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Ecology: Ecosystems Cornell Notes Page 159. What is Ecology? What is Ecology? The study of how living things interact with each other and their environment.

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Presentation on theme: "Ecology: Ecosystems Cornell Notes Page 159. What is Ecology? What is Ecology? The study of how living things interact with each other and their environment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ecology: Ecosystems Cornell Notes Page 159

2 What is Ecology? What is Ecology? The study of how living things interact with each other and their environment.






8 What are Biotic Factors? Living parts of an ecosystem. – Plants, animals, insects, bacteria, etc.

9 What are Abiotic Factors? Nonliving parts of an ecosystem – Water, sunlight, air, rocks, temperature, etc.

10 What is an Organism? An individual, living thing. Use energy, grow, reproduce, respond to environment

11 What is a Species? A group of organisms that are physically similar and can reproduce. Ex.) humans

12 Think and Discuss: How is an Organism different from a Species?

13 What is a Population ? All the members of the same species in an area.

14 Think and Discuss: How is a Population different from a Species?

15 What is a Community ? All the different populations that live together in an area.

16 What is an Ecosystem ? All the living and nonliving things that interact in an area.

17 Think and Discuss: What is the difference between a Community and an Ecosystem?

18 Biotic or Abiotic?





23 Summary pg. 159 Topic Sentence: Ecosystems are made up of all the living and nonliving things that interact with each other. – –Biotic/ Abiotic factors – –Organism – –Species – –Population – –Community

24 Assignment Fold your paper into 6 equal rectangles. Turn your paper sideways. Draw a plant or animal in one section. Label it by name and put “organism” under it. Draw a population of the same organism ( 2 or more) in the next section. Label it population.

25 Draw a community from the same environment that the organism is found(2 or more species). Just use one section. Label it community. Use the remaining 3 sections to draw an ecosystem from the same environment that the original organism is found ( include at least 5 living factors, 5 non- living factors). Label them abiotic and biotic items. Label this section Ecosystem. COLOR ALL sections.


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