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I FORM EXAM REVIEW GIBBS 2008. QUESTION: What is “Martial Law” and how did we see it used in the road to the Civil War?

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Presentation on theme: "I FORM EXAM REVIEW GIBBS 2008. QUESTION: What is “Martial Law” and how did we see it used in the road to the Civil War?"— Presentation transcript:


2 QUESTION: What is “Martial Law” and how did we see it used in the road to the Civil War?

3 ANSWER: A state of rule where the military is in control, some individual rights are suspended. We saw Abe use this in MD – so the Union capital wouldn’t be surrounded by Confederate states (Virginia had seceded & Maryland was a slave state)


5 QUESTION: What were some of the South’s Advantages going into the Civil War

6 ANSWER: Homefield Advantage Nation’s most experienced military officers

7 QUESTION: North Advantages?

8 ANSWER: More factories More people Railroads (infrastructure)

9 QUESTION: Lets talk Battle Strategy…. NORTHSOUTH ???

10 ANSWER: NORTH – blockade southern ports, control the Mississippi River, and invade VA – capturing Richmond. South – defend until the North grew weary (and public opinion of the war in the N changed) –Also – get resources from the British

11 QUESTION: What were three things we learned from the Battle of Bull Run?

12 ANSWER: 1.) it was going to be a long war 2.) it was going to be a bloody war 3.) Neither side was prepared for the reality of what we had gotten ourselves into.

13 QUESTION: When did the Union, and more specifically, Abraham Lincoln, add a new goal to the war? And what was it?....

14 ANSWER: After the battle of Antietam (needed to find a good time to bring this up – to prevent any of the border states from freaking out) – he issued the Emancipation Proclamation. Proclaiming that the Union would free all of the slaves in the CSA (not the border states) Goal #4 – Ending Slavery in the Confederacy

15 QUESTION: What two generals bought into the military concept of “total war”?

16 ANSWER: Ulysses S. Grant and William Tecumseh Sherman

17 QUESTION: President of the Confederate States of America

18 ANSWER: Jefferson Davis

19 QUESTION: Engaged in Total War through the South on his “March to the Sea”, burning the city of Atlanta almost entirely to the ground.

20 ANSWER: Wm Tecumseh Sherman

21 QUESTION: Was known throughout the Union for being patient and methodical….(or slow and timid depending on who you talked to)

22 ANSWER: George McClellan

23 QUESTION: A tunicate at Shiloh would have saved his life, unfortunately he died of the gunshot wound to his femoral artery

24 ANSWER: Albert Sydney Johnston

25 QUESTION: Disagreed with Robert E Lee’s battle tactics at Gettysburg, but there was nothing he could do or say to change Lee’s mind.

26 ANSWER: James Longstreet

27 QUESTION: Led his troop of Virginians up a mile long field during the closing days of the Battle of Gettysburg - this charge did not end well

28 ANSWER: George Pickett

29 QUESTION: Had to tip-toe around the issue of slavery so that he wouldn’t upset the loyal slave states

30 ANSWER: Abe

31 QUESTION: Arrived along the shores of the Tennessee River with backup troops just in the nick of time.

32 ANSWER: Buell

33 QUESTION: His battle strategy was very different from that of McClellan: FULL SPEED AHEAD

34 ANSWER: Ambrose Burnside

35 QUESTION: How did the crowd react to Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address?

36 ANSWER: No real reaction one way or another – they were indifferent.

37 QUESTION: Why did the Confederate Army not pursue the enemy to Washington DC following the battle of Bull Run? A.Not enough reinforcements B.Ran out of ammunition C.Lost the battle plans D.They were fighting a defensive war E.None of the above


39 QUESTION: What was the name of the town where the official surrender of the Confederate Army took place?

40 ANSWER: Appomattox Courthouse, VA

41 BATTLES Here is a Civil War Battle PowerPoint S/WFG/CIVIL%20WAR%20REVIEW%20 SESH.ppt S/WFG/CIVIL%20WAR%20REVIEW%20 SESH.ppt

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