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Presentation on theme: "$100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300."— Presentation transcript:









9 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Castles & Dragons Real Arthur Boogie Knights Holy Grail Quest Lady of Shalott Arthurian Settings

10 Arthur was probably a warlord who led these people

11 Who are the Celts? Who are the Celts?

12 It was most likely Arthur’s real name

13 Arturius

14 The historical Arthur probably lived in this century

15 What is the 6 th century AD? What is the 6 th century AD?

16 It’s the battle in which Arthur was said to have been fatally wounded

17 What is the Battle of Camlan? What is the Battle of Camlan?

18 He described the historical Arthur in his History of the Kings of Britain

19 Who is Geoffrey of Monmouth? Who is Geoffrey of Monmouth?

20 He’s the fatherless character who hides Arthur with Sir Ector

21 Who is Merlin?

22 He’s the father of King Arthur

23 Who is Uther Pendragon? Who is Uther Pendragon?

24 According to a prophecy, it’s what will happen to the person who pulls the sword from the stone

25 What is he will become king of all England? What is he will become king of all England?

26 It’s what the battle between the white dragon and red dragon symbolizes

27 What is the struggle between the Saxons and Britons? What is the struggle between the Saxons and Britons?

28 He’s the English king who invites the European armies from across the seas to help him but who is betrayed by them

29 Who is Vortigern? Who is Vortigern?

30 Raised by the Lady of the Lake, he is the very model of chivalry on the outside but is torn by his love for Guinevere on the inside

31 Who is Sir Lancelot? Who is Sir Lancelot?

32 This knight of King Arthur is known for his tests at the hands of the Green Knight

33 Who is Sir Gawain? Who is Sir Gawain?

34 This nephew of King Mark of Cornwall is known for his harping and for his undying love for Isolde

35 Who is Tristan?

36 Only Arthur and this faithful knight survive the final battle

37 Who is Sir Bedivere? Who is Sir Bedivere?

38 One of Arthur’s greatest knights, he supposedly held his breath underwater for nine days and nine nights

39 Who is Sir Kay? Who is Sir Kay?

40 It’s the vision the knights see while sitting at the Round Table in the story

41 What is the Holy Grail hovering above them? What is the Holy Grail hovering above them?

42 It’s the act Sir Galahad performs down by the river

43 What is he pulls a sword from a stone? What is he pulls a sword from a stone?

44 It’s the two-word name for the Round Table seat reserved for the knight who will find the Holy Grail

45 What Siege Perilous? What Siege Perilous?

46 It’s the reason the old king Galahad comes across in the forest chapel was blinded

47 What is because he dared to look upon the Holy Grail? What is because he dared to look upon the Holy Grail?

48 They’re the two companions who accompany Galahad to find the Holy Grail

49 Who are Sir Percival and Sir Bors? Who are Sir Percival and Sir Bors?

50 The Lady of Shalott spends all day and night engaged in this activity

51 What is weaving? What is weaving?

52 The Lady of Shalott falls instantly in love with this man as he rides by her window

53 Who is Lancelot? Who is Lancelot?

54 It’s what will happen to the Lady of Shalott if she experiences the world directly

55 What is “She will die”? What is “She will die”?

56 It’s what the Lady of Shalott does immediately before she gets into the boat and floats down the river

57 What is she writes her name on the prow? What is she writes her name on the prow?


59 They’re the two cereal grains that lie in long fields on either side of the river

60 What are Barley and Rye? What are Barley and Rye?

61 It’s the name for King Arthur’s great Christian kingdom

62 What is Camelot? What is Camelot?

63 This is the name of Sir Lancelot’s castle in France

64 What is Joyous Gard? What is Joyous Gard?

65 It’s the abbey in which the real Arthur is said to have been buried

66 What is Glastonbury? What is Glastonbury?

67 King Arthur was born in this castle of Igraine

68 What is Tintagel? What is Tintagel?

69 It’s the legendary city where Galahad found the Holy Grail

70 What is Sarras? What is Sarras?









79 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 Sources for Arthur “The Round Table” Before and After Literary Romance “Lancelot du Lake” “The Last Battle”

