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©2010 Hight Performance Group5 Strategies fpr Member-Centricity 1 Create a Member-Centric Organization “When spider webs unite, even a lion can be caught.”

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Presentation on theme: "©2010 Hight Performance Group5 Strategies fpr Member-Centricity 1 Create a Member-Centric Organization “When spider webs unite, even a lion can be caught.”"— Presentation transcript:

1 ©2010 Hight Performance Group5 Strategies fpr Member-Centricity 1 Create a Member-Centric Organization “When spider webs unite, even a lion can be caught.” African Proverb

2 ©2010 Hight Performance Group5 Strategies fpr Member-Centricity 2 Session Objectives Identify ‘member-centric’ Rate the member-centricity of your Chamber Explore 8 strategies to develop a member-centric organization Commit to a 90-day next step

3 ©2010 Hight Performance Group5 Strategies fpr Member-Centricity 3 What is a ‘Member-Centric’ Organization? “A business model organized around the needs of the member.” "Aligning the resources of the organization to effectively respond to the ever-changing needs of the member, while building mutually profitable relationships.” “The member is the heart of your business - a convergence of all our resources on the member experience.”

4 ©2010 Hight Performance Group5 Strategies fpr Member-Centricity 4 The Member Centricity Scorecard Read each statement Rate how well you use each strategy to develop a member-centric organization Add up the value of each statement Total your score for all statements Compare your overall score to the legend

5 ©2010 Hight Performance Group5 Strategies fpr Member-Centricity 5 8 Strategies to Develop a Member-Centric Organization 1) Enhance Your Customer Experience Cycle 2) Employ “Customer- Centric’ Staff 3) Know Your Members 4) Develop Communities of Interest Around You 5)Make it easy and convenient to engage Solicit feedback, listen & act on members’ needs Use high-tech and high- touch to interact with members Ask loyalty questions

6 ©2010 Hight Performance Group5 Strategies fpr Member-Centricity 6 Strategy 1: Enhance Your Member Experience Cycle Measure and manage your ‘Moments of Truth’ Identify your Service Standards and rate your performance regularly Help members navigate and buy benefits Ensure transactions are easy and smooth Solve problems timely Thank members for their business

7 ©2010 Hight Performance Group5 Strategies fpr Member-Centricity 7 Strategy 2: Employ ‘Customer- Centric’ Staff Realize “You can’t send ducks to eagle school.” Profile key success attributes (needed for success in their roles and the Chamber’s brand) Don’t put ‘square pegs’ into round holes—hire for intrinsic traits, attitude and self-accountability Hold staff accountable to your Service Standards Recognize great internal and external customer service

8 ©2010 Hight Performance Group5 Strategies fpr Member-Centricity 8 Strategy 3: Know Your Members Understand your member segments Learn about their trends and challenges Define value propositions for each segment Go to their businesses Ensure segments are represented on the Board, in Councils and Committees

9 ©2010 Hight Performance Group5 Strategies fpr Member-Centricity 9 Strategy 3: Solicit Feedback, Listen & Act On Your Members’ Needs Ask for feedback and suggestions Survey members by phone or online Conduct interviews and focus groups to learn more Poll members on specific topics or issues Don’t assume, ask!

10 ©2010 Hight Performance Group5 Strategies fpr Member-Centricity 10 Strategy 4: Use High-Tech and High- Touch to Interact with Members Stay ‘top of mind’ with members Send information and offers targeted to their interests ala Amazon Personalize communication Communicate via different venues Use one and two-way communication Stay in touch regularly

11 ©2010 Hight Performance Group5 Strategies fpr Member-Centricity 11 Strategy 5: Ask Loyalty Questions What value does the Chamber provide for the community? Why are you a member of the Chamber? What has been your best experience as a member? How have we benefited your business? Will you renew your membership? Why would you encourage others to join?

12 ©2010 Hight Performance Group5 Strategies fpr Member-Centricity 12 90-Day Next Action Step What one thing will you explore or implement?

13 ©2010 Hight Performance Group5 Strategies fpr Member-Centricity 13 Session Summary We compete in the Experience Economy Customer-centric staff=member centric organizations Member segments create your member base Make things flow efficiently Ask, listen and act Reach out and ‘touch’ members Loyalty is earned year after year

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