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Environmental Science

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1 Environmental Science
Chapter 1: Section 1 Living Things and the Environment Double-Column Notes (please complete in your compbook)

2 Double-Column Notes Format
We will set up compbooks together. 1st Fold your paper in half and draw a line down the middle 2nd Questions will go on the left-hand side 3rd Answers will go on the right-hand side 4th ALWAYS skip lines between questions (everything should line up perfectly)

3 Question 1 What is an organism? An organism is any living thing.

4 Question 2 What must an organism obtain in order to live, grow, and reproduce? Food, water, shelter, and space Food Shelter Water Space

5 Question 3 What is a habitat?
An environment that provides the things the organism needs to live, grow, and reproduce.

6 Question 4 Give an example of an area that contains many habitats.
A forest: mushrooms grow in the damp soil, salamanders live on the forest floor, and woodpeckers build nest in tree trunks.

7 Question 5 Why do different organisms live in different habitats?
Because organisms have different requirements for survival. Desert Habitat Arctic Habitat Tropical Habitat

8 Frog Question 6 What are biotic factors? Plant Life
The living parts of a habitat. Frog Plant Life

9 Question 7 What are the biotic factors of a prairie dog habitat?
Grass and plants that provide seeds and berries; the hawks, ferrets, and eagles that hunt the prairie dogs; worms, fungi, and bacteria that live in soil.

10 Question 8 What are two biotic factors from your environment?
Answers will Vary! 

11 Question 9 What are abiotic factors?
Nonliving parts of an organisms habitat Temperature Oxygen Sunlight Soil Water

12 Question 10 List and explain the five abiotic factors discussed on pg. 8 in the textbook. (the answers will be on the next slide. Make sure they go on the right-hand side of your compbook. #10 will have a long answer.) 

13 Abiotic Factors (#10) Water: all living things require water to carry out their life processes. Sunlight: sunlight is required in order for photosynthesis to occur. Oxygen: oxygen is so important to the functioning of the human body that you can only live a few minutes with out it Temperature: the temperatures that are typical of an area determine the types of organisms that can live there. Soil: the type of soil in different areas influences the kinds of plants that can grow there. Soil is also used as a home for many organisms.

14 Question 11 What are the four levels of organization? 1. Organism
2. Population 3. Community 4. Ecosystem

15 The Frilled Shark is a very rare
Question 12 What is a species? A group of similar organisms that are physically similar and can mate and reproduce. The Frilled Shark is a very rare species of shark.

16 Question 13 What is a population? Give an example.
All members of one species in a particular area are called populations. The 400 million prairie dogs in Texas town would be an example of a population.

17 Question 14 What is a community?
All different populations that live together in an area.

18 Question 15 To be considered a community, different populations must live close enough to interact. How do populations interact? Populations interact by using the same resources, such as food, water, and shelter.

19 Question 16 What is an ecosystem?
The community of organisms that live in a particular area, along with their nonliving surroundings.

20 Question 17 Copy this statement in your compbook on the question side!
The smallest level of organization is a single organism, which belongs to a population that includes other members of its species. The population belongs to a community of different species. The community and abiotic factors together form an ecosystem.

21 Question 18 What is the study of how living things interact with each other? The study of ecology!!!!!

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