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Presentation on theme: "Instructional Design F LORIDA A TLANTIC U NIVERSITY."— Presentation transcript:


2 Instructional Design F LORIDA A TLANTIC U NIVERSITY How prevalent is cheating/plagiarism in higher education? Does e-learning affect it? What are the contributing factors? What methods are used? Are there pedagogical strategies for prevention? Are there technologic practices for prevention?

3 Instructional Design F LORIDA A TLANTIC U NIVERSITY The Stats What % of college students report they cheated some time in high school. What % of college students report that they cheated some time in college. What % of college students report that they used at least one fraudulent excuse to avoid/delay an academic responsibility. 75-98% 40-70% 66%

4 Instructional Design F LORIDA A TLANTIC U NIVERSITY Profile of college student most likely to cheat: Business and engineering majors Other majors that will work in the business environment Fraternity/sorority members Younger students Student with either low GPA or at the very top Male

5 Instructional Design F LORIDA A TLANTIC U NIVERSITY The jury is out on whether academic dishonesty is higher is online than face-to-face. Multiple research papers have drawn varying conclusions ranging from more prevalent, the same or even less prevalent.

6 Instructional Design F LORIDA A TLANTIC U NIVERSITY Contributors Peer pressure – “Others do” or “But, I need your help” – Competitiveness/Pressure for grades Course design – High-stakes or limited assessment – Perception of unfair, excessive demand, insufficient time/practice, unorganized, or “content dump” Instructor – Uncaring/indifference toward student learning/success – Lack of concern regarding academic integrity

7 Instructional Design F LORIDA A TLANTIC U NIVERSITY Contributors - continued Low confidence Diminished student ethical values – Real world examples of “cheaters” receiving little/no penalty (News) Academic integrity ignorance – Group vs. individual work – Resources as community property or public domain

8 Instructional Design F LORIDA A TLANTIC U NIVERSITY Answers/work from other student Resources during testing – Calculators, phones, iPods, text messages, notes, textbooks, previous tests, etc. Claiming technology problems Hiring surrogate Cut/paste or paraphrasing Submission of previous work

9 Instructional Design F LORIDA A TLANTIC U NIVERSITY Strategies General Online cheating Plagiarism

10 Instructional Design F LORIDA A TLANTIC U NIVERSITY A Delicate Balance Academic Integrity vs. Learning, Intimidation and Respect General

11 Instructional Design F LORIDA A TLANTIC U NIVERSITY From the beginning – Post the policy – Define expectations/ consequences – Discuss cheating/ plagiarism – Repetitive presence – Clarify plan for technology problems General

12 Instructional Design F LORIDA A TLANTIC U NIVERSITY Course design – Multiple/varied assessments – Minimal reliance on remote memorization – Reasonable load – Recognize stress & know/share resources – Sufficient time/practice – Develop on learning community – Clear path to success General

13 Instructional Design F LORIDA A TLANTIC U NIVERSITY Design online protocol Practice test (orientation quiz) Self-test/games to build confidence Assessment settings Delayed feedback Restrict feedback type LockDown Browser Proctoring options Online cheating

14 Instructional Design F LORIDA A TLANTIC U NIVERSITY Practice assignment (introductions) Set a good example Low-stakes/formative assignments to develop skills Assignment design – Non-traditional/up-to-date references – Writing structure/outline – Grading rubric http://www.rubistar4teachers.org – Vary submission types – Timed writing – Breakdown high-stakes writing Follow-up – Summary in timed exam – Reflection of writing process SafeAssignment Plagiarism

15 Instructional Design F LORIDA A TLANTIC U NIVERSITY How prevalent is cheating/plagiarism in higher education? Does e-learning affect it? What are the contributing factors? What methods are used? Are there pedagogical strategies for prevention? Are there technologic practices available for prevention?

16 Instructional Design F LORIDA A TLANTIC U NIVERSITY

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