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Agenda Wednesday, August 13, 2014 10:00-Noon Chancellor’s Conference Room Introductions Guidelines/Policy for Revenue Generating Activities at UMass Boston.

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda Wednesday, August 13, 2014 10:00-Noon Chancellor’s Conference Room Introductions Guidelines/Policy for Revenue Generating Activities at UMass Boston."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda Wednesday, August 13, 2014 10:00-Noon Chancellor’s Conference Room Introductions Guidelines/Policy for Revenue Generating Activities at UMass Boston ESS Survey Results Working Guidelines for FY15 Budget and Financial Planning Update Procard Reallocation July 1 st Records Management Update Transportation and Construction Update—ISC Move Safety Planning Continuity Planning—final Evacuation Policy—final Emergency Notification System—final Inclement Weather and Emergency Campus Closure—draft Next F&A Meeting will be on Tuesday, September 23, 10:00-noon Location – CC Room 3540 Finance and Administration Advisory Meeting

2 ESS Survey Results

3 Guidelines/Policy for Revenue Generating Activities at UMass Boston January, 2014 –Issued Educational Sales and Service(ESS) survey –Why?  A standard higher education revenue classification  ESS defined externally  UMass Boston ESS revenue significantly higher than other UMass Campuses

4 Guidelines/Policy for Revenue Generating Activities at UMass Boston Educational Sales and Service Revenue is: A standard higher education revenue classification It includes: Revenues that are related incidentally to the conduct of instruction, research and public service, and Revenues of activities that exist to provide instructional and laboratory experience and that incidentally create goods and services…..

5 Guidelines/Policy for Revenue Generating Activities at UMass Boston ESS defined externally (NACUBO: Financial Accounting and Reporting Manual – FARM) Consistent definition across institutions nationally Consistent financial statement reporting on Statement of Revenues, Expense, and Changes in Net Assets (SRECNA) Consistent data reported in IPEDS Consistent reporting in other surveys and reports

6 Guidelines/Policy for Revenue Generating Activities at UMass Boston Survey Results 25 Surveys 24 Returned Excellent Response Thank You

7 Guidelines/Policy for Revenue Generating Activities at UMass Boston Survey reported revenues in the following areas: Conference/Programs/Courses$594k Grants and Contracts 281k Charitable Donations/Gifts 211k CAPS Revenue Sharing 1,866k Rental Income 568k Reimbursement of Expenses 24k Book Sales 4k Ticket Sales 11k Other 901k $4,460k

8 Guidelines/Policy for Revenue Generating Activities at UMass Boston ESS Survey 72 Activities Involved Followed up with many departments for clarification

9 Guidelines/Policy for Revenue Generating Activities at UMass Boston ESS Survey Validated activity consistent with a major urban research university Validated much of the activity is consistent with NACUBO guidance.

10 Guidelines/Policy for Revenue Generating Activities at UMass Boston ESS Survey Identified a few opportunities to better align revenue and expense for financial reporting purposes.

11 ESS Survey Results RESULT Guidelines/Policy for Revenue Generating Activities at UMass Boston WORKING DRAFT FOR FY’15 Will be following up with departments to discuss these revenues to more efficiently integrate them into financial reporting and management practices.

12 Guidelines/Policy for Revenue Generating Activities at UMass Boston Review Guidelines 1.Tuition and Fees 2.Conferences/Workshops* 3.Charitable Donations 4.Ticket Sales* 5.Miscellaneous Revenue*—non-UMass Boston students 6.Sales of Books, etc.* 7.Recurring Space Rental 8.Grant and Contract Agreements 9.Compensation to UMass Boston Employees

13 Guidelines/Policy for Revenue Generating Activities at UMass Boston Questions

14 Budget & Planning Update Aug 2014 Office of Budget & Financial Planning

15 o here and now (FY15) o the future (FY16 -18) “We are all interested in the future, for that is where you and I are going to spend the rest of our lives...”

