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Presentation on theme: "TRENDS IN COMPUTING-MOBILE PHONES GEORGIA HARRIS."— Presentation transcript:


2 WHAT TOPIC HAVE I CHOSEN AND WHY? I have chosen mobile phones because I feel like I have been brought up in a generation of growing technology in mobile phones.

3 HOW HAS IT DEVELOPED? In 1986 Vodafone had 25,000 customers, where as now they have over 411 million customers. Mobile phones have developed from a big brick that you couldn’t even fit in your pocket, to now where you can get an iPhone 6 that is only 7.1mm thick. You can now get smartphones in all colours! When mobile phones where first developed you could only make calls, now you can play games, call, text, video chat, use social media, take pictures, take videos, listen to music, use the internet, get directions to your destinations, find the weather anywhere in the world, tell the time, make notes, use calender, check your email, read books, etc.

4 5 USES OF TECHNOLOGY AND THEIR IMPACT 1. Texting and calls. Their impacts means that some people may not talk as much in person but it also makes global communication much easier. 2. Searching the internet. The impact of searching the internet means that many things are much more accessible and people do things such as online shop, book holidays, research, etc all from your phone without having to go out. 3. Using social networks through your phone. The impact of this is it makes it easier for you to talk to friends and make new friends but the downside of this is not everyone's who you think they might be and you could be catfished. 4. Reminders. The impacts of this is it can be very helpful making sure your at places when you should be and have things done by their deadlines but a downside is if you loose your phone then someone who finds it will know where your supposed to be at certain times which could become a danger. 5. Online banking on your phone. This makes it much easier than having to go all the way to your bank but the downside is security problems if you loose your phone.

5 SOCIAL, LEGAL AND ETHICAL ISSUES Ethical- having you phone hacked is an invasion of your privacy. Social- people can become addicted to their phone, which could start to create unsociable generations. But it is very easy access to friends. Legal- fraud is against the law. Also someone could steal you identity and pretend to you online or steal money etc.


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