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GET MOVING: JUMP START YOUR WEIGHT LOSS. Share your thoughts: When it comes to exercise, I ___________.

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Presentation on theme: "GET MOVING: JUMP START YOUR WEIGHT LOSS. Share your thoughts: When it comes to exercise, I ___________."— Presentation transcript:


2 Share your thoughts: When it comes to exercise, I ___________.

3 OVERVIEW: Why Exercise? – What’s In It for You? Types of Exercise Suggested Amount of Exercise Per Week What Does That Look Like? Breaking Down Barriers to Exercise

4 Exercise: What’s in it for you?

5 Better mood Better health Control of your weight More restful sleep Stronger muscles Increased flexibility Increased cardiovascular health

6 Share your thoughts: Were you active as a child? How has your answer impacted how, as an adult, you view exercise and activity?

7 A WELL ROUNDED PLAN INCLUDES THREE TYPES OF EXERCISE Aerobic activities like running, cycling, and swimming (even walking counts if done at a fast pace)strengthen your heart and increase your endurance. Strength training which is also know as resistance training (either with weights or just body weight) builds muscle and bone mass, improves balance and prevents falls. Flexibility exercises like stretching and yoga help prevent injury, increase range of motion and reduce stiffness and after workout muscle aches

8 FEDERAL MINIMUM PHYSICAL ACTIVITY RECOMMENDATIONS - ACSM/AHA Aerobic: Physical activity for at least 30 minutes a day, 5 days per week, or accumulating a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate activity a week. One continuous session and multiple shorter sessions (of at least 10 minutes) are both acceptable to accumulate desired amount of daily exercise. Resistance: Adults should train each major muscle group two or three days each week using a variety of exercises and equipment. Very light or light intensity is best for older persons or previously sedentary adults starting exercise. Two to four sets of each exercise will help adults improve strength and power.

9 Share your thoughts: What type of activity/exercise is the most fun for you?

10 Exercise can be anything that gets your body moving.

11 HIIT THE GROUND RUNNING: AND BURN BABY BURN THOSE POUNDS AWAY High Intensity Interval Training is a type of physical training that involves bursts of high intensity exercise. This high intensity movement is alternated with periods of rest or low intensity exercise. Benefits of Adding HIIT to Your Workout Routine Shorter workout time required Can increase metabolism and burn more calories for up to 24 hours after the session is over Time periods of work and rest can be adjusted to fitness level

12 How is HIIT done? Warm up 3 - 4 min BURST: 45 SECONDS Rest / Light activity to catch breath REPEAT X 4-8 sessions Cool Down Stretches

13 TYPES OF EXERCISES FOR INTERVAL TRAINING 1. Alternate run/walk (treadmill or outdoors) 2. Run the stairs. Rest for a period of time. Do it again. 3. Jumping jacks 4. Jumping rope 5. Squat with a shoulder press 6. Burpees 7. Swimming




17 WORKOUT: HOW TO MAKE IT A GOOD ONE Before Your Workout ~ To give your body enough fuel to get through the workout, eat a snack ½ hour before the workout starts (apple and almond butter, or plain Greek yogurt and berries.) Warm up 3-5 minutes at the start of the session. Important to prep your body for exercise. (Minimizes risk of injury.) Concentrate on active exercises that use the same muscles you will be using in the workout. Cool down 3-5 minutes at the end. Should be stretches. Minimizes muscle aches and pains after a workout. After the Workout ~ Have a snack of protein and non-starchy carbohydrates (protein powder shake with berries, or chicken and mixed vegetables). The protein is needed to repair your muscles.

18 BENEFITS OF YOGA Aid with feelings of well-being In a group of avid yoga practioners, doing one hour of yoga balancing poses helped them raise their levels of the brain chemical GABA (low levels are linked with depression) by 27 percent as compared with a group who read quietly, reported a study from Boston University School of Medicine and McLean Hospital. Easier and Longer Sleep Insomniacs fell asleep 15 minutes faster and slept an hour longer each night after two months of doing a 45-minute series of yoga poses daily before bed time.

19 BENEFITS OF YOGA Body Satisfaction Research from the University of California in Berkeley found that women who regularly practiced yoga rated their body satisfaction 20 percent higher than did those who only took aerobics, even though both groups were at a healthy weight. Easing of Tension As compared to yoga newbies, women who had practiced yoga once a week for two years or more released 41 percent less of a tension-triggered cytokine (a type of protein) that can make a person feel tired and moody, says a study in Psychosomatic Medicine

20 Share your thoughts: What is your biggest obstacle to putting exercise/activity into your day?

21 Breaking Down the Barriers to Exercise: I don't have enough time to exercise.

22 Breaking Down the Barriers to Exercise: I don't have enough time to exercise. Ideas: Squeeze in 10-15 minute walks a couple of times a day. Get up ½ hour earlier. Center time with family or friends around something active.

23 Breaking Down the Barriers to Exercise: I have physical issues that stop me from working out.

24 Breaking Down the Barriers to Exercise: I have physical issues that stop me from working out. Talk with your physician to get the go-ahead for activity. Explore seated exercise routines (Sit and Be Fit). Tai Chi, yoga, deep breathing, isolation exercises Modify the exercises m/watch?v=Bqy1xIXX2nc

25 Breaking Down the Barriers to Exercise: I'm too tired to exercise after work.

26 Breaking Down the Barriers to Exercise: I'm too tired to exercise after work. Ideas: Make lunch time count. Work out in the morning. Do a HIIT routine 2-3 times a week.

27 Breaking Down the Barriers to Exercise: I just don’t feel like exercising.

28 Breaking Down the Barriers to Exercise: I just don’t feel like exercising. Ideas: Get a workout buddy, who can help you to stay motivated. Make a dream board with images and sayings of how your life will improve by exercising. Pick activities that are fun for you.

29 Resources: RealHealth data base Healthy Life Coaches Your personal physician Google your area parks and recreation department or your community center.

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