1 A European Network for an Environmentally Compatible Air Transport System (ECATS) University of Athens’ contribution Contact: Professor Costas Helmis.

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Presentation on theme: "1 A European Network for an Environmentally Compatible Air Transport System (ECATS) University of Athens’ contribution Contact: Professor Costas Helmis."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 A European Network for an Environmentally Compatible Air Transport System (ECATS) University of Athens’ contribution Contact: Professor Costas Helmis chelmis@phys.uoa.gr Airports affect strongly local air quality. Aviation emits pollutants at atmospheric layers characterized by low concentrations and large residence times. Moreover, aviation produces clouds (condensation trails) and affects natural clouds. Three Thematic Areas of interest are defined in the frame of ECATS: (1) Airport Air Quality, (2) Engine Emissions & (3) Green flights and scenarios Interpret and study data derived from the ECATS airport campaigns Use ECATS data for modeling purposes, incl. model improvements and coupling Study the effect of aviation on cirrus coverage, conduct capability Gap Analysis Disseminate capabilities and expertise of ECATS partners related to AAQ monitoring and modeling and knowledge of the airport operators’ needs

2 LAP-AUTH Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics - AUTH Research activities  Remote sensing of atmospheric composition  Regional air quality predictions  Global climate changes (data analysis and simulations)  Ozone and solar UV radiation monitoring Contact details: Head, Prof. Alkiviadis Bais e-mail: lap@physics.auth.gr http://lap.physics.auth.gr

3 AUTh/ LHTEE MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Air pollution abatement technology - Increased aircraft fuel efficiency - Innovative photocatalytic coatings - Liquid hydrogen as aircraft fuel Air quality assessment - Integrated assessment of control strategies - Spatial air quality assessment methodology - External cost estimates related to air pollution Advanced air pollution modelling - Aerosol direct effect on urban meteorology - Multiscale models to assess megacity impacts - Transport particulate emissions & health More details: http://aix.meng.auth.gr Heat exchanger taking advantage of the excess flue gas enthalpy Pollutant dispersion in the urban environment LABORATORY OF HEAT TRANSFER AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Professor Nicolas Moussiopoulos

4 IHU Megacities: The MEGAPOLI project (2008-2011) Megacities: Emissions, urban, regional and Global Atmospheric POLlution and climate effects, and Integrated tools for assessment and mitigation “Brings together over 20 partners specializing in urban air quality and population exposure forecast and control, regional and global atmospheric pollution, and meteorological and climate research” Main objectives:  To assess impacts of megacities and large air-pollution hot-spots on local, regional and global air quality  To quantify feedbacks among megacity air quality, local and regional climate, and global climate change  To develop improved integrated tools for prediction of air pollution in megacities. http://megapoli.dmi.dk/ In collaboration with the WMO/GAW GURME project, with major US components

5  Air Quality Engineering  Laboratory and field measurements  Chemical transport modeling  Climate Change  Development of coupled General Circulation- Chemical Transport Models  Effects of particulate matter on climate (direct and indirect effects)  Air Quality-Climate Interactions University of Patras & Inst. of Chemical Engineering (ICE/FORTH) (Group Leader: Spyros Pandis) University of Patras Contact: spyros@chemeng.upatras.gr

6 Pan-European Gas-Aerosol Climate Interactions Study PEGASOS FP7 Large Scale (12 M€) Integrated Project (25 Groups- 16 Countries) led by ICE-FORTH in Patras (2011-2015) PEGASOS will: Quantify the magnitude of regional to global feedbacks between atmospheric chemistry and a changing climate. Identify mitigation strategies and policies to improve air quality in Europe while limiting their impact on climate change.

7 Environmental Chemical Processes Laboratory 3-D global (zoom)/ Regional /box modelling Maria Kanakidou http://ecpl.chemistry.uoc.gr/kanakidou Understanding atmospheric chemistry and climate changes due to human activities, natural variability and feedback mechanisms. Focii: Global and Regional (Europe/Mediterranean) http://ecpl.chemistry.uoc.gr http://www.chemistry.uoc.gr http://finokalia.chemistry.uoc.gr Atmospheric and sea-water observations Nikos Mihalopoulos Spyros Pergantis Analytical chemistry Heavy metals Euripides Stephanou Observations organic environmental chemistry Modeling

8 Environmental Chemical Processes Laboratory, Chemistry Dep. Univ of Crete, Heraklion, Greece http://ecpl.chemistry.uoc.gr Univ of Crete, Heraklion, Greece http://ecpl.chemistry.uoc.gr Maria Kanakidou mariak@chemistry.uoc.gr SO4 OC+EC PM10 variability and chemical compositionTM4-ECPL global model vs observations TM4-ECPL Global (zoom) WRF-CHEM/ CMAQ Regional Box Modelling http://ecpl.chemistry.uoc.gr/k anakidou/Kanakidou/publicati ons.htm

9 IHU Possible next steps Coordinate exchanges of scientists. Interlink networks. Define collaborative research with the participation of Greek and US groups. Involve US instructors in Master programs offered in Greece. Setup a task force to do all this, starting with an inventory of active groups. Expand to other areas.

10 Let’s take off … Source: Stadt Stuttgart / www.lfu.baden-wuerttemberg.de Thank you for your attention!

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