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Local Development Social Inclusion Programme Pobal is a not-for-profit company with charitable status that manages programmes on behalf of the Irish Government.

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Presentation on theme: "Local Development Social Inclusion Programme Pobal is a not-for-profit company with charitable status that manages programmes on behalf of the Irish Government."— Presentation transcript:

1 Local Development Social Inclusion Programme Pobal is a not-for-profit company with charitable status that manages programmes on behalf of the Irish Government and the EU. Trento, Italy 4 th December 2006 Paper presented by Aileen Gilchrist Pobal Ireland

2 MISSION Promote social inclusion, reconciliation & equality Integrated social & economic development Within communities. A not-for-profit company /charitable status Manage 17 programmes on behalf of the Irish Government & EU/7 Dept We support partnership approaches to decision-making Engage communities in the development process at local level

3 POBAL We promote co-ordination –communities/State agencies/ other stakeholders. Encourage piloting of new initiatives. Committed to contributing to policy development through the lessons learnt / programmes we manage. The Board is appointed by the Government of Ireland following consideration of proposals received from stakeholders of the Company & National Social Partners.

4 Economic & Social Context Rapid economic growth /low unemployment. Emerged as one of Europe’s wealthiest countries. Not all have benefited proportionately in terms of income, status or access to basic services

5 Economic & Social Context Poverty & social exclusion/social groups & areas of the country. Agriculture is declining/out-migration & poor transport and services infrastructure. Low-income groups rented accommodation in inner cities, suburbs & towns, with inadequate local services.

6 Economic & Social Context Balanced regional development/challenge. Women’s participation in the workforce/ growen/ still low. Increasing workforce participation has raised pressures relating to work-life balance and care for older people. Accessible and affordable childcare.

7 Economic & Social Context Invest in knowledge-based skills. Challenge/reducing educational under- achievement & early school leaving, & in widening access to higher &further Ed & Train. Skills shortages/ people moving into Ireland from other countries/ now a country of immigration/ cultural & ethnic diversity. New concerns /inequalities & social exclusion.

8 PROGRAMMES Local Development Social Inclusion Programme €48.8m Peace II Equal Opportunities Childcare Programme Dormant Accounts €60m Rapid Millenium Partnership Fund €2m Equality for Women €7m Rural Social Scheme Rural Transport Initiative € 9m 2007

9 PROGRAMMES Interreg P1M2 /Community CCTV Equality for Women Measure Enhancing Disabilities Service Project Integration Fund for Legally Resident Immigrants €3m Community Services Programme/Social Ec Grants for Locally Based Community & Voluntary Groups

10 Core Activities Evaluate Proposal & plans Allocate funding Monitor Performance & Expenditure Assist & Support Implementation at Local Level Support Analysis & Exchange of Experience Identify & Disseminate Good Practice Encourage Integration at Local Level of Mainstream Programmes & Policies-add value Inform & Influence Policy at Local, National & EU level

11 What is Social Exclusion ? Multiple levels of Disadvantage Marginalised –Unemployment –Living in Poverty/Low income –Limited Social Network –Removed from any Decision Making –Quality of Life National Action Plan against Poverty and Social Exclusion

12 AIM To Counter Disadvantage To Promote Equality, Social & Economic Inclusion Support for Partnerships & Community Gps Partnership Approach to Tackling Local Issues Basis of Comprehensive, Integrated, Local Development Plans Designed to Counter Social Exclusion Equitably Target the Most Disadvantaged Individuals & Groups Within Their Areas

13 Evolution of Partnerships 1991-’93Pilot Area Based Response to Long-Term Unemployment – 12 Areas + Pobal 1994-’99Major expansion + EU Financial Support Strategies to prevent unemployment Community Development 2000-’06 Continuation of Exchequer funding Social Inclusion Focus 2007Expansion to all of country

14 Principles Targeting Promoting Equality Community Development Approaches & Principles Partnership Integrated, multi-sectoral responses Mechanisms to mainstream lessons and contribute to policy

15 TARGET GROUPS Older People HomelessEthnic Minorities Migrant Workers Ex- prisoners People with Disabilities Substance Abusers Gays & Lesbians TravellersUnder Employed Lone Parents Ex - Offenders Long term Unemployed Low Income Smallholder Households Young People at Risk Disadvantag ed Women



18 FUNDED GROUPS 38 Partnerships /18 rural 32 Community Partnerships/25 rural Companies Structure Strategic Plan 2000-2006 – Services for the Unemployed – Community Development – Community Based Youth Initiative

19 Services for the Unemployed To improve the Options within the Labour Market for LTU/Most Distant To Support Access to Suitable Gainful Sustainable Employment & Self Employment To Support the Development of an Enteprise Culture/Community Enterprise/Social economy To Add Value to Mainstream Policies and Programmes

20 Practical Supports Information and Guidance Mediation/Job Placement/Follow Up Enterprise-Business Planning/Access to Loans & Grants / Bookkeeping Education and Training Social Economy Networks

21 Community Development To Enhance The Capacity of Disadvanategd Communities to Particpate in Local Development. To Provide Support for Small scale Improvements to the Local Environment & Community Infrastructure. To Add value to the Effective Delivery of Mainstream Policies and Programmes.

22 Community Based Youth Initiatives To enhance the social & personal development of young people ESL/at risk ESL/underachieving. To alert young people to the dangers of substance abuse. To expand the range of community based education & Youth Dev. Opportunities.

23 Community Based Youth Initiative Formal School System/Out of School Early Years Development/Pre School Age Support for Parents Homework Clubs After School Activities Access/Transistion Programmes 2 nd /3 rd Level Training towards Employment/ Pre - Apprenticeship

24 Management Monitoring Performance Support Information Reporting Research Support Policy & Mainstreaming

25 EVALUATION OF PLANS Profile of the area- socio economic/demographic. Quality of the Plan. Specific Targeting of the Strategy & Actions – places/ groups most disadvantaged. Process of Preparation & Consultation. Capacity of the Group to Implement the Plan & Achieve its Objectives:- financial controls practices; ability to set targets and monitor performance; Board’s structures to enhance participation; Evidence of linkage with state organisations and other programmes; Value for money; Performance to date.

26 Achievements Quantitative Results 2000 – 2005. 101,965 individuals support inder Services for the unemployed. 28,130 marginalized people were placed in employment. 12,188 established their own business. 55,051 adults participated in education and training. 257,345 young people participated in educational initiatives. 5,589 community based groups meeting the needs of the poorest people were supported. 1,267 Environmental projects were supported.

27 Benefits Of Partnership Targets areas of most disadvantage; It identifies & focuses on the individuals & groups most excluded and most at risk of exclusion. Accurate profile of the area & it’s needs & a strategic approach to the resolution of those needs; Collective action at the local level in support of activities, which benefit the local area & population; Encourages the inclusion & participation of all groups/local areas; Generates local involvement, ownership & use of local resources; Encourages the identification of new opportunities for economic activity; Through the allocation of funds for the implementation of Strategic Plans it adds value or complements existing services, it puts in place additional support services & tailors innovative projects to meet specific identified needs.


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