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1945 - 1960. US recognized USSR in 1933 During WWII the United States and the Soviet Union were Allies…

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1 1945 - 1960

2 US recognized USSR in 1933 During WWII the United States and the Soviet Union were Allies…

3 Yalta – February 1945 *Meeting in the Crimean Peninsula – Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin WORK OUT FUTURE OF GERMANY AND POLAND 1.Division of Germany into 4 zones (British, French, American, and Soviet) EVENTUALLY East and West Berlin develops & East and West Germany develops 2.Stalin wanted Germany to pay $10 billion in war damages – REJECTED 3.US wanted USSR help with Japan (still at war with Japan) 4.Poland was to be allowed to choose own type of government

4 UNITED NATIONS New international peacekeeping organization April 1945 50 nations San Francisco, California UN General Assembly - all nations Security Council – US, USSR, GB, France, China – PERMANENT SEATS

5 FDR died April 12, 1945 Harry S. Truman became President (was VP for only 83 day)

6 Potsdam Conference (Suburb of Berlin) July 1945 Truman, Churchill, and Stalin 1.Continued to discuss future of Germany and Poland (Truman wanted free elections in Poland) 2. Truman told Stalin about the atomic bomb

7 USSR After the War 1.Interfered in Polish elections (angered Truman) 2.Wanted satellite nations – countries subject to Soviet domination on the Western borders of the USSR 3.Supported totalitarian Communist Governments in Eastern Europe 4. Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Yugoslavia and Romania became dominated by the USSR

8 IRON CURTAIN March 5, 1946 – Winston Churchill asked the United States for help in keeping Stalin from closing the iron curtain of domination and oppression

9 United States Soviet Union Cold War – political, economic, and military tensions between the ….

10 Containment Policy Developed by George Kennen – US ambassador to the Soviet Union 1946 Recognized that Eastern Europe was already lost to Communism Called for US to resist Soviet attempts elsewhere

11 USSR threatened Turkey and Greece British could no longer aid Turkey and Greece Gave leadership role to US Truman Doctrine Policy of US to support free people who are resisting subjugation $400 million US military bases in both countries Truman Doctrine (1947)

12 Marshall Plan Nations of Europe to receive economic aid from the US To create strong democracies and new markets 1948 Congress approved (European Recovery Program) – $13 billion in grants and loans to Western Europe

13 Germany 1948 – American, French, and British merged 3 zones to become Federal Republic of Germany (WEST GERMANY) CAPITALIST 1949 – EAST GERMANY – controlled by the Soviet Union Communist Berlin is inside East GermanyBerlin is divided into East and West

14 June 1948 – Stalin decided to block West Berlin from outside aide Berlin Airlift Berlin airlift was initiated by Truman – moved supplies to West Berlin by air Over 200,000 flights 13,000 tons of goods daily Soviets gave up May 1949 West Berlin was owned and operated by US, GB, and France (but was inside Soviet held East Germany)

15 NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Association) Warsaw Pact NATO – US, Canada, Belgium, GB, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, and Portugal Warsaw Pact – USSR and Satellite Nations Collective Security – Mutual Military Assistance

16 2 issues of 1949 *Soviet atomic threat – Soviets exploded an atomic bomb *US began work on a hydrogen bomb China fell to Communism – Mao Zedong – Non-Communists withdrew to Taiwan

17 Cold War at Home… Federal Civil Defense was created. It flooded the nation with posters on how to survive an attack (bomb shelters)

18 Click the turtle advertisement for a Civil Defense Video

19 Cold War at Home Continued… Widespread anti- Communist Crusade begins Many Americans had joined the Communist Party during the Great Depression 1947 – Federal Employee Loyalty Program (all new employees to be investigated by a Loyalty Review Board)

20 House Un-American Activities Committee Began in 1938 to probe Communist infiltration in Hollywood Click on witch advertisement for a 1 minute 51 second video About HUAC. writers, directors, actors, and producers were called before the committee Hollywood Ten – Ten were cited for contempt of Court and served 6 months to a year in jail for Pleading the 5 th … they were blacklisted…

21 McCarran Walter Act of 1952 Felt that most disloyal Communists were immigrants Quota system for each country (especially Asian, Southern & Central Europe Truman vetoed it Congress overrode the veto Truman said it was “one of the most Un – American acts I have ever witnessed in my public career.”

