Monday 27 th January 2014.  To share information about the Year 6 SATs  To explain how the SATs will run in school  To give you information about how.

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Presentation on theme: "Monday 27 th January 2014.  To share information about the Year 6 SATs  To explain how the SATs will run in school  To give you information about how."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday 27 th January 2014

2  To share information about the Year 6 SATs  To explain how the SATs will run in school  To give you information about how you can support your child’s learning at home in the run up to SATs

3  ‘Standard Assessment Tests.’ Also now known as ‘End of Key Stage Assessments,’ or ‘Statutory Assessments.’  These tests are given at the end of each key stage to show progress. They help schools and teachers assess your children’s strengths and the areas they need to work on.  The tests determine children’s attainment in English and Maths – on the day they do the test!  Children are assessed by these national tests at the ages of: age 7 : Year 2, age 11 : Year 6, age 14 : Year 9

4 DateTests Monday 12 th May Levels 3-5 English reading test Level 6 English reading test Tuesday 13 th May Levels 3-5 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test Level 6 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test Wednesday 14 th May Levels 3-5 mental mathematics test Levels 3-5 mathematics Paper 1 No level 6 tests timetabled for this day Thursday 15 th May Levels 3-5 mathematics Paper 2 Level 6 mathematics Paper 1 Level 6 mathematics Paper 2

5  Year 6 children are tested in English and Maths. ◦ ENGLISH:  1. Reading task  2. Grammar and Punctuation test  3. Spellings Task ◦ Maths:  1. Written Paper A  2. Written Paper B (no calculator allowed)  3. Mental Maths test

6  To view past SATs papers please click this link:

7  All children sit the level 3 – 5 tests.  By the end of Year 6, the majority of children nationally will achieve a Level 4.  Some children may not be quite at this level yet, and may be working at Level 3 or below.  Others may be working beyond the nationally expected level of attainment and may achieve a Level 5.  For some pupils, a level 3 may be a real achievement. It is worth bearing in mind that achievement is relative based upon the pupils' starting points.  A very small percentage may be entered for separate Level 6 tests which take place in the afternoon, however the children must still sit the level 3 – 5 paper (and achieve a level 5).

8  Changes to our timetable  Mock papers every week  Intervention and booster groups  Extension groups  Revision books  Support from other adults in school  Encouraging the children to think positively and be confident. They use normal classroom practises to complete these tests.  A small group of children may receive additional support in the run up to SATs or during SATs week. We will discuss this with individual parents nearer the time.

9  Encourage your child to do all of their homework  Encourage your child to read, learn their multiplication facts and spellings  Let a member of Year 6 staff know if you spot any problems with work or attitude  Give your child lots of encouragement, praise and some time to relax  Revise in a ‘fun’ way; with a friend, using the internet, with a sibling or parent.

10  The papers are sent away and marked externally, we do not get to see them once the child has completed the test. We are not allowed to see the questions before the test begins  You will be informed about the results of the tests before the end of the summer term. Your child’s secondary school will also receive a copy of the levels  The children will also be given teacher assessment levels for writing, speaking and listening, reading, maths and science.

11  SATs week begins on 12 th May 2014 so…  Early to bed every night  Healthy breakfast to get your brain working  Come to school every day  Be on time, waiting by the door, so we can bring you into school at the right time  Do all of your homework  Ask if you need any help  During SATs week, please ring school as early as possible if your child is feeling poorly.

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