What comes to mind when you see this man? Let’s ask our classmates: What happened to him? What is on his skin? Would you like to be his boyfriend? Why.

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Presentation on theme: "What comes to mind when you see this man? Let’s ask our classmates: What happened to him? What is on his skin? Would you like to be his boyfriend? Why."— Presentation transcript:

1 What comes to mind when you see this man? Let’s ask our classmates: What happened to him? What is on his skin? Would you like to be his boyfriend? Why would you? Why wouldn’t you?

2 This man has the record for being the most “tatooed” person in the world. It looks like all of his skin is completely covered with tattoos. His name is Gregory Paul Mclaren and he is a 43 year-old man from New Zealand. You can see on the map below that New Zealand is near Australia. What language do people in New Zealand speak? Do you like his earings? How about his necklace?

3 What is this about? What record did he set? What is the website below? What do we do at sina Wiebo? We post comments. We make “blog posts”.

4 This boy set the world record for having a post on weibo that had the most comment-posts. His post was about soccer/football. Many many people had much to say about it! Let’s ask our classmates: Do you often visit this blog (sina weibo)? Do you ever make posts there? What interesting things have you found out about on Weibo? What new information have you discovered there?

5 What do you see here? What do you think is special about this person? Can you guess?


7 The Guinness Book of World Records As you probably know at this time: this social club is about “world records”. When I was young I purchased this book. It had a red cover and it had lots of interesting facts, numbers and strange pictures in it. Guinness World Records, known from its inception in 1955 through 2000 as The Guinness Book of Records and in previous U.S. editions as The Guinness Book of World Records, is a reference book published annually, listing world records, both human achievements and the extremes of the natural world.reference bookworld records

8 Which two countries have the fastest internet speed? Which country has the fastest internet speed ________ Which has the 2 nd fastest ___________? What are your guesses? Ask the people sitting next to you to help you guess. You can ask them: Why do you think __________ has the fastest internet?

9 South Korea #1 …..Hong Kong #2 South Korea has the fastest internet connections in the world. Hong Kong has the second fastest. (CISCO is the world’s leading company which provides networking equipment, devices and services. They make the physical devices that make the internet operate.

10 What is this? What is special or unique about it?

11 This is the world’s fastest computer. It is China’s. What other countries have some of the fastest computers? Does the list on the right surprise you?

12 I think these pictures “say it all”! Let’s chat for a moment with our classmates and ponder: What would happen if you had a dog that big? What would be good/bad about it? (think: food, inside/outside, bites, scare, etc…. )

13 The celebration has changed often during a long period of time. More recently however, the festival came to have a main idea: to celebrate and to honor the following people: –A) saints –B) brave christians who have died while doing good things and helping people –B) holy people in general There are many stories and myths associated with Halloween such as the “Headless Horseman”. The first people to celebrate something like Halloween occurred over 1800 years ago. There is historical evidence that people living in what is now Ireland would come together on October 31 st because there was a god of the dark (and there are other descriptions as well) that needed to be respected. They also believed that souls of relatives could come back from the dead during this time. But since then it has mixed with other traditions and peoples. When I think of Halloween, I don’t think of the Bible or church. I just think it is for fun. It is not treated seriously in the US. People often carve pumpkins and then place a candle inside of them to make a sort of “glowing face”. History of Halloween

14 Children Love “trick-or-treating”! What is trick-or-treating? First what is a trick? What is a treat? To trick someone is like to 骗 them. A treat just means something good or nice that happens or is given to you. So, a piece of candy is a kind of “treat”. So, these monsters are asking: do you want to be tricked or do you want to give us some candy? Of course the adults then give them some candy. The children walk up to the front door of a house, ring the door bell. Then the adults open the door and are “scared” by the children. The children then yell “Trick or treat ! ” The children go from house to house in their neighborhoods trying to collect lots of candy. I remember I loved to try to get as much candy as possible! Kids all love candy!

15 Costumes & Costume Parties Many adults like to go to costume parties on Halloween. You can wear any kind of costume that you want. It is common for people to wear a strange costume and then see if people can guess what you are. Some costumes are easy: a cat or a ghost or a cowboy. Many companies have one special day near Halloween where everybody in the office will come to work with a costume on. You can see in the pictures above that these people have come to work with costumes on. People then work during the day with their costumes on! Many people also like to go to costume parties. They wear crazy costumes and often drink and dance. There are many costume parties on Halloween, but sometimes people have them at other times of the year as well.

16 Questions & Answers Let’s ask our classmates sitting next to us these questions: 1.If you look carefully at the name of this holiday, what can we discover about the meaning of this holiday from the name itself? That is, what does Halloween mean? What did “hallowed” used to mean in the past, and what about “een” this sound? What did these two parts of the word used to mean? 2.What is “trick or treating”, and who often goes trick or treating on halloween? 3.What is a costume? 4.What is a pumpkin? 5.Is Halloween a serious religious holiday, or do most Americans just think it is a fun time?

17 Questions & Answers Let’s ask our classmates sitting next to us these questions: 1.“Halloween” this word contains two parts: “hallowed” like “hallowed be His name” and “een” for “evening”. This means a “Holy Evening”, or an evening of Holy things. 2.Children go from house to house in crazy costume collecting candy at each house. 3.A costume is just a set of strange or weird clothes that makes it hard to know who the person is. 4.A pumpkin is the orange thing up above. 5.To answer this question, let’s go to the next part!!!!!!

18 How important is Halloween to Americans? Let’s put this holiday “in perspective”. Do you know the other holidays? Do you know what they celebrate? What their meaning is? Let’s ask our classmates what they know about them. Let’s get in small groups and try to guess! #1 _______________ What does this holiday celebrate? It celebrates _________ #2 _______________ What does this holiday celebrate? It celebrates _________ #3 _______________ What does this holiday celebrate? It celebrates _________ #4 _______________ What does this holiday celebrate? It celebrates _________ #5 _______________ What does this holiday celebrate? It celebrates _________

19 How important is Halloween to Americans? It is probably the least important holiday I can think of. Do you know the other holidays? Do you know what they celebrate? What their meaning is? Let’s ask our classmates what they know about them. #1 Christmas Celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ #2 The 4 th of July American independence Day – no longer a British colony #3 Thanksgiving Celebrates having prosperity/wealth #4 Easter Jesus Christ came back to life. #5 Halloween

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