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Brooke Nessen Health Class (Grades 10-12) Explaining Cholesterol (Video)

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2 Brooke Nessen Health Class (Grades 10-12)

3 Explaining Cholesterol (Video)

4  Waxy, fat-like substance  Naturally occurring in the body  Some is needed for body to properly function  protect nerves, make cell tissue, & make certain hormones  Too much cholesterol can be dangerous!

5  Too much cholesterol in blood can stick to artery walls and build-up.  Build-up is known as plaque.  Plaque narrows and sometimes blocks arteries.

6  Bodies produce cholesterol needed for functions.  Excess cholesterol comes from foods people eat:  Animal sources- egg yolks, cheese, meat  Foods with increased amounts of saturated and trans-fat

7  Factors affecting cholesterol :  Heredity  Physical Activity  Weight  Diet  Age & Sex  Lifestyle MMM, CHOLESTEROL!

8  Usually no symptoms for high cholesterol  Should get tested:  At 20 years old with follow up once every 5 years if levels are good  About every year for people who have diabetes, high BP, heart disease, stroke, or blood flow problems  Every year for those on medication controlling high cholesterol

9  Testing children is debatable.  Only test children with high risk factors like:  Family history of high cholesterol  Family history of heart attacks at 55 in men and before age 65 in females

10  Lipoprotein Panel Test checks:  Total Cholesterol  HDL cholesterol  LDL cholesterol  Triglycerides  Tests are done to get a better understanding of risks.

11  High Density Lipoprotein  A.k.a. HDL  Carries cholesterol from other parts of the body to the liver where it’s removed HDL

12  Low Density Lipoprotein  A.k.a. LDL  High levels of LDL lead to plaque build-up in arteries. LDL


14  Fat found in blood  Increased amounts lead to risk of heart disease.  What can raise triglyceride level?  Obesity  Lack of exercise  Smoking cigarettes & drinking alcohol excessively  Genetics, diseases, & medicine  Poor diet with large amounts of carbohydrates and fats

15  Levels of cholesterol depend on the individual.  Normal levels vary but typically:  Total Cholesterol: less than 200 mg/dL is desired  HDL: 40-59 mg/dL is good, lower than 40 is putting yourself at risk  LDL: less than 100 mg/dL is optimal  Triglycerides: 150-199 mg/dL is borderline high

16  High Cholesterol can lead to:  Atherosclerosis  Coronary Heart Disease  Heart Attack  Stroke  High Blood Pressure

17  Medicine  Statins  Bile acid sequestrants  Nicotinic acid  Fibrates  Ezitimibe  All used to lower LDL or raise HDL  Muscle cramping is a serious side effect of some medicines.  Some may also cause liver problems.

18  Lipitor Commercial 2010/2011 Lipitor Commercial 2010/2011

19  Diet Changes  Less than 200mg of cholesterol a day  Only 25-35% of daily calories should be from fat.  Limit intake of salt.  Eat more soluble fiber and less fatty food. ▪ Whole grain, fruits, vegetables  Some fish help to keep the heart healthy.

20 PPhysical Activity GGET SOME EXERCISE! RRoutine physical activity lowers the amount of bad cholesterol and raises the amount of good cholesterol in your body.

21  Cholesterol is found naturally in our bodies and in foods we eat.  High cholesterol can put you at risk for many heart problems.  A healthy lifestyle can have a big impact on your cholesterol!

22  MedlinePlus- MedlinePlus  (  And collaborating links  National Heart Lung and Blood Institute National Heart Lung and Blood Institute  ( THE END

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