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HISTORY 2112 and the Library Assignment Spring 2004 Carla Wilson Buss

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Presentation on theme: "HISTORY 2112 and the Library Assignment Spring 2004 Carla Wilson Buss"— Presentation transcript:

1 HISTORY 2112 and the Library Assignment Spring 2004 Carla Wilson Buss

2 Question A: Use GIL to find a monograph 4 Access GIL, the Libraries’ catalog either from the homepage: or at 4 Use the Keyword Search in GIL to locate items on your topic 4 Be prepared to use additional terms in your search, such as film? 4 Use of the ? Will allow your to search for word variants: film, films filming filmograhy


4 Keyword Searching 4 Keep phrases together by selecting “as a phrase” from the search box 4 “Any of these” = OR 4 “All of these” = AND 4 “Keyword anywhere” searches the entire record 4 “Keyword (Title/Subject)” searches only in the title and subject fields of the record


6 What to look for…. 4 The Bibliographic information will be near the top of the record. Look for the title, author and publisher information 4 The call number will be further down and will indicate the floor and the building 4 Use “full display” to see information contained in the table of contents and additional notes

7 Question B: America: History and Life 4 America: History and Life is in GALILEO>>Arts & Humanities>>History 4 Use the advanced search option 4 Type in your search terms in the “keyword” box, using and or or connect your terms 4 Truncate using the asterisk *

8 America: History and Life

9 America: History and Life Results

10 Locating Your Journal Article 4 Return to GIL 4 Use the Exact Search because you now know exactly the title you need 4 ALWAYS SEARCH FOR THE TITLE OF THE JOURNAL AND NEVER THE TITLE OF THE ARTICLE 4 Click on Journal Title Search and then GO

11 GIL Journal Title Search

12 GIL Journal Title Search Results Date the Journal Began, NOT all that UGA Owns! Call Number & Location Click Here to See All Years Owned

13 Journal Title Record Scroll down the screen to see all volumes/years owned.

14 Question C: JSTOR 4 JSTOR is also available in GALILEO. Follow the same path: GALILEO>>Arts & Humanities>>History>>JSTOR 4 JSTOR provides full-text images since the beginning of the journal until the last five years 4 Type in your search terms and select WHERE you would like the information located. You may want to select “abstract”.

15 JSTOR, continued…. 4 You must scroll down the screen and select the subject area you wish to search. 4 For this assignment, select History

16 JSTOR Search Screen Select either full-text or abstract for WHERE you’d like the terms found. If one doesn’t work, try the other!

17 Remember to Select a Subject Area…. Scroll down the list to locate & select HISTORY

18 JSTOR Results Citation Information

19 Printing Your JSTOR Results 4 Click on the link to the article, by clicking on the title 4 Use “FILE/PRINT” 4 Print the first page of the article

20 Primary Sources 4 Primary Sources are materials written at the time of an event 4 They may be newspaper articles, magazine articles, diaries, eyewitness accounts, etc. 4 The Libraries at UGA are Research Libraries: We own enough primary sources for you to conduct original research

21 Question II A: New York Times 4 To find early NYT articles, you must use the print index 4 This is located in the Main Library, Reference Room 4 Face the Reference Desk, and go left to the end of the room: Main Ref AI 21. N532 4 Large red books, going back to 1851: You can’t miss ‘em!

22 New York Times, continued…. 4 Locate the year of your event 4 Find your subject. You may have to search under a broader term, such as “labor unrest” 4 Record the information provided: date, page and column. Roman numerals indicate sections of the Sunday edition.

23 Locating NYT Articles 4 Microfilm of the NYT is located in the BASEMENT of the MAIN Library: FILM/AN35.N5N6 4 Locate the year and then the date of your citation 4 There are film reader/printers located near the Copy Services Office. Copy Services can also make the copy, for a fee.

24 What’s Turabian and How Can I Find It? 4 Go to the Libraries’ Homepage at 4 Select Research Central 4 On the Right, select “Writing & Citing” 4 Select “Guides to Cite It” 4 Scroll down and select Turabian 4 Or, go directly to

25 Remember, We’re Here to Help 4 If you need help: PLEASE ASK! 4 You may ask at the Reference Desk in the Student Learning Center, Main Library, or the Science Library 4 Email me with questions: 4 Remember: Reference Librarians need the work. Keep us employed by asking questions…..!

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