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Improve Your Health Disease-Proof Yourself Jo Jaeckel: www.jojaeckel.usana.com1.

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Presentation on theme: "Improve Your Health Disease-Proof Yourself Jo Jaeckel: www.jojaeckel.usana.com1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Improve Your Health Disease-Proof Yourself Jo Jaeckel: www.jojaeckel.usana.com1

2  Benefits of Being Healthy?  Take Control of Your Health.  Exercise & Relaxation  Nutrition & Supplementation OVERVIEW Jo Jaeckel: www.jojaeckel.usana.com2

3  Why does it matter?  Benefits of exercising: › Emotional benefits › Physical benefits Exercise Jo Jaeckel: www.jojaeckel.usana.com3

4  Aerobic: gym, walking, swimming, cycling, aquarobics, dancing  Anaerobic: Sprinting, Squash.  Combination: Tai Chi, Yoga, Team Games.  Stretching: Yoga, Pilates  Relaxation: Meditation, Autogenics, Reiki. Types of Exercise Jo Jaeckel: www.jojaeckel.usana.com4

5 Basics of a Balanced Diet Food GroupsFunction CarbohydratesEnergy ProteinsGrowth, Repair Fats & OilsEnergy, Protection VitaminsVital for cell functions MineralsMajor ingredient for cell functions FibreHealthy gut WaterBasic Necessity Jo Jaeckel: www.jojaeckel.usana.com5

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7  Fruit and Vegetables  Wholegrains Low GI Foods Jo Jaeckel: www.jojaeckel.usana.com7

8 Water Jo Jaeckel: www.jojaeckel.usana.com8

9 Have 6 small ‘meals’ a day Eat every 3 hours Drink 2-3 litres of water each day Eat 6 – 10 portions of fruit and veg Good fats: olive oil, rapeseed oil, nuts Protein: fish, chicken, pulses, game Low GI wholegrain carbohydrates XNO processed food XNO white flour, rice XNO sweetened drinks Your Healthy Meal Plan Jo Jaeckel: www.jojaeckel.usana.com9

10 Vitamins: Catalyse activities within the body. Fight against free radical damage to our cells. Minerals:  Vital to overall mental and physical well- being. Vitamins & Minerals Jo Jaeckel: www.jojaeckel.usana.com10

11 Healthy Cells = Healthy Body Active Nerve Cell Jo Jaeckel: www.jojaeckel.usana.com11

12 Healthy Atoms = Healthy Cells Cells are made up of atoms Cells seen under microscope Jo Jaeckel: www.jojaeckel.usana.com12

13 Unhealthy Atom = Free Radical Healthy Atom Damaging Free-Radical v Jo Jaeckel: www.jojaeckel.usana.com13

14 HOW DO CELLS AGE AND GET SICK ? Stress Radiation from the sun Environmental pollution Toxic chemicals in the water Depletion of nutrients in the food supply Cigarette smoking FREE RADICALS COME FROM: THE CELLS OF OUR BODIES FIGHT TO STAY HEALTHY AS THEY ARE ATTACKED BY FREE RADICALS. Jo Jaeckel: www.jojaeckel.usana.com14

15 RDA vs ODA?  Recommended Daily Allowances (RDA) are the MINIMUM amount of Vitamins and Minerals needed to avoid deficiency diseases (such as scurvy and rickets)  Optimum Daily Amount (ODA) are much higher than these values. Jo Jaeckel: www.jojaeckel.usana.com15

16 Free-Radicals Damage Cells  Process called Oxidation  Oxidised Cholesterol causes Heart Disease  Oxidised DNA causes Cancer Jo Jaeckel: www.jojaeckel.usana.com16

17 Where do antioxidants come from?  Fruits and vegetables  Nuts, seeds and oils  High quality vitamin supplements Jo Jaeckel: www.jojaeckel.usana.com17

18 Consider what you must eat to rec of 400 IU of To get 400 IU of Vitamin E (v powerful antioxidant) from your food you would need to eat: Spinach 15.0 Kg Sunflower seeds 0.5 Kg Wheat germ 2.4 Kg Almonds 1.2 Kg Safflower Oil 1.0 L Jo Jaeckel: www.jojaeckel.usana.com18

19  How to choose a good supplement Complete balanced blend (over 40 ingredients necessary for optimal health) based on scientific evidence Absorbable- must guarantee to dissolve in stomach (not slow release) Potent- levels much higher than RDA Pure- Pharmaceutical grade not lower quality food- grade containing toxins and impurities Safe- optimal levels. No iron or vitamin A Supplementation Jo Jaeckel: www.jojaeckel.usana.com19

20 THE USANA DIFFERENCE Follows current Good Manufacturing Practices used by pharmaceutical industry 100% potency guarantee Athlete guarantee Superior ingredients Balanced, science-based formulas Accredited team of scientific experts Exceptional in-house manufacturing Jo Jaeckel: 20

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