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Warm Up Copy HW Please grab a green textbook and handout from the front Please read page 100 and define adaptation, innovation and cultural diffusion.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up Copy HW Please grab a green textbook and handout from the front Please read page 100 and define adaptation, innovation and cultural diffusion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up Copy HW Please grab a green textbook and handout from the front Please read page 100 and define adaptation, innovation and cultural diffusion.

2 Essential Questions What impact has religion had on our political and social institutions? What happens when different cultures interact with one another?

3 Definitions Adaptation Innovation Cultural diffusion A change made to an existing object or way of doing things Something new; and improved The spread of cultural elements from one society to another

4 Activity Please meet with your group members Read your assigned section…TWICE!!! Each group member should fill in the appropriate section of their graphic organizer Please be prepared to make a two minute presentation on your section to the class

5 Cities/Architecture Capital was moved from _____________ to ________________ In the 11 th century Baghdad was described as “a city with no equal in the world” _____________-place of worship _________________- tower where the muezzin calls people to prayer ____________________- to wash before prayer

6 Court of the Lions, Alhambra Granada Spain

7 Court of Lions

8 Mihrab

9 Taj Mahal

10 Scholarship and Learning “The ink of scholars is more precious than the blood of martyrs” The _____________language allowed scholars to exchange ideas Many scholars gathered at the ____________________ in Baghdad Just like the Greek_____________________, many Muslim scholars used _________ and ________________ to try to prove important truths ________________ was the most famous Islamic philosopher. He said all knowledge came from god and the soul is immortal

11 Science and Technology In the 800’s al-Jahiz presented theories about the __________of animals and other Muslims established _______ Muslim scholars conducted quite a bit of research in the area of ______________ Muslims built __________,_______, _________ and ________ to provide the water they needed

12 Geography and Navigation Measured the earth’s_________________, within 9 miles of its correct value Wrote books and created maps to help with _______________ and________________ Muslims also adapted and perfected the ______________ and ____________ to help with navigation

13 Muslims learned a lot from _____ and ______ Al-Khwarizmi is known as ________________ Arabic numerals helped with ________ and _________ Arab scholars also spread the Indian concept of ____________ Math

14 Medicine Established the world’ first_______________ Muslims surgeons __________,________ and __________ al-Razi, a Persian doctor realized _________ were caused by bacteria and studied _____and ______

15 Bookmaking and Literature Arab had a rich heritage in _______ and _____ Baghdad had more than 100 _________ Perhaps the most famous ancient Arabic story is: ________ Muslim literature was enriched by Sufism, or _____ _____

16 Art and Music Muslims earned fame for their _______ ____ A type of design called ________ took its beauty from the natural world _______ was highest form of decorative art. Arab musician _____ established Europe’s 1 st ____

17 Recreation Muslims first learned the game of _____ from the __________, and wealthy Arabs raised ________ horses to play the game The Persians introduced the game of ________ to the Arabs, although it was probably invented in India.

18 The Golden Web

19 Video Questions 1. Golden Web-trade routes Constantinople, Damascus, Baghdad and Mecca 2.water-grain and food stuffs land-expensive silks, gems and spices 3. Safety….carvaneries (oasis+water and shelter) 4. Religion, Arabic language, business practices 5. RR, ships, airplanes and the internet

20 Closing Activity Which contribution of the ancient Muslims has been most significant to our world and why? Write and then we will share!

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