AIM: How did the West imperialize nations during the 1800’s? DN: Practice Regents Questions Imperialism.

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2 AIM: How did the West imperialize nations during the 1800’s? DN: Practice Regents Questions Imperialism


4 This meeting of European countries dealt with the colonization of Africa 2. The Berlin Conference

5 This war between the British and Dutch colonists led to the founding Of South Africa 8. The Boer War

6 The British fought them in southern Parts of Africa 3. The Zulus

7 This horrible practice played a major role in the African economy for centuries 9. The Slave Trade

8 This explorer was not heard from for years before he was found in 1871 by Henry Stanley 20. Dr. David Livingstone

9 This river valley was known as a cradle of civilization in India 25 INDUS

10 This British company laid the groundwork for economic expansion in India 15. The East India Company

11 These Indian soldiers (of the British) violently fought back against the perceived unjustices of the British 4. The Sepoy Rebellion

12 Farmers often sold these on the world market 21. Cash Crops DAILY DOUBLE!!!!!!!!!!! DAILY DOUBLE!!!!!!!!!!!

13 India was often referred to as this to the British 16. The Brightest Jewel

14 22. Balance of Trade If you are exporting more than you are importing you are enjoying a favorable one of these

15 This conflict led to the importation of a narcotic into China 19.The Opium War

16 British citizens in China were able to be tried under their own laws and not by Chinese law under this agreement 17. Extraterritoriality

17 A term used for European nations opening up trading privileges with sections of China 7. Sphere of Influence

18 These violent Chinese protesters led attacks on various British outposts In China 10. Boxer Rebellion

19 This American sea captain sailed into Tokyo Bay hoping that the Japanese would open their ports to trade 14. Commodore Matthew Perry

20 During this period the Japanese modernized their country 1. Meiji Restoration

21 During the 1800’s the Japanese modeled their government after this European power 11. Germany

22 They were powerful banking and industrial families in Japan 12 Zaibatsu

23 18. Natural Resources Japan industrialized in part because of its lack of these

24 5. CHOICE #4

25 6. Answer = Choice #2

26 13. Answer = Choice #4

27 23. Answer = Choice #3

28 24. Answer = Choice #1

29 FINAL JEOPARDY topic Economic Philosophy EACH TEAM CHOOSES ONE STUDENT AND MAKES A WAGER!! This German argued that class struggles were the driving force in world history KARL MARX

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