22 Alger Hiss Case 1948 – HUAC accused Alger Hiss (high ranking state department official) of being a communist in the 1930s and being a spy) Found guilty of perjury and went to prison for 4 years

23 Julius and Ethel Rosenberg Radical, married couple accused of passing atomic secrets to Soviets in WW2 1953 – convicted of espionage and executed

24 The COLD WAR expands… 1.Japan withdrew from Korea after World War II. 2.1945 – USSR occupied the north and the US occupied the South 3.Both withdrew during 1948 and 1949.

25 KOREAN WAR June 1950 – broke out when North Korean troops crossed the 38 th parallel Army intended to reunite Korea by force! United Nations called on all members to support S. Korea. USSR had boycotted UN over treatment of Communist China. USSR and China absent.

26 Douglas MacArthur WWI and WWII veteran Anti-Communist Truman’s choice to lead UN forces in Korea

27 Korean War…. MacArthur suspected the North Korean supply lines were stretched thin, so he attacked at Inchon to cut the supplies. He pushed the North Korean forces across the 38 th parallel.

28 MacArthur continued to push into the North for a united Korea with the South in control. THIS SCARED CHINA!! On November 24, 1950, MacArthur began his “Home By Christmas” offensive. Chinese troops poured across the Yalu River to push the UN forces out! A STALEMATE DEVELOPED!

29 MacArthur wanted Taiwan to attack Mainland China. Taiwan claimed to be the true Chinese government since the Mainland China had become Communist. Truman said NO! MacArthur wrote a letter to the House Minority Leader in March 1951. The letter attacked the President. Truman FIRED MacArthur for insubordination! CLICK ON FINAL PICTURE FOR A QUICK VIDEO!

30 MacArthur returned to a heroes welcome! MacArthur spoke to a joint session of Congress on April 19. 1951. Click picture for speech. Click picture for Roy Acuff song tribute.

31 Korean War Continued…. The war drug on for 2 more years…. 1950-1953 Truce in 1953 Korea was divided at almost the exact place… 55,000 soldiers killed 113,000 wounded

32 The McCarthy Era Republican Senator Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin Made a speech and held a paper he claimed contained a list of 205 knownCommunists in the State Department…. However, the list dwindled to actually 57 accused of disloyalty. Click the picture for an interview.

33 McCarthy’s Fall - 1954 Charged that the army was full of Communists! Finally leaders decided he had to be stopped!! April 1954 – Army –McCarthy Hearings Democrats wanted it televised to make him look bad! McCarthy bullied and had baseless allegations… Finally, the Senate turned on him. He died three years later CLICK PICTURE

34 Dwight D. Eisenhower 1953-1961 John Foster Dulles – Secretary of State Did not like Truman’s containment policy! Eisenhower wanted to avoid war with the USSR at all costs. So, the containment policy remained intact.

35 Joseph Stalin died in 1953. Nikita Khrushchev began leading the USSR

36 Vietnam Issue… Vietnam was a French colony in Southeast Asia. Ho Chi Minh, who was the leader of the Vietnamese Communist Party declared the Colony’s independence… France said NO! WAR DEVELOPED IN VIETNAM. May 1954 – France withdrew forces Vietnam divided into Communist North and Anti-Communist South DOMINO THEORY – if one country fell to communism, its neighbors would follow

37 Middle East Issue… 1948 – Israel – homeland state for Jews Arab nations were angry! US pledged support to Israel. Iran – US placed a pro-US Shah of Iran

38 Eisenhower Doctrine US would use force to safeguard the independence of any country or group of countries in the Middle East requesting aid against communism.

39 Latin American Issues… Concern with spread of communism in Latin America Cuba – Fidel Castro – overthrew the corrupt Cuban dictator, Fulgencio Batista on January 1, 1959. Seized American property in Cuba Eisenhower cut economic ties with Cuba Castro turned to help from the USSR… TO BE CONTINUED…

40 ARMS RACE US detonated Hydrogen Bomb 1953 USSR detonated Hydrogen Bomb 1954

41 1954-1958 - US tested 19 hydrogen bombs at Bikini Island In the Pacific Japanese fishermen 90 miles away suffered radiation burns. Residents of islands 200 miles away evacuated.

42 Brinkmanship Dulles said US was prepared to risk war to protect its national interests VERGE of War

43 US – Used Air Force to carry hydrogen bombs USSR – used long range rockets ICBMS (intercontinental ballistic missiles) US – LAGGED BEHIND IN MISSILE DEVELOPMENT

44 Sputnik 1957 – USSR launched Sputnik – 1 st artificial satellite to orbit the earth

45 U2 Incident US spy plane over USSR was shot down at 15 miles high

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