Chapter 2: Socialization  Perspectives on Socialization  Agents of Child Socialization  Processes of Socialization  Outcomes of Socialization  Adult.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 2: Socialization  Perspectives on Socialization  Agents of Child Socialization  Processes of Socialization  Outcomes of Socialization  Adult."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 2: Socialization  Perspectives on Socialization  Agents of Child Socialization  Processes of Socialization  Outcomes of Socialization  Adult Socialization

2 What is Socialization?  Process:  Learning a culture  Becoming effective member of society  Being “human”

3 What do we learn? Skills Knowledge Values Motives Roles 3

4 9/4 Consequences of Socialization 1.Establishes self-concepts 2.Creates capacity for role taking 3.Creates tendency for people to act in socially acceptable ways 4.Makes people bearers of culture

5  “Every man is in certain respects:  Like all other men-  Like some other men-  Like no other man.” Clyde Kluckholm: Anthropologist

6 Perspectives on Socialization  The Developmental Perspective Dependent on Physical & Psychological Development Examples:  “Potty Training”  Walking  Speaking  Feeding self

7 The Social Learning Perspective  Cognitive & behavioral skills Language Shared meanings Imitation Acquiring behavior Performing behavior

8 9/6 Social Learning Perspective  Children see, children do  M&feature=related M&feature=related  Learning by observation: 4 processes Attention Retention Production Motivation

9 Social Learning Perspective  Bobo doll experiment  HDNU HDNU  Reciprocal determinism between:  Cognitive abilities  Person’s behavior  Environment  “The world and people’s behavior cause each other.” Bandura

10 The Interpretive Perspective: Symbolic Interaction Theory ure=related ure=related He’s Just Not that Into You Cognitive Processes  Thinking  Reasoning Social interaction Societal meanings Interpretive reproduction (routines) Development of self

11 Sequence of roles Age-linked roles Predictable transition times Certain persons or organizations responsible The Impact of Social Structure

12 Socialization as Social Control

13 13 Components of Socialization Socialization has four necessary components: 1.An agent – someone serves as source for what is being learned 2.A learning process 3.A target – person being socialized 4.An outcome - something that is being learned

14 Agents of Childhood Socialization  Four of the Agents : 1. Family 2. Peers 3. School 4. Mass media

15 Processes of Socialization  1) Instrumental Conditioning  Big Bang Theory video Big Bang Theory video Shaping Punishment Extrinsically motivated  Depends on others

16 Shaping Punishment

17 Extrinsic Motivation

18 18 Punishment  Definition: The presentation of painful or discomforting stimulus that decreases probability that a behavior will occur.  Widely used in the United States. Our culture is tolerant of or encourages its use.  Major child rearing practice used by parents.  Research—Punishment is effective in some circumstances but not in others.

19 Instrumental Conditioning  Intrinsically motivated  Self-reinforcement  Internalizing standards-judging  Self-efficacy

20 Intrinsic motivation Self-reinforcement

21 Internalizing Standards-judging Self-efficacy

22 Processes of Socialization  2) Observational Learning (Modeling) Observe another person’s behavior & its consequences  Efficient Characteristics of the model  High-Status  Nurturing

23 Processes of Socialization  3) Internalization Externally imposed behavioral standards  Become internal Self-control

24 Outcomes of Socialization  Gender Roles  Linguistic & Cognitive Competence  Moral Development  Work Orientations

25 Adult Socialization  Role Acquisition  Anticipatory Socialization  Role Discontinuity

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