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Presentation on theme: "HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE CAUSES, PREVENTION & MANAGEMENT By Eunice Akosua Ofosua Amoako."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is Hypertension or High Blood Pressure? Hypertension is a state or condition where the blood pressure is measured at the clinic or at home is 140/90mmHg or higher upon several (at least on three different occasions) readings when you are relaxed.

3 BLOOD PRESSRE (BP)  Pressure of blood as it moves through the arteries  It is measured in millimeters of mercury (mmHg)  Recorded as two figures e.g. 150/90mmHg  Top number is systolic pressure, bottom number is diastolic pressure

4 Phrases and Definitions Arteries: blood vessels which carry blood from the heart to other parts of the body. Diastolic Pressure: pressure in the arteries when the heart relaxes between each heartbeat. Systolic Pressure: pressure in the arteries when the heart contracts.

5 Classification of High Blood Pressure  Primary (essential) hypertension  Secondary hypertension

6 Causes of High Blood Pressure Primary (essential) hypertension: Causes of primary hypertension are usually unknown and is mostly assumed to be due to changes in the body with ageing e.g. narrowing of arteries

7 Causes of High Blood Pressure cont. Secondary hypertension This is usually due to an underlying condition e.g.  Kidney disease  Endocrine disorders(conditions where some hormones affect blood pressure are produced in excess in the body)  Obesity  Lifestyle (sedentary lifestyle, smoking, excessive alcohol intake, high salt diet, high fat diet, stress e.t.c.)  Genetic (family history)

8 How common is High Blood Pressure?  Very common in Ghana now and not restricted to persons over age 60 obviously due to changing lifestyles.  It is also more common in people with diabetes and of African-Caribbean origin.

9 Common symptoms High blood pressure does not usually cause noticeable symptoms, but a few can be noticed;  Headache  Fatigue/tiredness  Palpitation (increased heart rate)  General ill health

10 How is High Blood Pressure diagnosed?  A single blood pressure reading that is high does not mean you have hypertension  Hypertension is confirmed if several blood pressure readings taken on different occasions (at least three) when you are relaxed are high, that is 140/90mmHg  Blood pressure measurement can be done at the clinic or at home with a blood pressure device.

11 What are some of the complications or dangers of High Blood Pressure?  Kidney damage  Eye damage  Stroke  Heart attack

12 Management and Treatment  This is aimed at reducing high blood pressure.  Lifestyle changes and medications are used to reduce high blood pressure.  Lifestyle changes are usually recommended first before patients are put on medications.

13 Some of the lifestyle changes recommended include  Losing weight (if you are overweight)  Reducing alcohol intake  Stop smoking  Regular exercise  Healthy diet:

14 Some of the lifestyle changes recommended include  Reducing salt intake  Low fat diet  Reducing number of caffeine drinks  Eating more white meat (e.g. poultry) and fish  Reducing stress; allow some time for relaxation and leisure.

15 Treatment Where lifestyle modification alone cannot attain lowering of high blood pressure, various medications prescribed by your doctor should be taken.


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