Miss Pierson Yorktown High School Fall 2009. “We should all be concerned about the future because we will have to spend the rest of our lives there.”

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Presentation on theme: "Miss Pierson Yorktown High School Fall 2009. “We should all be concerned about the future because we will have to spend the rest of our lives there.”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Miss Pierson Yorktown High School Fall 2009

2 “We should all be concerned about the future because we will have to spend the rest of our lives there.” - Charles F. Kettering

3 Career Development There are so many choices… How do I decide!? Fact: Exploring (much the way this class has) is the only way to figure it out

4 Career Development Awareness Do you know what careers are available? Exploration Look up the ones that interest you! You will probably change your mind more than once… Exploration/Decision Making Narrow down your interests Preparation Do what it takes to get there! This includes HIGH SCHOOL PLANNING (yes… even as a freshman)

5 Roles in the process… Teachers - provide the best education possible to achieve these plans so you are prepared for the future School counselors – help you plan your high school years and get where you want to go YOU (possibly with the help of your parents) – exploration! Success in high school classes and activities! Ultimately your responsibility…

6 Main Point What you do during your high school years and how successful you become depends on YOU – its up to you to put in the time to now to get what you want later… Bottom line… High school is different. Your career starts now, based on the decisions you make (grades, classes you take, career choices)

7 Where do I start? Continue doing career exploration inventories (like the one you just finished) Interviewing people you come into contact with….if a job looks interesting… look it up or just ask ! Resource books/videos TV Shows Job Shadowing Career Fairs

8 Where do I start? (cont.) During your ELC (things you can do at school) Check out the Occupational Outlook Handbook online Look at books in the library (in the career section) Visit the Counseling Office – computer room here that you can use to do career exploration Help of Miss Pierson, Mrs. Cooper, and Mr. Vellenga Ask question Career inventories List of career exploration websites

9 “Find a job you love… and you will never work a day in your life.” - Confucius

10 Questions to ask Does this career actually match my interests? What are the working conditions for this job? These might be different than you expect… What is the job outlook for my career? What education is required for this career? What type of program? How many years? What is the average salary for this career? What types of classes should I be taking NOW?

11 Research and Statistics Of the new U.S. jobs in this decade, 70% will require education beyond high school. U..S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

12 Many Ways to Win

13 Workforce Apprenticeships A unique education opportunity where students gain specific skills and knowledge related to a specific trade or craft Training combines supervised daily on-the-job instruction with classroom instruction Military Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard Provide unique career training May offer generous financial aid programs for college Know Your Options

14 Know Your Options (cont.) 2 Year college/program Variety of programs Typically at a community college Successful completion commonly = Associate’s Degree Follow - up: entrance into the workforce Follow – up: transition into a 4 year college 4 Year college Variety of programs Typically at a university Successful completion commonly = Bachelor’s Degree Follow – up: entrance into the workforce Follow – up: transition into Master’s or Doc program

15 What you choose to pursue after high school depends on what you are interested in…. So EXPLORE and check out careers NOW! Fact: High School will fly by… You don’t want to be a senior with no idea of what to do next!

16 Questions about today? = Stop by the Counseling Office Next time: Careers and Income Hoosier Hot Jobs

17 Common Myths You are too young to worry about it You can just decide later Fact: What you are doing now… matters more than ever before!

18 What types of activities can you be doing while in high school to make yourself look better?? MACCICE Program Cadet TeachingPeer Tutoring Peer MentoringPeer Ambassador VolunteeringPart Time Job Clubs!

19 What should my next 3 years look like? Keep in mind, the courses you take now matter when it comes to careers and especially college! Graduation Requirements Diploma types Class requirements Recommended Electives Unrestricted Electives

20 Your High School 4 Year Plan

21 Getting A Jump Start Advanced Placement Courses Honors Courses Recommended Courses

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