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Self Rule for Canada, Australia, New Zealand. Canada Indigenous France Britain (Indigenous = original inhabitants)  Durham Report (1839)  Learned from.

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Presentation on theme: "Self Rule for Canada, Australia, New Zealand. Canada Indigenous France Britain (Indigenous = original inhabitants)  Durham Report (1839)  Learned from."— Presentation transcript:

1 Self Rule for Canada, Australia, New Zealand

2 Canada Indigenous France Britain (Indigenous = original inhabitants)  Durham Report (1839)  Learned from mistake made with American colonies  Called for French speaking and English speaking Canada to be reunited  Gave Canada some self government

3 Canada  Commonwealth – political community for the common good (Queen Elizabeth II is the current queen)


5 Australia  Similar to America, the indigenous population suffered from European arrival  Aborigines – Australian indigenous people  Over 250 distinct languages  Prefer to be called Kooris  British later encouraged settlement  Offered land  1851 Gold Rush

6 Australia  Sydney – Australia’s largest city

7 Great Barrier Reef Reef and an island Coral Coral and Undersea life Diver and coral Australia

8 The changing colors of Uluru (Ayers Rock) Trekking up Ayers Rock The Great Australian Outback

9 Australia Unique Animals

10 New Zealand  Claimed for Britain in 1769  Indigenous people = Maori  Less spread out  Agricultural based people  Also suffered from European influence  First nation to give suffrage to women  Among first to guarantee pensions and minimum wages

11 New Zealand Traditional Tattooing

12 New Zealand Rugby All Blacks & the Haka

13 New Zealand

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