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1968 - 1974. The 1968 presidential election marked a shift to the right in American politics.

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1 1968 - 1974


3 The 1968 presidential election marked a shift to the right in American politics.

4  Increasing women / teenagers = work force  Decline in new machinery  Government regulations cut profits  Vietnam = drained tax dollars = deficit spending  high Inflation / Unemployment  Oil prices up and America used all foreign oil  Raised Taxes and interest rates to stop it

5 Vietnam War biggest foreign policy issue was the Vietnam War

6  Knowledge of Foreign Policy  Preferred it over American policy  Number one priority was gaining peace in Vietnam Thought U.S. should be able to run itself  Vietnamization Withdraw troops  Nixon Doctrine  Honor existing commitments, but Asians / others would have to fight their own wars w/o large bodies of U.S. troops

7 Détente with Russia, China President Nixon tours the Great Wall of China One of Nixon’s foreign affairs goals was friendlier relations with China and the Soviet Union Nixon and Kissinger developed a foreign affairs policy known as détente, which means cooperation

8  Visits China = February 1972  Economic / diplomatic relations  Neither would dominate Pacific  Scientific / cultural exchanges  Reunite Taiwan with mainland

9  Visits Moscow = May 1972  Brezhnev Sell food - $750 million worth – grain SALT (Strategic Arms Limitation Talks) = freezing nuclear weapons 5 year agreement that limited the number of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) and submarine launched missiles

10 Détente with Russia From 1972 to 1974, tensions between the U.S. and the Soviet Union eased

11  Nixon appoints 4 conservative justices  Tried to stop the “meddling” Warren Court  Warren E. Burger = Burger Court Liberal rulings  Roe v. Wade (1973) Legalized abortion

12  Increased entitlements  Food Stamps  Medicaid  Supplemental Security Income (SSI)  Increase in Social Security = Cost of Living Hiring quotas = Affirmative Action  Opened opportunities for minorities / women

13  Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)  Earth Day  Clean Air Act of 1970  Endangered species Act of 1973

14  Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)  Working Conditions  Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)  Harmful products

15 Election of 1972 Nixon re-elected in a rout

16 The Pentagon Papers In 1971, a former Defense Department worker leaked what were known as the Pentagon Papers to the New York Times The documents showed how our leaders had deceived Congress, the media, and the public about how the war was going The government had not been honest with the American people

17  Yom Kippur War = October 1973  Syrians / Egyptians = surprise attack on Israel Regain territory – Six Day War of 1967  Kissinger – Sec. of State Cease fire – diplomacy

18  Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries  OPEC = 1960 Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, Iran, and Venezuela  Gradually raising prices  Embargo on oil shipment to U.S. Shortage = Energy Crisis = price  1974  Resumed selling  Price quadrupled


20 What was Watergate? One of the largest political scandals in the history of the United States

21 What was Watergate? The Watergate scandal occurred when the Republicans were caught spying on the Democrats at the Democratic Headquarters

22 What was Watergate? Watergate became a major scandal when President Nixon lied about his role in the break-in and tried to cover it up

23  Senate Committee Hearings  Televised  Nixon denies knowledge  Obstructing justice??  Tape recorded Oval office conversations Nixon refused to hand over tapes  “I am not a crook”   Saturday Night Massacre = Oct. 20, 1973  Fired his prosecutor Fired Attorney General, and Deputy Attorney General

24  Spring 1974  Agrees to release a portion of tapes ( were edited)  Obscenities  July 24, 1974  Supreme Court Ruled = turn over all tapes  3 subpoenaed tapes  June 23, 1972 Conversation with Chief Aide  Smoking Gun tape  6 days after Watergate New about it  Ordered CIA to hold back inquiry by FBI Cover-up  House Judiciary Committee Impeachment Obstruction of justice Abuse of power Contempt of Congress

25  August 8, 1974  Resigns before he could be impeached  Televised   Constitution works Cleaned its own house

26 On August 9, 1974, Richard Nixon became the first American president to resign Nixon Resigns

27  Gerald Ford became the nation’s 37 th president.  More than 30 government officials went to prison for their role in Watergate. Nixon was not one of them.  In September 1974, Ford gave Nixon a full pardon.  There was a public distrust of the government that continues to this day.

