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CMS Wiki Pages CMS Pages, the only approved and supported website service for CMS employees, has been failing and an alternative needed to be implemented.

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Presentation on theme: "CMS Wiki Pages CMS Pages, the only approved and supported website service for CMS employees, has been failing and an alternative needed to be implemented."— Presentation transcript:

1 CMS Wiki Pages CMS Pages, the only approved and supported website service for CMS employees, has been failing and an alternative needed to be implemented quickly. CMSwiki is the best solution, not just for fast implementation, but it is also a more user friendly website service. Instructional Technology will provide user support throughout the transition from Pages. Pages will go offline by March 4th. After this day, teachers will no longer have access to their CMSPages account.user support

2 Sign In Process   Sign in with your username and password ex. Username: carrie.hoke password: 555555 (You have to confirm your email first before you can log in)  Make a new wiki – Use your first and last name  Wiki permissions – protected  Wiki template – CMS Wiki template  My username ______________________________  My password ______________________________  My website

3 Click on Manage Wiki  Go to Settings, then Look and Feel, and then Themes and Colors.  This is where you will pick the background and colors for your wiki.  You can Preview, Preview and Customize, and finally Apply.  Stay away from Wiki Stylesheet or Logo (you don’t need it).

4 Manage Wiki  Go to Content, then Pages.  This is where you can Rename, Redirect, or Delete your pages. (Just move your mouse over the title of the page and your options will pop up).  If you want to delete a page, click on the box next to the title you wish to remove and then click delete.  You can delete the “What is a Wiki?” page if you do not want to see it on your table of contents.  You can also delete any icons or images that Wiki may have placed as an example.

5 How to make a New Page  Just like CMS Pages, you can create new pages for each new topic.  When you create a new page, it will automatically link it to your table of contents. YEAH!  Click on create New Page and give it a title next to page name.  Leave add tags alone for now.  A blank page will pop up –that’s ok!  You can either type new information or copy and paste old information from your CMS Pages.  All links and photos on your CMS Pages should transfer to your new Wiki.

6 New Page Tips and Suggestions  If you would like to change the text, color, or alignment of your page, simply click on the T in your workstation just above your blank page.  A Color and Style page will pop up --stay with the basic options (going to the advanced options and adding your own font will increase the risk of students and families being unable to read your site because they may not have that same font downloaded on their home computer).  Click the drop down font menu and choose the font you want.

7 New Page Tips and Suggestions  Click on the text/background color itself and choose the color you want, either by the easy colors in the boxes at the top or the color wheel to be more specific.  Alignment -- This drop down menu allows you to place your text left, center, right, or justify.  Strike through allows you to draw a line through the text to show a mistake on purpose.

8 Adding a Link  Click on Link in your workstation above your page.  Then click the middle folder titled External Link  Enter your website address in the Address box and title it in the Link Text box.  Finally, click Add Link.

9 Adding a File  You can add files (media, photos, etc) either internally (through your own personal files) or externally (through the web).  If you are using a personal file, click on upload files, and choose your file.  Once it pops up on the list below, click on it twice and it should place itself on your current page.

10 Adding a File  If you are using an external file, just place the web address from which the file came in the box and click load.  The image should appear below.  Just click on the image and it should load onto the current page.  Once your image is on your page, you can use the tabs that surround the image to resize it.  You can also use the workstation that pops up with the image to resize, align, add a caption, link a site, or remove the image altogether.

11 Widgets  What is a widget? A web widget is a mini-web application you can put in your web page, blog or social profile that can quickly and easily provide your visitors with, user specific information, extra functionality, and even a bit of fun and games.  There are a variety of widgets that Wiki already provides for you on the right when you click on the widget button on your workstation, however if you would like to embed a video, audio, calendar, slideshow, etc. you must choose from the files on the left.

12 Widgets  Embedding a video or audio clip--  You can click on the video tab and it will give you a list of video servers like YouTube. Choose one of the following or click other.  Look for the "Embed" field on the video page.  Copy the text from that box into the box below  Click Preview to preview the video or audio or click Save.  You can create all kinds of widgets the very same way.

13 My Wiki is SOOO BORING  Your wiki may be boring now, but it doesn’t have to be. Below are a few options to spice up your wiki.  This awesome site gives you step by step instructions on how to set a background, embed provided images, and make your wiki anything but boring.  Remember, you can now cut and paste any image from anywhere on the web onto your wiki! Try these sites too!  

14 Questions Any Questions?? Send them to me at

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