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1. Hypertension is High Blood Pressure.

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2 1. Hypertension is High Blood Pressure.
True- High Blood Pressure

3 2. High blood pressure cannot be cured.
True- But it can be controlled in most cases.

4 3. High blood pressure is not life threatening.
False- Hypertension in a major contributing factor to heart disease, stroke and kidney disease.

5 4. Diet does not effect blood pressure.
False- Diet can be used to help control hypertension by controlling over weight or salt intake.

6 5. Hypertension may have no obvious signs and symptoms.
True- hypertension is called the silent killer because there are no obvious signs like pain, discomfort, temperature, etc. 90% are asymptomatic.

7 6. 160/80 is a normal blood pressure for someone your age.
False- That would be an extremely high blood pressure. Below 120/80 would be considered normal for your age.

8 100-120/70-80 is what is considered normal blood pressure for someone your age.

9 7. Hypertension can be hereditary.
True- If you have hypertension in your family, it could mean you are more susceptible.

10 8. Learning relaxation techniques to reduce stress can prevent hypertension.
True- Learning to relax can reduce your blood pressure.

11 9. Excess use of salt can reduce my blood pressure.
False- Excess use of salt can increase blood pressure.

12 10. High blood pressure can lead to heart attacks, strokes and kidney disease.

13 11. Being overweight can increase my blood pressure.
True- being overweight can increase your blood pressure but being overweight does not cause hypertension.

14 12. High blood pressure can only occur in old age.
False- hypertension can occur at any age.

15 13. Smoking increases the risk of high blood pressure.
True- Nicotine constricts the blood vessels and increases hypertension.

16 True- All can help reduce blood pressure.
14. Changes in diet, exercise, rest and relaxation are ways to reduce hypertension. True- All can help reduce blood pressure.

17 15. Blood pressure is the measurement of the force of pressure in the blood vessels during the heart’s contraction and rest. True

18 16. A person with normal blood pressure may experience elevated blood pressure under certain conditions. True- Exercise, stress, illness, excitement may all raise blood pressure momentarily.

19 17. Taking your blood pressure requires a blood sample.
False- taking your blood pressure is quick and painless.

20 18. Hypertension goes up naturally with age.
True- the older your get, normally the higher your blood pressure will go. Within limits.

21 19. Your blood pressure is measured with a
Machine called a Sphygmomanometer

22 20. The top number in your blood pressure is called…
Systolic pressure

23 21. The bottom number in your blood pressure is called…
Diastolic pressure


25 22. A person with normal blood pressure should have it read how often?
Once a year

26 23. List three ways to reduce high blood pressure.
Lower cholesterol Stop smoking Loss weight if overweight Reduce stress Exercise regularly Reduce use of alcohol.

27 Factors you cannot control in regards to hypertension are…
Age Race Heredity Sex Diabetes

28 1714


30 The End

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