80 It’s the animated Disney movie showing Arthur’s childhood with Merlin

81 What is The Sword in the Stone? What is The Sword in the Stone?

82 He’s the author of the famous book Le Morte D’Arthur

83 Who is Sir Thomas Malory? Who is Sir Thomas Malory?

84 It’s the title location of a famous Lerner and Loewe musical about King Arthur

85 What is Camelot? What is Camelot?

86 It’s T.H. White’s book whose title plays on the prophecy that King Arthur will someday return

87 What is The Once and Future King? What is The Once and Future King?

88 Besides “The Lady of Shalott” Alfred, Lord Tennyson wrote this longer work dealing with King Arthur

89 What is Idylls of the King? What is Idylls of the King?

90 It’s the character with whom Arthur is talking when he gets the idea for the Round Table

91 Who is Guinevere? Who is Guinevere?

92 It’s the three-word saying that becomes the slogan for the knights of the Round Table

93 What is “Might for Right”? What is “Might for Right”?

94 It’s how Merlin taught Arthur to think in new, innovative ways

95 What is “By changing him into animals”? What is “By changing him into animals”?

96 In French, it’s how Lancelot would answer the question, “Who is the greatest knight in the world?”

97 What is “C’est Moi”? What is “C’est Moi”?

98 It’s the metaphor Arthur uses to describe a thought he’s having difficulty expressing

99 What is a mountain that disappears the closer he gets to it? What is a mountain that disappears the closer he gets to it?

100 It’s the time period during which the literary romance developed

101 What is the Middle Ages? What is the Middle Ages?

102 The literary romance originated in this European country

103 What is France? What is France?

104 Romances celebrated the ideals of this knightly code

105 What is Chivalry? What is Chivalry?

106 Romances were first sung by these wandering minstrels

107 What are Troubadours? What are Troubadours?

108 It’s why the literary romance is called a romance

109 What is because it was originally written in a Romance language? What is because it was originally written in a Romance language?

110 Instead of finding an abbey in the forest, this happens to Lancelot instead

111 What is he finds himself in bed with Sir Belleus? What is he finds himself in bed with Sir Belleus?

112 While Lancelot is sleeping he is seen by this many queens

113 What is Four?

114 He’s the nephew of Sir Lancelot who first accompanies him

115 Who is Sir Lionel? Who is Sir Lionel?

116 Any one of the three Round Table knights whom Lancelot fights in the story

117 Who is Sir Modred, Sir Madore, or Sir Gahalantyne? Who is Sir Modred, Sir Madore, or Sir Gahalantyne?


119 Lancelot enters a tournament as the champion of this good king who later becomes a Round Table knight

120 Who is King Bagdemagus Who is King Bagdemagus

121 He is said to rest in “a close neither of iron nor steel nor timber nor of stone, but of air without any other thing, by enchantment so strong that it may never be undone while the world endures”

122 Who is Merlin?

123 Lancelot has been banished from Camelot for killing the two brothers of this knight

124 Who is Sir Gawain? Who is Sir Gawain?

125 He’s the nephew of Arthur who usurps Arthur’s throne

126 Who is Sir Mordred? Who is Sir Mordred?

127 It’s what Sir Bedivere sees the second time he takes Excalibur to the lake

128 What is nothing? What is nothing?

129 After his death, Arthur was taken to this island where his wounds would be healed

130 What is Avalon? What is Avalon?

131 He’s the legendary Christian monarch who earned success with his play Death of a Salesman

132 Who is King Arthur Miller? Who is King Arthur Miller?

133 It’s the musical in which linguistics expert Henry Higgins teaches Vivien how to outwit Merlin

134 What is My Fair Lady of the Lake? What is My Fair Lady of the Lake?

135 In their spare time, the knights play this game involving a small celluloid ball and handheld paddles

136 What is Round Table Tennis? What is Round Table Tennis?


138 This Indiana University basketball coach has a protective outer covering that is glinting in the sunlight

139 Who is Bobby Knight in Shining Armor? Who is Bobby Knight in Shining Armor?

140 This sister of King Arthur originally starred as the aspiring actress kidnapped by King Kong

141 Who is Morgana le Fay Wray? Who is Morgana le Fay Wray?


143 Answers will vary 1)He who pulls the sword from the stone will be king of all England 2)Merlin will awaken one day 3)Arthur will one day return

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