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Good Customer Service Needs Good People Management.

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Presentation on theme: "Good Customer Service Needs Good People Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 Good Customer Service Needs Good People Management

2 Introduction  Are you a people manager?  Do you have direct contact with the customer?  Who is managing the customer?

3 Role of the Frontline  Staff at the frontline are managing the customer  They manage the customer interaction by taking ownership, listening, asking questions, offering a solution, dealing with issues or concerns

4 Role of the People Manager  Customer service plan / philosophy  Policies and procedures – get it right the first time  Recruit “managers” for the frontline

5 Role of the People Manager  Harness the energy of the team by making them partners of the business  Allow the team to manage the customer

6 Workshop Overview  Recruitment of the right people  Challenging customer behaviour and implications for people managers

7 Key Elements to an Effective Recruitment Strategy  Reliability  Validity  Legality

8 Selecting the Right People  What are you looking for?  What is needed to achieve your customer service plan?

9 Selecting the Right People  When you consider a top performer, what is it about this person that stands out in your mind?

10 Iceberg Analogy

11 Selection Criteria  The skills, knowledge, attitude and behaviour required for success in a given position  Remember the iceberg

12 Behavioural Interviewing  Recognises the importance of technical competence however the focus is on the applicant’s attitude and motivation which drives their behaviour (below the water level)  Difficult to train / develop attitude and motivation

13 Selection Methodology  Interview/s  Assessments  Psychometric Testing  Reference Checking  Based on the selection criteria

14 Behavioural Interviewing  Behavioural interviewing aims to identify both the applicants’ strengths and development areas in the given areas of competency i.e. the selection criteria  It is about gaining a balanced view of the applicant

15 Premise  If you want to be able to predict an applicant’s performance, examine what they have done in the past – not what they could, would do

16 Model Responses Manage Challenging Customers  Demonstrates a willingness to resolve the issue  Remains calm  Assertive yet empathetic  Displays a can-do attitude  Takes ownership of the issue / concern

17 Model Responses  Useful to consider what you do not want  Does not take it personally  Does not become defensive or angry  Does not blame the organisation i.e. “I only work here”

18 Model Responses  Identifies exactly what you are looking for in behavioural terms  Allows you to set a benchmark for required competency  Will help you to select the “right” people

19 Model Responses  Useful checklist before, during and after the interview  Promotes an objective assessment

20 Behavioural Questions  Aim to give the applicant an opportunity to demonstrate their level of competency against the criteria  In reality, not all applicants will meet the criteria

21 Behavioural Interviewing  Use the SAO framework  Situation  Action  Outcome  Probe however do not lead the applicant

22 Example  Challenging customers can be difficult to manage. Can you tell us about a time when you were required to manage a challenging customer?

23 Follow Up Questions  What did you do then?  How did you feel?  What was the outcome?  What would you do differently next time?

24 Selecting the Right People  Identify the selection criteria  Develop model responses  Develop interview questions  Conduct interviews  Develop / conduct assessments  Rate applicants  Select the “right” people

25 Challenging Customers  What is “challenging”?  What does your customer service plan suggest about challenging customers?  Are your people at the frontline willing and able to manage challenging customer behaviour?

26 Challenging Customers  Provide applicants with a realistic overview of the job, the team and the organisation  If dealing with challenging customers is part of the job state this and ask BI questions / assess to determine the applicant’s motivation and skill level to be able to manage this behaviour

27 Challenging Customers “I want to complain! I have been given the run around and am not happy. What sort of business are you running here?”

28 Challenging Customers  Selecting the right people is a great start and yet in reality, managing challenging customers can still be difficult ……  What are the benefits in supporting your frontline?

29 Benefits  Increased team morale / motivation / energy  Achievement of team / personal goals  Increased customer satisfaction  Increased productivity / profitability

30 Challenging Customers  What can you do to support your frontline to ensure they have the tools to be able to effectively manage challenging customers?

31 Strategies for the People Manager  Develop / review policy, service standards – in line with your customer service plan  See staff as partners in the business  Empower the frontline to manage the challenging customer

32 Strategies for the People Manager  Provide training – customised, relevant to your business, in line with your customer service plan  Conduct induction, refresher sessions  Conduct regular team meetings

33 Strategies for the People Manager  Provide motivational / self management workshops  Debrief / provide performance feedback – incentives and morale boosters  Develop / implement feedback mechanisms

34 Strategies for the People Manager  Analyse and act on trends i.e. review standards / provide further training  Role model appropriate behaviours i.e. how do you deal with internal customers / challenging behaviour?

35 Strategies for the People Manager  Provide the necessary tools for the frontline to manage the customer  Allow the frontline to manage however keep them motivated and energised to take the next call / serve the next customer

36 Workshop Summary  Recruit in line with your customer service plan  Allow your people to manage at the frontline  Be a role model  Continue to raise the bar i.e. customer service standards

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