28 1974 - 1976

29  Gerald Ford = August 1974  Selected, not elected  Pardons Nixon Democrats outraged  tried to Fix economy by Conserving “WIN” = Whip Inflation Now  Recession Worst in 40 years

30 1976 - 1980

31  Election 1976  Republicans = Gerald Ford  Democrats = James Carter “Jimmy” Peanut farmer Former Governor of Georgia Baptist “I’ll never lie to you”  Carter wins  297 to 240 = 51% of popular vote  Democratic majority

32  “I will never lie to the American People”  Focused on the countries energy and economic crisis  Believed America needed to cut dependence of Foreign oil  Urged Americans to cut consumption

33  Tax on gas guzzling cars  Tax cuts on alternative fuel ideas  Helped a little  Inflation is on the rise  Standard of living is dropping  His popularity is dropping

34  Cut off military aid to those countries who violated human rights  Gave Panama Canal back to Panamanians  Pardoned 10,000 draft evaders  DÉTENTE Falls

35  Economy fails  Inflation above 13%  Very high gas prices and interest rates  Middle east is the main problem  Camp David Accords – first signed peace agreement between Israel and an Arab country, Egypt.

36  QBno QBno  444 days  Ayatollah Khomeini 11929103

37 1981 – 1989 ?v=9RHxSIyViAk

38  Republican = Ronald Reagan  New Right  “common man against big government”  Traditional values = Family  Actor = B grade President of the Screen Actors Guild  Governor of California = 1966-74

39  Democrats = Jimmy Carter  Problems in party  “ABC” = Any body but Carter  Senator Ted Kennedy  Reagan wins  489 to 49  Republicans gain control of Senate

40  Smaller government policies  $ 35 Billion in cuts Social programs = Food stamps cut  Lowered taxes  Assassination attempt in 81’  John Hinckley Jr.  6 shots = all survived U

41  Budget Cuts  Tax cuts  Increase in Defense spending  Supply-side Economics  If people paid fewer taxes they would save more money. Banks could then loan more which would increase productivity Stimulate new investments Boost productivity Economic growth Reduce federal deficit  1982  Beginning = Recession

42  Expand military  Threaten Soviets with new arms race  Missile Defense  Strategic Defense Initiative  Star Wars Strategic Defense Initiative Orbiting battle stations Keep missiles from hitting America

43  Nicaragua  Rebel group = Sandinistas Anti-American Overthrew the dictator  Creating a base for Soviet / Cubans Central America Shipping weapons to El Salvador  Reagan sent military advisers to El Salvador  Sent CIA to help rebel Contras opposing the Sandinistas

44  Republicans = Ronald Reagan  Democrats = Walter Mondale  Carter’s VP  VP Geraldine Ferraro – 1 st female  Reagan Wins  525 to 13

45  Communism continues  Tiananmen Square  Beijing  Government lifted grip on business  Students began to demand freedom of speech and greater voice in government  Protest in Tiananmen Square  Chinese government order’s military to “crush” protests  Tiananmen-Square-massacre.html Tiananmen-Square-massacre.html 

46  Mikhail Gorbachev  Radical reforms Glasnost-openness Perestroika-restructuring of Soviet society Encouraged non-communist governments and democracy in Eastern Europe Reagan Berlin Wall Speech

47  Regan / Gorbachev  4 Summits  INF Treaty  Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty  Banning two classes of missiles from Europe  Allow nations to make on-site inspections  Both sides compromised  End to Cold War  it-happened-25-years-ago-live.html

48  American hostages  Captured by Muslim extremist group = Lebanon  1985 = America secretly sales arms to Iran  Fighting against Iraq  Iran would then help obtain the release of the hostages  Money Iran paid for weapons

49  Violated a ban to give military aid rebels  Negotiate with rebels??  Washington was supporting Iraq  Saddam Hussein  Sold weapons = used against Iran  Reagan claimed innocence

50  Couldn’t balance budget  $ 2 Trillion in National debt  Slow growth of government  Block / repeal social programs  Religious right  Pro-life  Sandra Day O’Connor  1 st female justice  Affirmative Action  Roe v. Wade – 89’  States legislate

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