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Bell Ringer! What do you see in this images? List everything you observe. What is the artist’s message? Negative impacts?

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer! What do you see in this images? List everything you observe. What is the artist’s message? Negative impacts?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringer! What do you see in this images? List everything you observe. What is the artist’s message? Negative impacts?

2 Manifest Destiny – it is “obvious”, “bound to happen” that the US had the right to push west to the Pacific

3 Westward Expansion

4 Traveling West in the Early 1800s


6 Getting there is half the battle… How did people travel before there were roads? – Follow rivers, employ Native American guides, follow Native paths, navigate by stars New roads helped linked the East to settlements in the West


8 Oregon territory = fertile soil, mild climate, plentiful rainfall attracted thousands of settlers



11 ~ travelers along the Oregon Trail faced many hardships; the greatest threat came from diseases like cholera

12 California Territory

13 GOLD GOLD GOLD!! Discovery of GOLD is Sutter’s Mill, California led to rapid western migration 1849 – 80,000 people rush to CA (49ers) California came to develop a diverse population – African-Americans found work in mining camps – European immigrants came to mine for gold – Chinese immigrants came to build railroads

14 UTAH Mormons move to Utah to escape religious persecution


16 Match the terms on the right with the location on the left Oregon California Utah Gold discovered in Sutter’s Mill Fertile soil, long rain season Diversity Mormons African-Americans, immigrants from Europe and China Oregon trail 1849 Religious freedom

17 Map Activity - Review 1 – Gadsden Purchase 2 – Gadsden Purchase 3 – Texas annexation and Mexican Cession 4 – California, Nevada, Utah 5 – Wyoming, Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma and New Mexico 6 – New Mexico 7 – Arizona 8 – California 9 – one million square miles larger

18 Bell Ringer! What would it take for you to want Revolution? – Revolution = major change in society List some possible reasons that you believe would justify revolution

19 Spanish in Texas

20 American settlers in Texas Spain gave Austin senior a land grant, junior fulfills Mexico wins Independence from Spain Settlers moved to Texas for its rich soil, many came from South, wanted to expand cotton and slavery

21 Americans in Texas revolt against Mexican rule By 1830 20,000 American had moved to Texas Mexico’s ruler – Santa Anna – began enforcing “strict” laws: – Required Texans to worship at Catholic Church – Declared slavery illegal I’m in charge now, do what I tell you….or else

22 Texas declares independence President Houston

23 1836 ~ Santa Anna lays siege to Alamo

24 ~ 1,000s of Mexicans attack the “traitors”, none of the defenders will survive 188 Texans v. 6,000 Mexican troops

25 Alamo, San Antonio xBsK9Ajc xBsK9Ajc

26 ~ after fall of the Alamo, Texans were eager for revenge (“Remember the Alamo!”)

27 1836 Battle of San Jacinto wins Texas Independence

28 ~ battle lasted 18 minutes; 630 Mexicans killed, 700 captured ~ for his release Santa Anna grants Texas “independence”

29 Lone Star Republic Faced many challenges: – Mexican gov’t refused to accept the treaty Santa Anna had signed – Texas was nearly bankrupt – Indian groups attacked Texan communities

30 ~ Polk urges Congress to annex Texas

31 ~ the annexation of Texas leads to war with Mexico…

32 Texas joins the US On February 28, 1845, the Congress passed a bill that authorized the United States to annex the Republic of Texas, and President Tyler signed the bill The Mexican government had long warned that annexation would mean war with the United States Why?? (Predict reasons – record in bottom square of your worksheet)



35 Bell Ringer Imagine you live in a house with 10 acres of property and have a neighbor that you frequently disagree with - one of the disagreements concerns the exact location of your property line He decides to plant flowers in the disputed area – How would you react? He then goes a step further and builds a shed in the disputed area – What would you do?

36 Polk ordered General Taylor and his forces south to the Rio Grande, into disputed territory that Mexicans claimed as their own. Mexico claimed the Nueces River — about 150 miles (240 km) north of the Rio Grande — as its border with Texas.Nueces RiverRio Grande War with Mexico

37 What spot exactly?? American blood has been shed on American soil

38 ~ Americans win… at Buena Vista at Monterrey at Veracruzat Mexico City



41 “Polk’s War” Some Americans believed the war had gone too far – why were we taking Mexico City? Henry David Thoreau – “Civil Disobedience” – do what you believe is morally right, even if it breaks the law “Dance to the beat of your own drum”

42 Civil Disobedience and the Mexican war Some people stopped paying taxes in protest (Thoreau) A group of Irish immigrants even fight for the Mexican side! (AKA – TREASON!) – St. Patrick’s Battalion –


44 ~ the Treaty that ends the war gives the US the “Mexican Cession” of New Mexico, Utah and California

45 Mixing of Cultures


47 War With Mexico – Crash Course! UfI UfI

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