16 here and now 100% state support (not including collective bargaining) 100% funding for full-time, benefitted employees (state, retained tuition, GOF) 100% lab & differential fee (based on revenue) 100% ESS, gift, and development accts 50% base operating (non-personnel)

17 here and now VCs continue to meet o requests for new funding o base reductions to meet target o recommendations to Chancellor mid-Sept

18 here and now


20 the future ($ in millions) FY14FY15FY16FY17FY18 Revenue$346.1$373.6$397.0$420.4$440.7 Growth-$27.6$23.4$23.3 $20.3

21 the future ($ in millions) FY14FY15FY16FY17FY18 Expense$352.6$381.6$407.0$433.9$451.3 Growth-$29.0$25.4$26.9 $17.4

22 the future ($ in millions) FY14FY15FY16FY17FY18 Gap-$6.5-$8.0-$9.9-$13.5-$10.6 Target-$6.5-$7.0-$5.8-$ 3.0 $ 0.2

23 how do we get there -UMass Boston will have a balanced budget by FY18 -System Office requires an operational plan, including measurable outcomes and benchmarks to monitor performance -Annual approved budget will reflect all funds and resources -Spending within executive areas cannot exceed annual budget authorization

24 how do we get there -Current budget for full-time benefitted positions presumes turnover and vacancy savings -Priority use of reserves is -fund the operating deficit -complete the capital master plan (ISC, GAB1, GAB2, UCRR) -Subsidies for the research enterprise remain at or below current levels -Reallocate existing resources to fund high priority staffing and services

25 Use of reserves (cumulative) FY14FY15FY16FY17FY18 Bldgs$0$5.6$18.6$21.0 Deficit$6.5$13.5$19.3$22.3$22.1 Unrestricted net assets (FY13)$91.1 million

26 Current year expense Current yr revenue$373.6 million + Prior yr reserves7.0million = Current yr expense$380.6 million

27 Trends in Higher Education Governance o federal regulations o Board member due diligence o focus on metrics (like student outcomes) Long-term viability Revenue Federal, state grants and contracts state funding (and allocation of UMass pool) fund raising Expense net revenue moderate cost increases (perception of cost vs benefit) Demographics o enrollment (decline of traditional-aged students) Technology o teaching and learning paradigm o internal processes and productivity

28 Next steps Reframe the conversations Craft your solutions to support the new UMass Boston


30 Reallocation  Effective July 1, 2014 Procard transactions should not post to PS account code 736699 (Procard)  Cardholder or their designee should allocate Procard transactions to appropriate PS Account Code  Procard can Default to: Any PS account code, as applicable.

31 Reallocation Procedure  Weekly PeopleSoft review of Reconcile Statement Page  Approve and/or Reallocate transactions in PeopleSoft – Reallocate just the Account Code, the Fund, or both account code & fund – Not reallocating? Just click “Approve” If Procedure not followed- Department Head may cancel card if charges posting to 736699

32 Reallocation FY15 Procard Transactions- as of August 10, 2014 1591 total transactions 71 not reallocated (posted to 736699) 4.46% 923 allocated to a different account code (not 736699) 58.01% 597 – still available to reallocate 37.52% Remember to reallocate weekly

33 Procard Refresher/ Reallocation Workshops  Aug 201-4 pm Full  Sept 19 1-4 pm  Oct 23 1-4 pm  Nov 13 9-12 noon Reallocation


35 Records Retention and Disposition Update Date: August13, 2014 Contracts and Compliance

36 Accomplishments Team of four temporary staff hired to assist faculty moving to ISC Record Retention Schedules customized to meet UMass Boston’s needs Retention Schedule database created and on final stages High capacity shredder acquired

37 ISC Faculty Move 29 Biology Faculty –7 Provided with consultation –2 Received Assistance 13 Chemistry Faculty –3 Provided with consultation and received assistance 12 Physics Faculty –5 Provided with consultation –3 Received assistance

38 17 Psychology Faculty –7 Provided with consultation –Only 2 needing assistance 15 SFE Faculty –5 Provided with consultation –2 Received Assistance Academic Affairs reaching out to Faculty who might need assistance

