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Medieval Feudalism.

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Presentation on theme: "Medieval Feudalism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Medieval Feudalism

2 Invasions, 800s-900s Vikings, Muslim, Magyars
Destroyed Carolingian Empire Results? Chaos Further decline of population, trade and agricultural production Strong prey on the weak Lords (i.e., the strong) began carving up the land among themselves

3 Birth Europeans scared, in constant danger
Offered their only resource—their labor—to the local lord In return, the lord provided them protection Over time, this relationship solidified into a governing system

4 Definition of Feudalism
Decentralized system of governing and landholding Based on elaborate system of obligations and loyalties between lords and vassals Existed by 1000 C.E.

5 Lord Gave Land Received Loyalty Military service Controlled only as much land as he and warriors can personally defend Feudalism provided him with army of vassals to do it

6 Vassal Gave Received Oath of loyalty 40 days of military service
Retinue of soldiers Received Portion of lord’s land to house, clothe, feed, defend himself

7 Fief LAND a lord gives his vassal
Vassal defends and rules fief in lord’s name Fiefs became hereditary (still technically lord’s property) Vassals built castles where they lived and defended fief

8 Feudalism’s Complexities
Every lord was a vassal SUBINFEUDATION Vassals divided up their fiefs into smaller fiefs Give them to vassals of their own Creates the retinue of soldiers his lord requires Vassals could hold numerous fiefs, from different lords (supposedly had a LIEGE LORD) Vassals could and did switch allegiances, fought against lords Kingmostly a fancy title System created private armies all over Europe

9 Rollo’s Fief Realm of Lord Charles The Slow Fief Charles’ Personal Land Fief Fief Fief Oddo’s Fief Paul’s Fief

10 God King Lord Lord Vassal Vassal Vassal Vassal Vassal Vassal

11 Manorialism Medieval economic system
Fiefs supported lords, vassals, serfs (everyone) Manors located on fiefs (several manors on a fief) Manors self-contained and self-sufficientprovided everything lords and serfs needed Manor House/Castle Village (houses, bakery, mill, blacksmith, church) Farmland Serfs (15-30 families)

12 A Medieval Manor

13 3 Orders of the High Middle Ages
Those Who Fight 5-10% Those Who Pray 5-10% Burghers? Those Who Work 80-90%

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