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Plagiarism - Causes of Plagiarism - Shared Responsibilities - Best Practices for preventing Plagiarism Kye Gon Larissa Ayesha.

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Presentation on theme: "Plagiarism - Causes of Plagiarism - Shared Responsibilities - Best Practices for preventing Plagiarism Kye Gon Larissa Ayesha."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plagiarism - Causes of Plagiarism - Shared Responsibilities - Best Practices for preventing Plagiarism Kye Gon Larissa Ayesha

2 Did you know? The penalties for plagiarism can be surprisingly severe, ranging from failure of classes and expulsion from academic institutions to heavy fines and jail time!

3 What is Plagiarism? Definition Plagiarism occurs when a writer deliberately uses someone else’s language, ideas, or other original (not common- knowledge) material without acknowledging. It applies to texts published in print or on-line, to manuscripts, and to the work of other student writers. Submitting someone else’s text as one’s own or attempting to blur the line between one’s own ideas or words and those borrowed from another source Carelessly or inadequately citing ideas and words borrowed from another source.

4 What are the causes? Discussion Question: What are the causes of Plagiarism?

5 What are the causes? Students may be afraid of failure or taking risks in their own work. Students may be lack of time management ability and making an effort for researching and writing Students may not take the issue of plagiarism seriously. Teachers may fail to report cheating, or may not give an appropriate penalty to students Students may don’t know how to combine the ideas appropriately of other resources Students may think error is natural part of learning. Instructors may not give appropriate knowledge how to write, or they assume that students already know the way of writing documents Foreign students may not know the conventions governing attribution and plagiarism

6 Shared Responsibilities Discussion Question: “What do you think about responsibilities that we as teachers or students or administration should share? What are our responsibilities to behave ethically?” Value academic dishonesty

7 Student Responsibilities Research assignments are opportunities for rigorous inquiry and learning Relevant sources should be analyzed and determined How ideas from resources should be drawn or phrased Sources should be cited They should consult with instructors how to put contributions of others to their thought and writing

8 Faculty Responsibilities Encourage students to investigate and analyze resources Build support for researched writing State policies for documenting sources to avoid plagiarism Teach how to cite documents and allow practicing skills Engage students in the process of writing to produce materials (notes, drafts, revisions) Discuss problems to documenting and offer strategies of avoiding plagiarism Discuss papers suspected plagiarism Report cases of plagiarism to administration

9 Administrators Responsibilities Publicize policies for conducting ethical research Publicize procedures for investigating cases of academic dishonesty and its penalties Provide support services for students how to cite sources Support discussions of issues concerning plagiarism Improve working conditions Provide opportunities to change the ways to work with writing

10 Best Practices for preventing Plagiarism Discussion Question: What strategies can be used for eliminating plagiarism? Educators Students

11 Plagiarism prevention guidelines for Educators Explain Plagiarism Explain what is wrong about Plagiarism Make the Consequences Clear Start off with Clear Expectation Improve the Design and Sequence of Assignments Assign Specific Topics Attend to Sources and the Use of Reading Have the Students Annotate their Bibliography Work on Plagiarism Responsibility Take Appropriate Disciplinary Actions

12 Plagiarism prevention guidelines for Students Consult your Instructor Plan your paper Take effective notes When in doubt, cite sources Make clear who said what Know what to Paraphrase Evaluate your sources

13 Sources Council of Writing Program Administrators

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