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As quickly as you can, identify what energy source is in the photo, decide if it’s renewable or non-renewable and note it in your book.

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Presentation on theme: "As quickly as you can, identify what energy source is in the photo, decide if it’s renewable or non-renewable and note it in your book."— Presentation transcript:


2 As quickly as you can, identify what energy source is in the photo, decide if it’s renewable or non-renewable and note it in your book.

3 Wind farms for energy The Co-operative Farms – committed to green energy.  In 2005, The Co-operative built an eight-turbine wind farm at Coldham in Cambridgeshire.  It can provide enough power to supply around 9,000 homes each year.  Each turbine costs around £2 million. Should you invest in more wind farms or invest in another energy resource?

4 Analyse the data Wind speed (m/s) Power (MW) 00 20 40.1 60.5 81 101.6 121.9 142 162 182 202 222  The power output of one of the Coldham wind turbines was measured at different wind speeds.  Draw a suitable chart to display the data.  What does it show?

5 The turbine starts generating electricity at a wind speed of around 4m/s An increase of wind speed above 14 m/s will not increase the power. The turbine reaches its maximum power output of 2 MW at a wind speed of 14 m/s

6 Geothermal Hot rocks under the earth’s crust turn water into steam to drive a turbine. Hydroelectricity Falling water turns a turbine. Solar Light energy from the sun can be converted directly into electricity. Tidal Motion of tides used to turn turbines. Wave Motion of waves used to generate electricity. Biomass Once-living matter (e.g. wood) is burnt.

7 Your final task!  Working on your own, write a paragraph saying why your group’s choice of renewable energy is a good option for the UK.

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