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What is Waste?.

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1 What is Waste?

2 Types 1.Solid Waste 2. Liquid Waste 3. Gaseous Waste

3 Classification of Waste
On the basis of Physical State Solid Waste Liquid Waste Gaseous Waste According to Original Use Food Waste Packaging Waste etc.

4 classification on the basis of source is widely adopted and is used.
Material Glass Paper etc. Physical Properties Compostable Combustable Recyclable Sources Domestic Commercial Industrial Safety Level Hazardous Nonhazardous classification on the basis of source is widely adopted and is used.

5 Sources of Solid Wastes
Agricultural Waste : Waste arising from agricultural practice. Mining Waste: Mainly inert material from mineral extracting industries. Energy Production Waste: Waste from energy production units including ash from coal burning. Industrial Waste: Wastes generated by various industries.

6 Dredging Waste: Organic and mineral wastes from dredging operations.
Construction and Demolition Waste: Bricks, brick bats, concrete, asphaltic material, pipes etc. Treatment Plant Waste: Solids from grit chambers, sedimentation tank, sludge digesters of waste water treatment plant. Residential Waste: Garbage including food waste, paper, crockery and ashes from fires, furniture.

7 Commercial Waste: Similar to residential wastes produced from offices, shops, restaurants etc.
Institutional Waste: Similar to residential wastes plus hazardous, explosive, pathological and other wastes which are institution specific (hospital, research institute etc.)

8 Hazardous Waste The waste which can
Contribute to increase in mortality Can cause irreversible illness Can pose potential hazard to human health is called hazardous waste. Hazardous waste can be classified as Radioactive substances Chemicals Biological Wastes Flammable waste Explosives

9 Characteristics of Hazardous Waste
There are four characteristics which make the waste hazardous category 1. Ignitability 2. Corrosivity if pH  2 or ≥ 12.5 3.Reactivity:- A waste exhibits the characteristics of reactivity if a representative sample of the waste has the following properties Reacts violently with water Forms explosive mixture with water When mixed with water, generates toxic gases, fumes or vapours Reacts at a standard temperature or pressure

10 4. Toxicity:- The limits for a waste to be toxic for different contaminants are shown in the table.
If the concentration of a particular constituent into the ground water as a result of improper management exceeds the above limits, then it is called as toxic. Contaminant Max. Concentration (mg/l) Arsenic 5.0 Barium 100.0 Benzene 0.5 Cadmium 1.0 Lead Mercury 0.2 Vinyl chloride

11 Municipal Solid Wastes
MSW refers to all wastes collected by local authority or municipality and is the most diverse category of waste. Comprises all wastes except agricultural, mining, energy production and dredging wastes.

12 Characteristics of Solid Waste
Solid waste generated by a society may be inert, biologically active or chemically active. Agricultural waste is primarily biologically active. It is generated in large quantities and remains uniformly dispersed on land surface area. Mining waste is primarily inert and is also generated in large volumes. However it accumulates continuously at mining sites.

13 Industrial wastes -generated in industrial area - are highly industry specific. -usually comprise of chemicals and allied products, rubber, plastic, metals, petroleum and coal products etc.

14 MSW is generated at densely populated urban centres and are most heterogenous.
Predominant constituents of MSW are paper, food, wastes, plastics, glass , metals and inert material. In developing country like india, 40% waste is compostable, 40% inert material In developed countries, paper forms a major part of MSW followed by compostable matter. The inert material content is low.

15 Management of Solid waste
There are two fundamental objectives of solid waste management. To minimize the waste. To manage the waste still produced.

16 Waste Characterization
- Waste characterization means finding out how much paper, glass, food waste, etc. is discarded in your waste stream -Waste characterization information helps in planning how to reduce waste, set up recycling programs, and conserve money and resources

17 Solid waste Characterisation
Physical and chemical composition -vary depending on sources and types of solid wastes. Nature of the deposited waste in a landfill will affect: gas and leachate production and composition by: - -virtue of relative proportions of degradable and non- degradable components, -the moisture content -the specific nature of the bio-degradable element. Waste composition will effect both gases and the trace components.

