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Rules and Procedures for Lake Tapps Students Updated for 2010-2011.

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2 Rules and Procedures for Lake Tapps Students Updated for 2010-2011


4 Lunchroom Entering: –1 st lunch enters through the hallway doors –2 nd and 3 rd lunch enters through the playground doors –Cold Lunch students go straight to assigned tables after sanitizing –Hot lunch students walk in line, sanitize and know what they want.




8 Rainy Day Recess When there is light rain, students still go outside. If they have a waterproof hood, they roam. Those without hoods are still outside, and play under the covered area. Please send your children to school with waterproof coats and shoes. You may keep an extra pair of pants and socks in their backpack. We do not have enough change of clothes for students who get wet and the nurse’s office needs to stay clear for children who are inured/sick.

9 Shared Space Expectations for Rainy Day recess Use favorites folder to access computer games. Wait behind a computer that is being used. At the 5-10 min whistle, you may have a turn. Coats stay around your waist. Ask to use the bathroom, no more than 2 at time. Indoor voices. Stay in shared space, not classrooms.


11 Lake Tapps Recess Rules and Expectations: Problem Solving: Use two Kelso’s Choices: talk it out, make a deal, share and take turns, wait and cool off, go to another game, ignore/walk away. Or, try “Rock, Paper, Scissor” to settle it. Talk to an adult if inappropriate language, threats, physical harm or possible danger occurs.

12 Equipment Rules Jump ropes: Students may use jump ropes on the black top near the fire hydrant for jumping or for the game “Helicopter”, below the knees. No tying each other up, or playing tug o’ war. Jump rope under the playshed, near the basketball hoop closest to the art room, during rainy day recess.

13 Equipment Rules Spindle: One person at a time and must spin themselves. Count to or from 20 from a line that is far enough away that if someone comes off quickly, you’ll be safe. Step off, rather than jump off. Gymnastic Bars: One student at a time. Two turns per student (each time feet touch the ground is a turn, or each time students stop spinning), or a count to 50. Whichever comes first. Students must have contact with the bar at all times. No aerial dismounts.

14 Equipment Rules Big Toy: Walk. No tag on or around Big Toy. Look before sliding down poles or slide. Climb up the rope net only. Climb through tunnels only (no sitting or lying inside, nor crawling out the window area, no climbing on top of tunnels). Double Slide bars: Get on and get moving. Go forward only. Get out of the way when you are done. Slides: One student sitting, facing forward, on the slide at a time. No climbing up or down, nor face first. Get out of the way when you are done.

15 Equipment Rules Swings: Students must go backwards and forwards only, not side to side. Students must sit facing the Big Toy only. No jumping from the swings. While waiting for a turn, students count out loud, to or from 20 (whether or not the person is moving on the swing) and stand in front, but out of reach of swinging feet. No counting on someone who just counted you off. Hula Hoops: To be used by one person at a time, unless rolling between two people (make sure you are close to each other). No tugging or pulling on the hoops. No throwing up in the air or using as a boomerang. Hula hoops are used by the fire hydrant.

16 Equipment Rules Ring Rules One person per stair, on one side or the other, not in the middle. Stand on the top stair, only after the person on the rings is halfway across. You get two tries. That means one free touch back. The next time, you’ll need to drop. You have 10 counts to hang or get across. Then you must drop. If you choose to stay longer, you will be off the chips for that day. Second time in a week = off the chips for the rest of the week. One direction only (from the stairs to the landing). Do not jump down under the rings from the landing. Do not cross under the rings.

17 Wall Ball Before starting their game students should figure out what the boundaries are for their game. Play begins with the server striking the ball with an open hand or fist to the ground and then the ball must hit the wall. The next player must hit the ball before it bounces twice. Play continues until there is a fault. Players are allowed to hit the ball hard, soft, diagonal, etc. as long as it hits the ground first and then the wall and is in bounds. Balls that hit the wall and the ground at the exact same time are good. They are called pops and generally pop up, hence the name. Players are allowed two wins in a row before giving someone else a turn. Faults: Catching or Holding the ball Hitting the wall, before the ground with the wall. Hitting the ball out of bounds. Interference: blocking someone from getting to the ball. If a player gets hit with the ball they are out.

18 Four Square Server “A” serves to “B” or “C”. The ball bounces once in the other square, then the player is responsible for hitting it to any other square. Players must hit the ball with the open underhand method. The server “A” stays in for two wins/two people get out, then returns to the line. There are no holds, carry’s, backstops, spins, time outs, or saves. The next person in line always enters at the “D” square and all other players rotate accordingly. The line votes on faults. Squares don’t vote. Majority rules. Faults: Ball not bounced before it is hit. Liners: Inside line is out, outside line is in. If a ball hits a player, the player hit is out. Hitting the ball out of bounds. Illegal hitting of the ball such as saves, overhand or sidearm hit. Catching or carrying the ball on a return hit. (2 sec + = hold) Arguing with the line results in removal from the game. Poor sportsmanship (“Get him out.”) results in removal from the game.

19 Box Hockey Players are allowed TWO wins in a row and then BOTH players must go to the end of the line. Students may play different types of games (ie: ricochet, golf, etc.). Type of game must be agreed upon prior to beginning. Sticks must be kept below the knees. Use only pucks. Hockey pucks may not be used for any other game (catch, chase, etc). Line votes. Majority rules. The person in the box counts the votes (including their own) and lets the players know. If the puck is hit out of the box, it is placed on the top, closest to where it went out.

20 Box Hockey continued If a player high sticks, they are off of that game for the remainder of recess. Players in line can call someone off the game for high sticking. Standing inside or on top of the box. Arguing with the line results in removal from the game. If the puck is knocked out three times in a round, both players are out.

21 Soccer Played on the grass. Maximum 14 players (7 each team). If there are 15 or more players, then teams of 5 play and the rest line up. Switch teams at goal or 5 minutes, whichever comes first. Line votes.

22 Fliers up Played on the big field, closest to the parking lot. One nerf football per game. 5 throws, then let someone else have a turn. No leather footballs brought from home, nor tackling. You are responsible for where your body goes. If you elbow, slam into, trip, or otherwise hurt another person during the game, on accident or on purpose, you will be asked to leave the game.

23 Basketball This is the only game permitted in the covered area. Student may play under the covered area, but jump rope, etc. must be played elsewhere when basketball is being played. Played on the tetherball side of the covered area during rainy day recess. You are responsible for where your body goes. You may block without touching, slamming into, or elbowing others.



26 Assemblies

27 Library Book Return Books are to be brought down daily with attendance Place books in the cart outside the library doors Mrs. O’Connor will not be collecting books in classrooms


29 Be Prepared Know the rules and follow them Watch for your stop Keep the volume low so you can hear announcements Students will be dropped off at a stop other than their assigned stop if they have a note signed by a parent and a school official only.

30 Be RespectfulUse appropriate language All district policies, including Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB) and drug/alcohol guidelines apply on the bus and at the bus stops. Be ResponsibleKeep your electronics/toys to yourself Bus drivers have the authority to confiscate items and turn them over to principals.


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