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Forms of Energy. Ability to do work or cause change Produces Warmth Produces Light Produces Sound Produces Movement Produces Growth Powers Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "Forms of Energy. Ability to do work or cause change Produces Warmth Produces Light Produces Sound Produces Movement Produces Growth Powers Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Forms of Energy

2 Ability to do work or cause change Produces Warmth Produces Light Produces Sound Produces Movement Produces Growth Powers Technology What is energy?

3 What are two types of energy? ● Renewable - energy from natural resources that is replaced faster than it is used. Ex - Wind, Sun, Water ● Nonrenewable – energy from natural resources that is used faster than it is replaced. Ex - Fossil Fuels – oil, coal, natural gas

4 What are the main renewable energy powers? Biofuel Power ● Using and burning organic sources such as wood, solid waste, ethanol or biodiesel to generate electricity. ● World = 14% ● US = 4.5% ● Pros – widely available, lower cost, low pollution ● Cons – labor intensive, requires lots of land and water to grow, fuels can be seasonal, deforestation

5 What are the main renewable energy powers? Solar Power ● Capturing sunlight on photovoltaic cells to convert it to electricity. ● Pros – Low pollution, inexpensive after cells are installed, silent ● Cons – expensive to install, difficult process to produce energy, not 24 hours

6 Aerial photo showing Apple's massive NC solar farm near completion.

7 What are the main renewable energy powers? ● Geothermal Power ● Using the natural heat of the earth’s interior to generate electricity. ● Pros – low pollution, no fuel required, unlimited supply, can be built underground, widespread availability ● Cons – High construction costs, hazardous working conditions, small amounts of energy

8 Geothermal Power

9 What are the main renewable energy powers? Wind Power Using moving air to turn turbines to generate electricity. ● Pros – Low pollution, long term reliable, inexpensive once windmills are built ● Cons – short term unreliable, visually unappealing, wildlife impacts, noise

10 Wind Power

11 What are the main renewable energy powers? ● Hydroelectric Power Using moving water to turn turbines to generate electricity. ● Pros – Low pollution, short term reliable, no fuel required ● Cons – Building dams is expensive and harms environment, droughts limit power

12 Hydroelectric Power

13 What are the main nonrenewable energy sources? Nuclear Power using radioactive elements such as uranium and plutonium and nuclear fission to generate electricity. ● Pros – Low pollution, inexpensive once reactors are built ● Cons – Generates harmful radioactive waste, expensive to build, nuclear waste can be used to make weapons, harmful working conditions

14 Nuclear Power

15 What are the main nonrenewable energy sources? Oil, Coal, Natural Gas – Fossil Fuels Burning to generate steam to turn turbines to generate electricity. ● Fossil Fuels - are formed from remains of organisms under high pressure and heat for millions of years. ● Pros - Produce largest amounts of power, currently widely available, less expensive to transport and produce ● Cons - High pollution – increased CO2, contributes to global warming, acid rain Mining for coal and drilling for oil harms the environment.

16 Formation of Fossil Fuels


18 POTENTIAL KINETIC Stored energy or energy of position Gravitational, Stored Mechanical, Nuclear, Chemical Energy of motion Motion, Electrical, Sound, Radiant, Thermal Classes of Energy

19 Gravitational Energy – energy an object or substance has because of its position Anything “up high” Potential Energy

20 Stored Mechanical Energy – stored in an object by the application of force Must push or pull on an object Potential Energy

21 Nuclear Energy – energy stored in the nucleus of an atom Holds the atom together Nuclear Energy – energy stored in the nucleus of an atom Holds the atom together Potential Energy

22 Chemical Energy – energy stored in the bonds between atoms Holds molecules together Potential Energy

23 Mechanical (Motion) Energy – movement of objects or substances from one place to another Kinetic Energy

24 Electrical Energy – movement of electrons NOT AN ELECTRON PARADE! Kinetic Energy

25 Sound Energy – movement of energy through substances in the form of longitudinal/compr ession waves Kinetic Energy

26 Radiant Energy – electromagnetic energy that travels in transverse waves Kinetic Energy

27 Thermal (Heat) Energy – internal energy of a substance due to the vibration of atoms and molecules making up the substance

28 1 – Energy can not be created nor destroyed, only changed. Law of Conservation of Energy First Law of Thermodynamics 2 – Energy will always transfer from high to low. 3 – No energy transfer is 100% efficient. Energy Transfers

29 Name the Transfer




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