18 The important parameters to characterise the waste are
Waste composition Moisture content Waste particle size Waste density Temperature and pH These parameters affect the extent and rate of degration of waste. The typical approximate analysis for MSW are show below. Moisture % Volatile matter % Fixed carbon % Glass, metal and ash %

19 Flow data for total discharge
Physical Properties Temperature range and distribution Insoluble components Colour Odour Foamability Corrosiveness Radioactivity Flow data for total discharge Avg. daily flow rate Duration and level of minimum flow rate Maximum rate of change of flow rate Meaningful characterisation information can only be obtained through proper analysis of representative samples or through the use of online water quality monitoring instrumentation.

20 Chemical Composition Biological Effects
Organic and inorganic components by compounds or classes COD, Total organic carbon, BOD Specific problem ions(As, Bo, Cd, Cr etc.) Specific problem organic e.g. phenol, certain pesticides, benzidine etc. Total dissolved salts pH, acidity, alkanity Nitrogen, Phosphorous Oils and greases Oxidizing or reducing agents Surfactants Chlorine demand Biological Effects Biochemical oxygen demand Toxicity Pathogenic bacteria

21 Solid Waste Composition
CHEMICAL COMPOSITION PHYSICAL COMPOSITION Waste composition Moisture content Waste particle size Waste density Temperature pH 1. Proximate analysis a. Moisture (loss at 1050C for 1 h) b. Volatile matter (additional loss on ignition at 9500C) c. Ash (residue after burning) d. Fixed carbon (remainder) 2. Fusing point of ash 3. Ultimate analysis, percent of C (carbon), H (hydrogen), O (oxygen), N (nitrogen), S (Sulphur), and ash 4. Heating value

22 Chemical Composition Important in evaluating alternative processing and recovery options. Wastes can be thought of as a combination of semi moist combustible and non-combustible materials. If solid wastes are to be used as fuel, the four most important properties to be known are:

23 1. Proximate analysis

24 2. Fusing Point of Ash Defined as that temperature at which the ash resulting from the burning of waste will form a solid (clinker) by fusion and agglomeration. Typical fusing temperature for the formation of clinker from solid waste range from 2000 to 2200oF (1100 to 1200oC).

25 3. Ultimate analysis of a waste
Component typically involves the determination of the percent C (carbon), H (hydrogen), O (oxygen), N (nitrogen), S (sulphur), and ash. Due to concern over the emission of chlorinated compounds during combustion, the determination of halogens also done The results of the ultimate analysis are used: -To characterise the chemical composition of the organic matter in MSW. -To define the proper mix of waste materials to achieve suitable C/N ratios for biological conversion processes.


27 Geographical location Standard of living Energy source Weather
Factors Influence Waste Composition: Geographical location Standard of living Energy source Weather

28 Waste Generation Rates
SIGNIFICANCE: To obtain data that can be used to determine the total amount of waste to be managed - Measure of quantities in terms of weights

29 Factors Influence Waste Generation Rates: Socioeconomic development
Degree of industrialization Climate Greater the economic wealth and the higher percentage of urban population, the greater the amount of solid waste produced Low income countries have the lowest percentage of urban populations and the lowest waste generation rates

30 Frequency of collection Characteristics of population’
Other Factors affect Waste Generation Rates: Geographic location Season of the year Frequency of collection Characteristics of population’ Extend of Recycling Attitude of people

31 Methods for determining Waste Generation Rates
Load count analysis In this method , no: of individual load and corresponding vehicle characteristics are noted over a specific period of time

32 Waste contents are unloaded for sorting

33 Appropriate mass of material is
selected randomly

34 Each load is separated manually by component example - Wood, concrete, plastic, metal, etc.

35 Components are separated

36 Each component is weighed and weights recorded


38 Disposed (Collected) Waste + Diverted Waste
Generated Waste = Disposed (Collected) Waste + Diverted Waste

39 2. Weight – Volume Analysis
Weighing and measuring each load- provide information on density of various solid forms at different volumes

40 3.Material Balance Analysis
A system boundary around the unit to be studied is drawn All activities that affect waste generation is identified Rate of waste generation associated with these activities studied


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