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By Tori Boyle and Ian Woodbine

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1 By Tori Boyle and Ian Woodbine
Virilism By Tori Boyle and Ian Woodbine

2 Virilism Virilism is the development of male secondary sex characteristics caused by male sex hormones, called androgens, excessively produced by the adrenal gland. This disorder can occurs mostly in women later on in life due to an excessive production of testosterone.

3 Glands Affected The adrenal glands are the glands affected when one has the disorder of virilism. The adrenal glands are two small structures that lie on top of the kidneys. The adrenal glands produce many hormones that regulate body functions including androgens, or male hormones such as testosterone. Androgens are produced in normal girls and women, but are not as heavily produced as in a male’s body. When the adrenal glands become large or overactive, excessive androgens are produced, creating masculine characteristics in women.

4 Hormones Androgens- usually a steroid hormone, that stimulates or controls the development and maintenance of male characteristics in vertebrae's. Aldosterone — A hormone secreted by the adrenal glands that is important for maintaining salt and water balance in the body. Cortisol- A steroid hormone secreted by the adrenal cortex that is important for maintenance of body fluids, electrolytes, and blood sugar levels. An imbalance of androgen hormones, caused by the enlargement of the adrenal glands, produces excessive amounts of testosterone in females. The enlargement of adrenal glands is called congenital adrenal hyperplasia and is usually developed at birth or in the womb.

5 Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia and Virilization
This is a genetic disorder characterized by a deficiency in the hormones cortisol and aldosterone and an over-production of the hormone androgen. This is caused by an enzyme deficiency. Because cortisol production is impeded, the adrenal gland instead overproduces androgens (male steroid hormones). The over-production of androgen causes an over production of the male hormone called testosterone. Testosterone is a steroid hormone.

6 Females and Virilism Women with adrenal virilization may develop facial hair. Their menstrual cycles are infrequent or absent. They may also develop a deeper voice, a more prominent Adam's apple, and other masculine signs.

7 Treatment There is no cure for virilism, meaning that once the disorder takes place in the adrenal glands, the glands cannot return the body to normal homeostasis levels. Some girls get surgery to remove the male body parts or are treated with daily doses of a glucocorticoid. Glucocorticoid — A hormone produced by the adrenal gland; this hormone leads to an increase in blood sugar and creation of sugar molecules by the liver.

8 Diagrams and Pictures

9 Diagrams and Pictures

10 Work Cited

11 Work Cited

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