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Main clauses, sub-clauses and conjunctions. What is a main clause? A main clause is a clause that can stand by itself and still make sense. Example: Dan.

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Presentation on theme: "Main clauses, sub-clauses and conjunctions. What is a main clause? A main clause is a clause that can stand by itself and still make sense. Example: Dan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Main clauses, sub-clauses and conjunctions

2 What is a main clause? A main clause is a clause that can stand by itself and still make sense. Example: Dan got a good grade in English because he studied hard. What is the main clause? What is the rest of the sentence? It is a subordinate clause Don’t panic- an explanation is coming up…

3 What is a subordinate clause? (aka sub-clause) A group of words that has both a subject and a verb but cannot stand alone as a sentence.

4 What is a conjunction? A conjunction= מילת קישור 1.Coordinating conjunctions 2.Subordinating conjunctions

5 Conjunctions (Connectors) Coordinating Conjunctions connect main clauses: and, but, or, so, for, yet, nor Subordinating Conjunctions connect a main clause to a sub-clause: Although, though, because, unless, until, since, as long as, after, before…

6 What is a ‘Relative Clause’ A relative clause is a sub-clause מדוע משתמשים בו? כשאנו מדברים על אנשים, חפצים, אנו צריכים לעיתים להוסיף עוד מידע עליהם או "להגדיר" אותם. When we write a relative clause we use a word called :a relative pronoun.

7 Relative Pronouns * Who (people) The woman who lives next door is 84 years ol d. * Which (things) This is the hotel which was recommended to us. * Whose (possession) This is the girl whose sister is a famous dancer. * Where (places) Gil traveled to New York where his grandparents live. * That -can replace “who” & “which”.

8 And now… Let’s practice Grammar Helper: p121-122: Ex. 8+ worksheet in class+ sentences in your notebooks

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