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Presentation on theme: "BRANDS, BRAINS AND BENEFITS YOUR PARTNERSHIP WITH WCC SEPTEMBER 1, 2011."— Presentation transcript:


2 MERCER 1 August 27, 2015 Who we are Mission statement Mercer WCC partners with clients to create strategic communication solutions that engage clients’ workforces and drive results. We ensure communications are planned and executed with precision by our expert consultants leveraging innovative technology.

3 MERCER 2 August 27, 2015 The WCC brand Visionary – Thinking out-of-the-box to provide creative solutions through print media and cutting-edge technology Strategic – Diving deep to take unique communication issues and challenges and develop customized solutions that support clients’ business objectives Cross-function – Adding value to ALL Mercer lines of business. Communication is needed whenever clients need to make changes in health care and retirement benefits, compensation programs, human capital or total rewards

4 MERCER 3 August 27, 2015 WCC or Outsourcing Comparing service offerings OutsourcingWCC Templated communication with customizationCustomized strategic solutions to support employee behavior change and accelerated business results Examples: portal launch, employee engagement, retirement readiness/education, recruiting, talent management, Belong, branding, campaigns designed around employer value propositions, online total rewards Approach based on administrative solution, tools and systems Approach based on client-specific employee research and testing Standard work plan Based on market research/ administration experience Standard programs to support employee education on total benefits Custom strategy Aligns with client business strategy and in support of organizational change Client-specific educational programs and tools to enhance standardized vendor materials Client specific content, design and messaging To support administration processes To reflect client’s culture and brand To reflect client plan design, demographics and business challenges Customized graphic design based on client culture and brand

5 MERCER 4 August 27, 2015 WCC or Outsourcing … questions to consider QuestionOut.WCC Is client’s communication need based on a specific business strategy or objective?  Is employee research needed to develop a communication approach?  Does the client already have an existing relationship with one or the other? If so, is that working well?  If it is an Outsourcing client, do they want to leverage the “bundled” communication to save money?  Does client want a local communication presence?  Does it make sense for WCC and Outsourcing to share the communication business?  Is the client interested in a customized portal or interactives? 

6 MERCER 5 August 27, 2015 Employees … what’s on the “brain”? New US employee engagement survey shows more employees say benefits play significant role in their decision to join an organization (up 10% from 2005) A good retirement savings or pension plan ranks #2 in value to employees (PAY is #1) Only 43% of employees say they are doing enough financially to prepare for retirement (the percent who actually ARE doing enough is probably much lower) Only 41% say that their company is doing enough to help them prepare for retirement

7 MERCER 6 August 27, 2015 The new retirement deal Age matters – Segmenting the audience is critical as different strategies are needed to communicate with various age groups Think life planning – Talk about financial health … not just “retirement” Simplify and personalize – Jargon and financial terms can confuse people. Use personalized tools that SHOW rather than tell the story. Involve employees – They are taking on more responsibility and risk. Employers need to engage them in actively planning for a healthy financial future. Showpiece the plan – Help employees see the value of their retirement benefits. Plans are a big expense for employers and should be the cornerstone of an organization’s Total Rewards package.

8 MERCER 7 August 27, 2015 Hot topics in retirement … what to listen for with clients When your client says … “Our employees don’t appreciate the value of their retirement package.” “We’re freezing our retirement plan next year.” or “We’re planning big changes for our retiree medical plan.” “We don’t think our employees are saving enough.” “Our executive plans are changing.” “We want to do a pension plan cash out.” Let’s discuss … Retirement or total compensation statement – can be print or online Employer materials vs. vendor materials Employee meetings and education campaigns Personalized statements Required notices, SPD updates Retirement modeling tools and apps Retirement vertical for HR portal Personalized statements QSERP/deferred compensation communication Personalized statements Pension plan cash out communication package

9 MERCER 8 August 27, 2015 WCC retirement clients … what they’re doing Kroger – Positioning retirement communication alongside overall health (good health = a more financial secure future) –Great Financial Health flipbook Honda – Ongoing retirement planning education by leveraging print and personalized tools –Retirement Planning flipbook –Power Planning statement –Widgets OGE – Education about new retirement plan choices –Decision guide, posters, personalized statements –Interactive CD-ROM

10 MERCER 9 August 27, 2015 WCC retirement clients … what they’re doing St. Luke’s Episcopal Health System – Multimedia approach to retirement change –Executive focus groups, print with personalized statements, cascaded meetings with voiceover PPT Lennox – Awareness and education of retirement change in U.S. and Canada –Interactive flip book, print, personalized statements, Pan American Life – Communicating a pension freeze and 401(k) change Noble Energy, Rowan – Helping employees understand the total value of their compensation –Print total compensation statements

11 MERCER 10 August 27, 2015 Pension plan cash out package 3 mailings –Educational brochure with election form and required notices –Personalized statement –Reminder postcard $35,000 base price + $30/participant (pricing modifications for larger groups) Sample postcard Sample brochure pages Sample statement

12 MERCER 11 August 27, 2015 Mercer Belong Proprietary portal platform Leverages technology to support engagement and collaboration Delivers HR information in a streamlined way through apps, guides, groups and blogs – reflecting how we access other information in our everyday lives Represents best practices based on 20 years of experience – regularly refreshed to reflect newest and best thinking about HR communication Built on SharePoint because clients are moving in that direction and it supports seamless integration of content, collaboration and social media Other new media – –Mobile contact app –Mobile quizzes –QR tags

13 MERCER 12 August 27, 2015 Next steps … what’s in it for you? Sales credit – everybody wins when we bring in more business Builds credibility with clients – shows you are engaged with other LOBs and can further support client business objectives through offering other services Achieve “One Mercer” goal – we are one company and should leverage that power

14 MERCER 13 August 27, 2015 Questions



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