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Finding Information for Latin American Studies 310 by Denis Lacroix French/Spanish Librarian

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Presentation on theme: "Finding Information for Latin American Studies 310 by Denis Lacroix French/Spanish Librarian"— Presentation transcript:

1 Finding Information for Latin American Studies 310 by Denis Lacroix French/Spanish Librarian

2 Session Outline  Finding Basic Research Information and Subject Guides  Finding Books by author, subject, title, numbers  Boolean, Truncation, and Advanced Searching  Finding Articles in Periodicals using Databases

3 The Research Question HAPI HLAS MLA ¿Women and movies in Mexico?

4 Finding Basic Research Tools Subject Guides  Click on the Subjects tab on the Library home page  Click on Humanities and Social Sciences  Under Area Studies  Click on Latin American Studies  In the yellow strip on the right-hand side, click on  Information Sources on Latin America

5 Finding Basic Research Tools  Subject Headings  Motion pictures – Encyclopedias  Motion pictures – Latin America – Biography  Motion pictures -- Mexico  Online : Literature Resource Center e.g. [Advanced Search] [Author] Buñuel Luis Literature Resource Center  Key resources:  Quién es quién en el teatro y el cine español e hispanoamericano  New Latin American Cinema

6 Finding Books  By author:  [Browse] or [Keyword] Foster, David William  By title  Mexico City in contemporary Mexican cinema  Request or place a hold on a book  By numbers  [Call numbers] PN 1993.5 M4 F67  [ISBN] 0292725418  About an author as subject  [Browse] or [Keyword] Bunuel, Luis

7 Advanced Searching  Finding books about a topic  Think of variant or similar terms  Use Boolean operators, e.g. and, or  [Words Anywhere] Mexico and (motion pictures or film or movie or cinema). Now Search by [Subject].  Use truncation symbols: $ ?  [Subject] mexico and (motion picture$ or film$ or movie$ or cinema$)  Click on Advanced Search and add [Words anywhere] wom?n to the above search string.

8 Finding Articles in Periodicals  Periodicals contain articles.  The library catalogue cannot be used to find articles on your research topic. Instead, you need to search databases.  Databases are all different:  some contain full-text articles  some list only citations and abstracts  others have a mixture of both

9 Periodical Magazines or journals or newspapers. These are published on an ongoing basis. Article An individual essay, story, editorial etc., usually published in a periodical, but sometimes as a chapter in a book. Citation The written reference to a document. Volume # Issue # The numbering system used to differentiate between individual issues of a periodical. Full text The complete text of the article is available in the database; it is not necessary to find the paper copy of the periodical Abstract A very short summary of an article or book chapter.

10 Databases: Academic Search Premier  Searching examples:  [Subject] Mexico [Subject] motion picture* or film* or movie* or cinema* [Default Fields] wom?n  To view full-text, click on HTML or PDF  To save, mail, or print citations  Click on Add folder  Click on Folder has items  Click on option


12 Databases: Hispanic American Periodicals Index (HAPI)  Click on Search:  [Subject] motion picture mexico [Keyword] wom  Save citations to bibliography and send by e-mail or print  Search for periodical in Library catalogue  Search for Studies in Latin American Popular Culture  In Library Catalogue Choose Browse and Periodical Title in “Other Search Options”  Periodical is available online! But, check the citation carefully!

13 Databases: Handbook of Latin American Studies (HLAS)  Go to Expert Search  [Subject] film* mexico  Click on Search for variants and Search  Click on citation number to see full citation.  Click on related article subjects for more articles

14 This is a book chapter. Search for book title in the Library catalogue to find this chapter. To refine your search, click on subjects. This is a book. Click Subjects for more titles on a related topic.

15 Databases: MLA International Bibliography  Search for (movie* or motion picture* or film* or video* or cinema* or actor*) and mexico and wom?n  Combine searches by checking terms and clicking on Combine checked..  Click on Display.  Search for periodical or book titles in Library Catalogue.  or click on Check for holdings.


17 More Databases  Click on the Subjects tab on the Library home page.  Click on Humanities and Social Sciences.  Under Area Studies  Click on Latin American Studies.  Scroll down through the databases and find more information on each by clicking on More Info.  Other Databases to consider seriously:  Humanities Abstracts or MLA.

18 Let’s Practice  Find the Latin American Studies Subject Guide.  Find a film encyclopedia.  Find a book on Brazilian cinema.  Find a periodical article on the movies in Bolivia using the database MLA  Find a periodical in citations from preceding search at the Library

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