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Microsoft Word Basics. Opening Screen Parts Title Bar Displays the name of the program and the current file Contains the Quick Access Toolbar Contains.

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Presentation on theme: "Microsoft Word Basics. Opening Screen Parts Title Bar Displays the name of the program and the current file Contains the Quick Access Toolbar Contains."— Presentation transcript:

1 Microsoft Word Basics

2 Opening Screen Parts

3 Title Bar Displays the name of the program and the current file Contains the Quick Access Toolbar Contains the Control Buttons

4 Quick Access Toolbar Contains shortcuts to commonly used commands. Can be customized. By default, located on Title Bar, but can be moved below ribbon.

5 Status Bar Provides document information Located on bottom of program window Can be customized May contain view buttons and zoom slider View Buttons Zoom Slider

6 View Ruler Shortcut to turn rulers on and off

7 Insertion Point Shows where text will appear when you begin keying Blinking line on page

8 Allow you to move quickly to other pages/sections of document Include Browse buttons which allow you to move through document one page at a time Scroll Bars Browse Buttons

9 Word Ribbon Gives you access to commands. Changes based on the tab you select.

10 Tabs File Tab Menu Groups Dialog Box Launcher Command Buttons Minimize/Expand Ribbon Word Help

11 Document Views

12 Print Layout Default view for Word. Shows how the page will look when printed. This view is good for adjusting margins and columns, headers and footers, and for working with drawing objects, text boxes, and frames. This view may look slightly different from the Print Preview, depending on your printer.

13 Web Layout Shows how your document looks when viewed as a web page. In a web page, text wraps to the window rather than wrapping to the page.

14 Outline The document's paragraph styles are used to create an outline. In this view it is easy to reorganize whole sections of a long document by collapsing the outline section and dragging it to a new location. This is an advantage over the Page Layout and Draft views where large amounts of text are hard to select. But, you must assign paragraph styles to your text carefully for this to work.

15 Full Screen Reading The whole screen is available to show your document in a larger size without the ribbon, status bar, taskbar, etc. At the top you have only the Reading and the Review tools, like adding comments or highlighting. Large images on the page may not fit. Pages with columns or tables may be easier to read in Print Layout. The "pages" are screen pages, NOT how the document will print!

16 Draft Default view in earlier versions of Word (but was called Normal). You can clearly see what you are typing and editing in Draft view. But, you will not see the full formatting. You may see placeholders for the pictures, tables, text boxes, and frames.

17 Print Layout Full Screen Reading Web Layout Outline Draft

18 Characters that CANNOT be used in Filenames

19 Slash or Forward Slash /

20 Vertical Bar |

21 Asterisk *

22 Greater Than Sign >

23 Less Than Sign <

24 Semicolon ;

25 Quotation Mark “

26 Backslash \

27 Question Mark ?

28 Equal Sign =

29 Colon :

30 Keyboard Shortcuts

31 Home To the beginning of the line

32 End To the end of the line

33 CTRL + Home To the beginning of the document

34 CTRL + End To the end of the document

35 Left Arrow To the left one character

36 Right Arrow To the right one character

37 CTRL + Left Arrow To the previous word

38 CTRL + Right Arrow To the next word

39 Up Arrow To the previous line

40 Ctrl + Up Arrow Up one paragraph

41 Down Arrow To the next line

42 Ctrl + Down Arrow Down one paragraph

43 CTRL + Page Up To the previous page

44 CTRL + Page Down To the next page

45 Selecting Text with the Mouse & Keyboard

46 Word Double-click with mouse Hold Ctrl + Shift & press left or right arrow

47 Sentence Ctrl + Click anywhere in sentence

48 Paragraph Double-click in margin Triple-click anywhere in paragraph

49 Line Click one time in margin

50 Entire Document Triple-click in margin Ctrl + A

51 Multiple Lines Click & drag in margin

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