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Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering

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1 Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering
Chapter 13

2 Learning Goals 1. Summarize the two steps of Genetic Engineering, explaining each of the sub steps. 2. Explain at least two ways that genetic engineering is used in our lives.

3 Selective Breeding We decide who breeds to select traits we want

4 Genetic Engineering Making changes in the DNA code of a living organism Step 1: Genetic Manipulation Step 2: Cell Transformation

5 Step 1: Genetic Manipulation
Scientists use their knowledge of DNA structure to study and change DNA. 1. DNA extraction DNA is separated from the rest of the cell. 2. Cutting the DNA Restriction enzymes cut DNA into smaller fragments so it is easier to study/analyze.

6 4. Making Recombinant DNA
3. Making copies Polymerase chain reaction is used to make many copies of a particular gene 4. Making Recombinant DNA Pieces of DNA from one organism are attached to the DNA of another organism

7 Step 2: Cell Transformation
Foreign DNA is inserted into a cell 1. Take gene and put it into a different cell Use a bacteria plasmid or a virus to “deliver” gene to new cell 2. New “Host” cell will follow the DNA instructions of the inserted gene 3. Can be used to make important cell products or give organism new traits


9 Applications of Genetic Engineering
Genetically-modified Organisms : an organism that contains some genes from another species Useful Applications: 1. Making medicines 2.Genetically-modified foods 3.Other Applications

10 1. Making Medicines Cells make important protein products that people with diseases need EX: Insulin for Diabetes EX: Human Growth Hormone EX: Blood clotting factors

11 2. Genetically-modified foods
Produce BIGGER foods Feed more people Disease & pest resistant Frost resistant

12 3. Other applications Pet “Glo” Fish

13 Glow-in-the-Dark Bunnies & Mice

14 Cloning Dolly the Sheep

15 Copy Cat: Clone your favorite dead pet!

16 Genetic Ethics People have strong feelings about genetic engineering.
What do you think about what you have just learned? Turn to your partner and share one idea.

17 Learning Goals 1. Summarize the two steps of Genetic Engineering, explaining each of the sub steps. 2. Explain at least two ways that genetic engineering is used in our lives.

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