed at scheduled times Read Scripture Performed physical labor Lived lives of poverty Chastity and obedience

15 Confusion from Within When persecution was no longer a threat, a new threat began; Caused by Christians Heresy –false teaching that rejects a truth Heretic – person who believes and teaches a heresy.

16 The Arius Heresy Priest Jesus not God Jesus was created before the world was created This denied Jesus was both human and divine Church believes b/c Jesus is God we are saved

17 Settling matters regarding the Arius heresy Synods were formed; Synods- meetings between local bishops

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