Festival Apps Matt Clarke David Cradduck. The growth in the mobile market.

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Presentation on theme: "Festival Apps Matt Clarke David Cradduck. The growth in the mobile market."— Presentation transcript:

1 Festival Apps Matt Clarke David Cradduck

2 The growth in the mobile market

3 Mobile sales will soon dwarf PCs Global internet device sales by unit Source: Garner, IDC, Strategy Analytics, BI intelligence estimates, and company filings

4 So the future is mobile G-20 Consumer Broadband Connections (millions) Source: Boston Consulting, Mary Meeker, Kleiner Perkins, Morgan Stanley Research, Berg Insight

5 What do people use their phone for?

6 Some interesting social stats…

7 More interesting social stats…

8 Mobile device breakdown UK Mobile device market share 2011 Source: comScore Device Essentials

9 Source: Garner, IDC, Strategy Analytics, BI intelligence estimates, and company filings Mobile is a two-horse race…but Mobile platform market share

10 App downloads are growing franticall y Apple App Store downloads

11 Source: Fleury Analytics, Alexa, comScore People spend more time using apps than browsing the web US Mobile Apps v Web Consumption Minutes per day

12 And the disparity is growing.

13 Because most downloads are free Mobile app store downloads: Free v Paid 2011 Source: Garner, September 2012

14 Why a Festival App?

15 Are there different types?

16 What is an app?

17 App [ap] noun The term app is quickly evolving from “native software on the smartphone” to “a packaged, targeted experience that you own” regardless of whether the underlying technology is iOS, Android, HTML or desktop software.

18 What is an app? (a)Native App An app built for a particular device/platform eg iPhone or Andoid Example: Flashlight

19 What is an app? (b) Web App A mobile friendly website (including responsive design or RWD apps) Example: BBC iPlayer Radio

20 What is an app? (c) Hybrid App A mixture of native and web. A native app that embeds a web app Example: Facebook, Twitter

21 What is Responsive Web Design?

22 Responsive Design [ri-spon-siv dih-zahyn] term RWD is an approach to web design in which a site provides an optimal viewing experience – easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning and scrolling – across a wide range of devices (from desktop computer monitors to mobile phones) Source: Marcotte, Ethan (May 25, 2010). "Responsive Web Design". A List Apart.

23 Example of Responsive Web Design

24 NativeWebHybrid SPEEDVery fast Slow/fast depending on internet coonection speed Slow/fast depending on internet connection speed WHICH DEVICES/PLATFORMS?Specific eg iOSCross platformSpecific eg iOS USE DEVICE FEATURES eg camera?YesNoYes INTERNET CONNECTION REQUIREDNoYes APPROVAL REQUIRED?Mainly, yesNoMainly, yes PUSH' NOTIFICATIONS?YesNoYes Comparison

25 Budget Approaches Considerations Custom Native App Simple Web app Hybrid App Product App Shared App Advertising Sponsorship

26 In Summary…

27 Q & As

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