What is Ethnocentrism? ethnocentrism Ethnocentrism is a major reason for divisions amongst members of different ethnicities, races, and religious groups.

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2 What is Ethnocentrism? ethnocentrism Ethnocentrism is a major reason for divisions amongst members of different ethnicities, races, and religious groups in society. Ethnocentrism is the belief of superiority is one's personal ethnic group, but it can also develop from racial or religious differences. Ethnocentric individuals believe that they are better than other individuals for reasons based solely on their heritage.

3 What is Ethnocentrism? ethnocentrism Clearly, this practice is related to problems of both racism and prejudice. While many people may recognize the problems, they may not realize that ethnocentrism occurs everywhere and everyday!

4 Examples of Ethnocentrism When storeowners or mall cops follow a person of a certain color around, because they think that person might steal. We often talk about British drivers driving "on the wrong side" of the road. Why not just say "opposite side" or even "left hand side"? We talk about written Hebrew as reading "backward." Why not just say "from right to left" or "in the opposite direction from English."

5 Examples of Ethnocentrism The best religion is ‘your’ religion. The United States has often thought of itself as more powerful, more economically sound, and just generally "better" than other nations. This has been shown by the country's tendency to dabble in situations occurring in other nations, such as the country's current involvement with affairs in the Middle East. Thinking that using chopsticks at every meal to eat is strange, silly, or a "stupid" way to eat. Making jokes about the Korean practice of eating dogs.


7 What is Acculturation? The process of adopting the cultural traits or social patterns of another group. Acculturation is also used to describe the results of contact between two or more different cultures.

8 Examples of Acculturation



11 Culture Shock (6.5) Culture Shock Cultural Differences (5) Cultural Differences Europe vs. USA (1.25) Europe vs. USA

12 What are Stereotypes? A set of inaccurate, simplistic generalizations about a group of people that allows others to categorize them and treat them accordingly. A generalization, usually exaggerated or over simplified and often offensive, that is used to describe or distinguish a group. Stereotypes are based on assumptions that are usually incorrect.

13 ‘SOME’ Examples of Stereotypes Racial & Cultural Stereotypes Black people are good at sports White people can’t dance Arabic people are terrorists Mexicans are illegal immigrants White Americans are fat, lazy and lay around on the couch Grouping Stereotypes These usually take place in Schools Skaters, Goths, Preps, Gangsters, Jocks, etc. Gender Stereotypes Men are stronger than women Women are bad drivers AMERICANS AS OTHERS SEE US….


15 What is your first reaction when you see the following items. Write your response. Back of Pg. 17

16 Levels of Acculturation Level 1 AMAZEMENT  Awareness of superficial, very visible culture traits, stereotypes, etc.  Tourism, textbooks, National Geographic, documentaries, etc.  Interpret as unbelievable, exotic, bizarre, peculiar, etc.

17 Levels of Acculturation Level 2 AVERSION  Awareness of both significant and subtle traits that contrast markedly with own culture  Culture conflict  Interpret as unbelievable, frustrating, irrational, etc.

18 Levels of Acculturation Level 3 EMPATHY  Awareness of both significant and subtle traits that contrast markedly (obviously) culture.  Intellectual analysis provides understanding.  Interpret as believable, cognitive, rational.

19 Levels of Acculturation Level 4 ADOPTION  Awareness of how other culture feels from insider viewpoint  Cultural immersion: living the culture “When in France, do as the French”  Traits are believable because of subjective (biased) familiarity

20 What is your first reaction when you see the following items. Write your response. 1.

21 What is your first reaction when you see the following items. Write your response. 2.

22 What is your first reaction when you see the following items. Write your response. 3.

23 What is your first reaction when you see the following items. Write your response. 4.

24 What is your first reaction when you see the following items. Write your response. Escargot (Snails) 1.

25 What is your first reaction when you see the following items. Write your response. Mariachi Band 2.

26 What is your first reaction when you see the following items. Write your response. Open Air Market 3.

27 What is your first reaction when you see the following items. Write your response. Sanisette (Street Toilet) 4.

28 We often only sense one manifestation of culture and have to guess its meaning. Rarely do we see or feel all aspects of the cultural behavior at once. The same feelings of frustration can be felt when something is happening within another culture that you do not understand.

29 What is Acculturation? The process of adopting the cultural traits or social patterns of another group. The learning of the ideas, values, conventions, and behavior that characterize a social group. The processes of change in artifacts, customs, and beliefs that result from the contact of two or more cultures.

30 Culture-Learning Experiment: Several students put their hand into the sack #1 and describe what they feel. DO NOT LOOK inside! Other students feel the other sacks and describe what they feel. Why is it difficult to determine the item? Is it frustrating? Why?

31 What is culture? Give examples of American culture. Give examples of individual behavior. Why learning about culture can be frustrating?

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