39 Commonly Found Records in Faculty Office Document:Owner:Retention Period:Retention Schedule Begins: Financial Records: All payments & supporting materials Grant budgets & financial reports Controller’s Office ORSP 12 years 7 years After payment After last payment Procard Records Travel Card Records Department 12 years After payment Purchase orders Procurement7 yearsAfter payment Grant Proposals: Funded Non-funded ORSP 7 years 3 years After last payment After decision to not fund Research Records: Grant-fundedNon-grant Department PI Faculty 7 years After administrative use ceases After final report Employee Records Recruitment Files HR Department Permanent 3 years After admin. use ceases Student GradesRegistrarPermanentAfter administrative use ceases Student ExamsFaculty1 yearAfter semester ends Student PapersFaculty Student Disability RecordsOffice of Diversity and Inclusion6 yearsAfter separation Committee and Task Force Records and MinutesDepartment/Dean/Provost Committee establishment and primary copy of minutes: Permanent Committee members’ records: Until administrative use ceases After administrative use ceases Faculty Council Records & MinutesProvostPermanentAfter administrative use ceases

40 Legal Counsel Records Stored on Campus During down time the records retention team processed 227 General Counsel’s boxes 94 boxes older than 20 years dating back to 1994 99 UMass Medical boxes

41 Inventory of records currently stored in loading dock area Identify departments owning those records Contact Departments for records retrieval and disposition Roll-out Records Retention Program in accordance with BOT Policy, Records Management Guidelines and UMass Boston Record Retention Policies and Procedures Next Step

42 Questions?

43 Transportation and Construction Update — ISC Move

44 Construction and Transportation Update –ISC Moves –HarborWalk Shore Line Stabilization Underway  Bypass Walkway in Place –GAB No. 1  Connector Pile Driving next week –UCRR this Fall  Two-way Traffic  Parking Implications –Fall Semester Transportation Challenges  Allow Extra Time  Public Transit or Bayside Lot - Construction Update

45 Safety Planning

46 Update on: Emergency Management Policies  Business Continuity Planning Policy New!  Evacuation Policy  UMass Boston Alert System Policy  Inclement Weather and Emergency Campus Closure Policy – DRAFT

47 Business Continuity Planning Policy  Training Sessions Available in the Fall:  Department Preparedness I: Introduction to Continuity Planning and Personal Emergency Preparedness  Department Preparedness II: Using UMass Boston Ready for Department Continuity Planning.  Visit Training Portal to sign up.

48 Evacuation Policy What’s New? Wording from new EHS Evacuation Plans –Clarified roles and responsibilities Clarification:  Building  Campus-wide  Closing/Early Release Every campus-wide evacuation is a campus closure. Every campus closure is not a campus-wide evacuation

49 UMass Boston Alert System Policy What’s New?  UMass Boston Smartphone App now to include alerts  TV monitors to have more prominent display  Expanded role for Office of Communications, who may send initial alert for non- urgent utility-related closures.

50 Inclement Weather and Emergency Campus Closure Policy What’s new:  More clarity regarding campus closure status, including who may be on campus when it is closed. Everyone must leave except those who are required to remain as part of response and recovery efforts.  Commitment to produce After Action Reports for major storms and emergencies within 30 days.  More clarification on announcements and what they mean for UMass Boston Operations

51 University Closed / Classes Canceled All harbor campus classes and events canceled for the day and evening. All offices and the Healey Library closed. Essential and assigned snow day personnel to report at scheduled time. Normal campus operations will resume at 12:00am- midnight unless otherwise indicated.

52 Delayed Opening / Late Opening / Early Morning Classes and Morning Events Canceled Always use sound personal judgment when determining your commute to campus. Staff will report at 10:00 a.m. Essential and snow day personnel to report at scheduled time. All harbor campus morning classes and events are canceled. Harbor campus will open for classes and events at 11:00 a.m.

53 Evening Classes Canceled/Early Dismissal All harbor campus classes and events beginning at or after 4:00 p.m. or in progress at 4:00 p.m. are canceled Essential and snow day personnel will work their scheduled hours and all others must leave by 4:00 p.m. unless otherwise notified. Normal campus operations will resume at 12:00am/midnight unless otherwise indicated. Parking lots operate as usual.

54 Questions?

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