YOUR DAILY AFFIRMATIONS Affirmations de condition your mind of limiting patterns and Condition the mind for attracting your desires. Releasing negativity.

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Presentation on theme: "YOUR DAILY AFFIRMATIONS Affirmations de condition your mind of limiting patterns and Condition the mind for attracting your desires. Releasing negativity."— Presentation transcript:

1 YOUR DAILY AFFIRMATIONS Affirmations de condition your mind of limiting patterns and Condition the mind for attracting your desires. Releasing negativity is more important than attracting the positivity. Hence we prepared these affirmations to release unwanted belief patterns and strengthen positivity. Please customize these affirmations for yourself after adding/deleting text. You need to say these at least once a day continuously for 21 days. The most successful people in the world know the secret power of affirmations. They are making new affirmations and creating more and more every moment. You may print these in a word document and carry to read at your convenience before starting work and/or before you sleep. Or leave it on your desktop and open it first thing in the morning. Start creating the magic of attraction in your life…… Blessings, Neetaji, Rudra Centre

2 Gratitude I am grateful and thankful for my mom and dad I am grateful and thankful of having _____ as my spouse My kids are grateful and thankful of having ____ as their mother/Father. We are grateful and thankful for the healthy,wealthy,rich and happy life We are grateful and thankful of our loving and caring family We are grateful and thankful of our loving and caring friends We are grateful and thankful for having good neighbours We are grateful and thankful for having the caring co-workers, managers and directors We are grateful and thankful that we can meet the deadlines at work I am grateful and thankful that I am able to perform the my duties in job. I am grateful and thankful to my in-laws and relatives We are grateful and thankful for the good marks and grades of our children in their School studies We are grateful and thankful for our house and all that we have We are grateful and thankful for the financial freedom we have in life We are grateful and thankful for the new opportunities we get in life

3 Blessings of Universe Universe is blessing us with more and more money Universe is blessing us with new opportunities. Universe is blessing us with health,wealth,love,money and happiness Universe is blessing us with lots of good and loving friends Universe is blessing us to go on a family vacation Universe is helping us to help others. We - ARE– JOY – HAPPY- WEALTHY – RICH-HEALTHY We are money magnets and we attract money all the time and money comes to us freely, frequently and stays with us We are buying more properties and increase our worth each day.

4 I forgive myself for anything and everything I ever perceived I have done wrong in this lifetime. I forgive others unconditionally for anything wrong I perceive they did to me knowing it was part of divine plan for my transformation. I AM a being of pure love, awareness and spirit. My awareness is expanding moment by moment into greater expressions of self-forgiveness, love and acceptance. I love and accept myself fully as I AM now, I am perfect in my imperfection. I accept others exactly as they are and their imperfection is also divine. I release all hurt and pain from every cell of my body. In doing so I let in peace. I release fear of losing my job. I surrender my fears to God. He will take care. I release fear of rejection. I release belief that I am not appreciated. I release belief that I am not enough. I release fear of losing the people I love. I surrender my fears to God. He will take care. I know how to achieve success in my life without struggle. I release fear that I have to compromise in life due to my Fear of instability. I release belief that I have to sacrifice or suffer in any way to earn wealth and money. Affirmation

5 I release belief that I have to sacrifice or suffer in any way to keep my family happy. I release belief that earning money is difficult for me. I release belief that I do not deserve. I release all patterns of low self worth from every cell of my body. I am deserving of all blessings in life that I desire in my life. I have the birth right to be supported in all ways just because I am BORN. I know what it feels like and I know how to live my day to day life without fear of failing. I know I will create several opportunities to earn wealth and money and I have the right to this. I know how to attract success by Joy and today the thought of reaching a higher position in life excites me. I deserve a happy and harmonious family life and I will create it. I am ready to face all issues for achieving happiness and harmony without fear. I deserve Success and it is mine. I surrender all fears and insecurities in the Loving light of God. He will take care.

6 I release laziness from every cell of my body. I release fear of work. I release belief that work is hard. I am ready to face all challenges without fear. I am ready to solve my home and office issues immediately. I am ready to handle all work assigned in time. Doing work in time gives me joy and more relaxed time. Today I am ready to offer my Unique talents in service to this society. The world needs me and I just Give. There is nothing to take and everything is to Give. In giving unconditionally, I receive without expectations. I give love, I give joy, I give services to my office and my clients. I create. I am the Creator. I live in state of pure awareness, bliss and flowing with love and gratitude.. I know now I am ready to bring more and more money into my life. I empower myself to exercise restraint in my finances in order to build wealth. As my spending habits are under control my financial condition only Improves. I create money and save money and manage my personal finance with confidence I know what it feels like and know how to create more and more Success in my life. I know what it feels like and know how to get support from everyone in my day to day life. I tune to success, joy, contentment, support, love and bliss in my day to day life. I know I am the Creator of my destiny and I create an abundant and Joyful one for myself each day. Affirmation

7 Positive affirmations I enjoy the happiness and peace of mind knowing that I am free! I am fit, healthy and attractive My possibilities are endless I radiate love and happiness I will remain confident and unaffected by negative attitudes around me At every turn, opportunity appears before me I attract only supportive and positive people into my life I am getting wealthier each day I know that I deserve the best in life and treat myself to the best in life, rather than buying the cheapest of everything! My bank accounts are always overflowing with money I am easily, openly and freely accepting abundance, now! I believe in myself Wealth is pouring into my life I am financially secure in my career field I am comfortable having money I am worthy of love I take deeper, longer, more relaxed breaths I am a loving and loyal partner All who I come in contact will respect me I can accomplish anything I set my mind on Everyday I get closer to my ideal weight

8 Chakra Voice Root : I have…the right to exist because I was BORN Sacral: I feel…pleasure and delight in the FLOW of life Manipura: I can…ACCOMPLISH both easy and difficult tasks with grace and ease Heart: I love…I am completely LOVED and completely lovable Throat: I speak…my TRUTH and it is liberating Ajna: I see…my life flows with acceptance and becomes more enjoyable with each new day Crown: I know…I am one with god, greatest omnipotence, Whose strength and power lovingly FLOW through me at all times

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