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Westward Expansion UNIT 8 Vocabulary Terms

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1 Westward Expansion UNIT 8 Vocabulary Terms

2 annexation 1. the process of making something a part of a larger thing - like the annexation of a state

3 Manifest Destiny 2. is the belief that the United States should own all of the land between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans

4 Step 1: Original 13 States (1776)
3. established with the start of the American Revolution and the signing of the Declaration of Independence; land along the Atlantic Ocean Step 1 – Original 13 States

5 Step 2: Treaty of Paris (1783)
4. land received as a result of the signing of the Treaty of Paris 1783; land bordered by the Mississippi River on the west (often called the Ohio River Valley) Step 2 – Treaty of Paris 1783

6 Step 3: Louisiana Purchase (1803)
5. purchased by Thomas Jefferson from France in 1803 for $15 million; doubled the size of the United States

7 Step 4: British Cession (1818)
established the border between the United States and Canada at the northern portion of the Louisiana Territory 6. Step 4 – Louisiana Boundary Agreement 1818

8 Step 5: Adams –Onis Treaty (1819)
7. Spain gave control of Florida to the United States as a result of the Adams-Onis Treaty in 1819

9 Step 6: Texas Annexation (1845)
after being an independent country for 9 years, Texas was allowed to join the U.S. as the 28th state in 1845 8. Step 6 – Texas 1845

10 Step 7: Oregon Country (1846)
9. following a settlement with the British, Oregon was annexed into the U.S. in 1846 Step 7 – Oregon Country 1846

11 Step 8: Mexican Cession (1848)
10. land given to the U.S. by Mexico following the Mexican-American War in 1848 (present-day CA, AZ, NM, UT, CO, NV) Step 8 – Mexican Cession 1848

12 Step 9: Gadsden Purchase (1853)
11. land purchased by the U.S. along the Mexican border for $18 million in 1853 to build the trans-continental railroad (southern portion of AZ & NM)

13 California Gold Rush in 1849, thousands headed to CA to mine for gold to “get rich quick”; doubled the world’s supply of gold 12.

14 Sutter’s Mill 13. sawmill where James Marshall discovered gold in the ground; set off rush to California to “get rich”

15 name given to people rushing to California to mine for gold
49ers 14. name given to people rushing to California to mine for gold

16 communities of gold-seekers that seemed to form overnight
boomtowns 15. communities of gold-seekers that seemed to form overnight

17 Mormon Trail 16. trail used by 12,000 Mormons heading from Illinois to Utah; largest single migration in U.S. history

18 the movement of people or animals from one place to another
migration 17. the movement of people or animals from one place to another

19 peacefully disobeying a law , instead of using violence
civil disobedience peacefully disobeying a law , instead of using violence 18.

20 The 2nd Great Awakening revival of strong religious feeling
Mass meetings were held to discuss faith and religion Religious faith led to helping others and reforming society 19.

21 Henry David Thoreau refused to pay taxes to the U.S. Government, which he said enforced slavery and wrongly went to war with Mexico (civil disobedience) 20.

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